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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Thyateira by C. Foss — last modified Mar 20, 2024 12:46 PM
An ancient settlement of Asia Minor, located at modern Akhisar in Turkey. Visible remains today are limited; they include the archaeological area of Tepe Mezarı in the center of the modern town.
Place Thymaitadai by J.S. Traill — last modified Mar 06, 2024 12:36 PM
Thymaitadai was a city deme of the tribe Hippothoontis in Attica, located in modern Keratsini, a western suburb of Piraeus.
Place Thymbras Pedion by C. Foss — last modified Sep 07, 2022 11:54 AM
A plain located south of Troy.
Place Thymbria by C. Foss — last modified Jul 23, 2012 03:46 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 unlocated Thymbria
Place Thymbrion by T. Drew Bear — last modified Jul 23, 2012 03:07 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 unlocated Thymbrion
Place Thymbrios (river) by C. Foss — last modified Nov 19, 2021 08:01 PM
A small river of the Troad and tributary of the Scamander.
Place Thymena/Teuthrania? by C. Foss — last modified Oct 20, 2012 03:40 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 86 D2 Thymena/Teuthrania?
Place Thymiana by C. Foss — last modified Feb 16, 2021 08:38 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 C5 Thymiana
Place Thymnias Sinus by C. Foss — last modified Jun 28, 2023 09:23 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 G4 Thymnias Sinus
Place Thynias by C. Foss — last modified Oct 31, 2021 12:25 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 B1 Thynias
Place Thynias by C. Foss — last modified Oct 31, 2021 12:16 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 C1 Thynias
Place Thynias Pr. by C. Foss — last modified Oct 31, 2021 05:38 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 C1 Thynias Pr.
Place Thynias/Apollonia/Daphnousia (island) by C. Foss — last modified Jan 04, 2021 11:15 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 G2 Thynias/Apollonia/Daphnousia Ins.
Place Thynis by J. Keenan — last modified Aug 20, 2012 02:04 PM
An ancient settlement, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Place Thynis/Thone by M. Drew Bear — last modified Mar 04, 2022 03:50 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 77 D1 Thynis/Thone
Place Thynoi by C. Foss — last modified Sep 09, 2022 08:09 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 F2 Thynoi
Place Thyraion by G. Reger — last modified Mar 29, 2024 04:32 PM
An ancient town of Arcadia that was said to have been founded by Thyraeus, a son of Lycaon. It is possibly to be localized in the area of the modern village of Palamari in Greece's Trikolonoi municipality (Arcadia).
Place Thyrea by G. Reger — last modified Apr 24, 2024 09:59 AM
An ancient settlement, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Place Thyrea(tis) by G. Reger — last modified Apr 24, 2024 10:13 AM
An ancient district on the eastern shoreline of the Peloponnese, between the Argeia and Laconia.
Place Thyrides by G. Reger — last modified Apr 24, 2024 10:26 AM
A promontory on the west side of the central southern peninsula of the Peloponnese in Greece.

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