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Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 28, 2020 06:01 PM
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Place Bridge Within the Villa Neronis
Place Bridge at Abodiacum An ancient bridge over the Licca river, located at Abodiacum.
Place Bridge at Aspendos An unnamed bridge over Eurymedon fl.
Place Bridge at Augusta Vindelicum An ancient bridge over the Licca river, located at Augusta Vindelicum.
Place Bridge at Brugnato A Medieval bridge of Roman origins on the Vara river.
Place Bridge at Eleonas Excavations of the metro train line exposed piers of an ancient bridge across the Kephissos.
Place Bridge of Mantible The Bridge of Mantible (also known as Puente de Mantible) crosses the Ebro river northwest of Vareia. It is a Roman segmental arch bridge that likely dates to t...
Place Bridge on Via Cassia near *Volsinii Veteres An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 C3
Place Calamocha Roman bridge A Roman bridge over the the modern Jiloca river at Calamocha, Teruel province, Aragon, Spain.
Place Caneiras do Roxo An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 B3 Caneiras do Roxo
Place Cangas de Onís A Medieval bridge built by Alfonso XI of Castile and León that possibly rests on earlier Roman foundations.
Place Cáparra Roman bridge An unnamed bridge over the river Caparra, just north of ancient Capera, which is west-southwest of modern Casablanca (Guijo de Granadilla, Caceres, Extremadura,...
Place Capela de S. Águeda An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 C1 Capela de S. Águeda
Place Casal da Várzea An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 B2 Casal da Várzea
Place Casal do Mouchão An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 B2 Casal do Mouchão
Place Casas de Don Antonio Roman Bridge A Roman bridge spanned the modern Río Ayuela at what is now the south side of the Spanish village of Casas de Don Antonio. Scholars believe that the Roman road...
Place Castropodame An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 E2 Castropodame
Place Catribana Roman bridge A restored (2019) bridge located near Sintra, Portugal.
Place Cinco Puentes A Roman bridge
Place Cirauqui Remains of a Roman bridge and paved road.