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Last Week in Pleiades

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 07, 2014 06:31 PM
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The all-volunteer editorial review team published 57 new or updated content items. We also set up Facebook, Twitter, and Feedburner accounts, as well as adding support for events and events listings to the site.

Complete lists of new and updated content items appear at the bottom of this post. Items in this series are tagged lastweek.

Review status

Pleiades has an active community of volunteer contributors, reviewers, and editors. As of this date, 75 of them have seen at least one of their contributions published on the website. As always, a list of editors, reviewers, and published contributors may be found on the credits page.

In the  past week, we have published 57 new and updated content items. The number of items still pending review stands at 731, down from over 1,000 three weeks ago. Editors are working with contributors privately to bring several of these into publication-ready status, and the rest are waiting their turn in line. There are also about 100 comments that users have attached to content items that need attention by the editors. We will continue our near-weekly practice of holding review parties until the backlog is cleared, working first with places, names, and locations submitted by community members and then turning to comments.

The next review party is scheduled for 12 August 2013. More reviewers are eagerly sought. We offer glory, honor, satisfaction, and masthead credit for your efforts; write to to volunteer.

Event listings

Speaking of review parties... if you drill down to the individual article for one of these events on the blog, you'll find that it differs from our regular blog posts (a.k.a. "news items" in the parlance of our website framework). We're using "event" content items for the review parties, rather than "news items." That means that the date and time information is encoded in them explicitly. You'll find convenient ical and vcal download links for such events so you can get them into your calendar easily. This approach has also allowed us to enable an "Upcoming Events" listing, which you'll see in the right-hand sidebar in various places around the site (though not on place, location, or name pages, where we think it's just too much clutter). You should see it to the right on this page, if you're reading it on the blog.

On the blog

As always, the most recent blog posts appear at the top of the Pleiades News Blog main page. This week, we added a "Subscribe" portlet on the right-hand side of the blog. It provides convenient links whereby you can subscribe to updates via RSS, Facebook, Twitter, and daily email digest (the latter courtesy of Google Feedburner). To enable the Facebook, Twitter, and email options, we had to set up corresponding accounts on those services. Separate blog posts went out yesterday about Facebook and Twitter.

New or updated place resources:

Kalavasos Ayios Dhimitrios: A Bronze Age site with monumental architecture in ancient Cyprus.
subordinate location resources:
Kalavasos Ayios Dhimitrios: A Bronze Age site with monumental architecture in ancient Cyprus.
subordinate location resources:
Koukonesi: Koukonesi is a small, coastal island in the Moudros harbour of Lemnos where important archaeological evidence for Bronze Age commerce has been discovered.
subordinate location resources:
Mitrou: Mitrou is an archaeological site in east Lokris. Archaeological evidence suggests Bronze Age and Iron Age occupation.
subordinate location resources:

New or updated location resources for existing places

location of Arch of Trajan: An arch dedicated to Trajan on the Via Flaminia, also known as the Arco di San Damiano. Location based on OpenStreetMap. (place: Carsulae)
location of basilica: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Carsulae)
location of baths: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Conimbriga)
location of Collemancio: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Urvinum Hortense)
location of course of Rhenus fl.: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Rhenus fl.)
location of Crosa fl.: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Crosa fl.)
location of Cryptoporticus of the Villa Domitiani: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Villa Domitiani)
location of decumanus maximus: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Carsulae)
location of Firmum Picenum: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Firmum Picenum)
location of forum: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Carsulae)
location of forum: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Conimbriga)
location of heroön: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Sagalassos)
location of Macedonian palace: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Pella/Diokletianoupolis)
location of odeion: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Sagalassos)
location of Planasia Ins.: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Planasia Ins.)
location of Ponte Navata: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: *Ponte Navata)
location of Ponte Navata: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: *Ponte Navata)
location of Porta Consolare: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Hispellum)
location of Porta Venere: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Hispellum)
location of Roman amphitheater: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Carsulae)
location of Roman amphitheater: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Lixus)
location of Roman amphitheater: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Hispellum)
location of Roman baths: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Sagalassos)
location of Roman theater: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Sagalassos)
location of Roman theater: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Carsulae)
location of Royal Tombs of Vergina: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Aigeai)
location of stadium: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Nemea)
location of stadium: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Nemea)
location of the Basilica: An important civic building in Pompeii and an early example of the building type. (place: Pompeii)
location of Tinna fl.: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Tinna fl.)
location of Tragia Ins.: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Tragia Ins.)
location of twin sanctuary: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Carsulae)
location of Upper Agora: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Sagalassos)
location of Urvinum Hortense: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Urvinum Hortense)
location of Vasiliki: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Vasiliki)
location of Vectis Ins.: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Vectis Ins.)
location of Vi(n)genna? fl.: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Vi(n)genna? fl.)
location of Villa Domitiani: Location based on OpenStreetMap (place: Villa Domitiani)

New or updated name resources for existing places