@prefix cito: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix geo: . @prefix osgeo: . @prefix owl: . @prefix pleiades: . @prefix prov: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix spatial: . a ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Devia"; spatial:C ; rdfs:comment "The church of Santa Maria di Devia is a Romanesque church of the eleventh century with Byzantine frescoes dating to the twelfth through fourteenth centuries."; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf . a , ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Wikipedia (Italian) Chiesa di Santa Maria (Devia)"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "The church of Santa Maria di Devia is a Romanesque church of the eleventh century with Byzantine frescoes dating to the twelfth through fourteenth centuries."; dcterms:modified "2023-03-30T09:59:45-04:00"; dcterms:title "Santa Maria di Devia"; cito:citesForInformation ; rdfs:seeAlso ; owl:sameAs ; geo:lat 41.9060838668; geo:long 15.6187608592; skos:altLabel "Chiesa di Santa Maria (Devia)"@it; skos:inScheme ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ]; pleiades:hasFeatureType ; pleiades:hasLocation ; pleiades:hasName . a ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Wikipedia (Italian) Chiesa di Santa Maria (Devia)"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2023-03-30T09:59:45-04:00"; dcterms:title "Chiesa di Santa Maria (Devia)"; cito:citesForInformation ; owl:sameAs ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Pleiades" ]; pleiades:during ; pleiades:end_date 2099; pleiades:nameAttested "Chiesa di Santa Maria (Devia)"@it; pleiades:nameRomanized "Chiesa di Santa Maria (Devia)"; pleiades:start_date 2000 . a ; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[15.6186414, 41.9060199], [15.6188638, 41.9060315], [15.6188735, 41.9060361], [15.6188819, 41.9060403], [15.6188872, 41.9060473], [15.6188949, 41.9060823], [15.6188949, 41.906092], [15.6188792, 41.9061324], [15.6188728, 41.9061398], [15.6188531, 41.9061464], [15.6186306, 41.9061349], [15.6186414, 41.9060199]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((15.6186413999999996 41.9060198999999969, 15.6188637999999997 41.9060314999999974, 15.6188734999999994 41.9060361000000015, 15.6188818999999999 41.9060403000000008, 15.6188871999999996 41.9060472999999973, 15.6188949000000008 41.9060823000000013, 15.6188949000000008 41.9060920000000010, 15.6188792000000003 41.9061323999999971, 15.6188728000000001 41.9061397999999983, 15.6188531000000008 41.9061463999999972, 15.6186305999999995 41.9061348999999979, 15.6186413999999996 41.9060198999999969))"; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "OSM Way 192897607"; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap"; dcterms:modified "2023-03-30T09:59:45-04:00"; dcterms:title "OSM location of Santa Maria di Devia"; cito:citesAsDataSource ; owl:sameAs ; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "OpenStreetMap (Way 192897607, version 5, osm:changeset=46615121, 2017-03-06T07:26:59Z)" ] . a ; owl:sameAs , ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "church"@en; skos:scopeNote "A church building as defined by the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus term 300007466: \"Buildings for public Christian worship that are distinguished historically from chapels and oratories, which are buildings that are in some respect private, or not public in the widest sense. Church architecture generally somewhat follows standard models, which vary depending upon the date, location, and characteristics of the congregation.\""@en . a ; owl:sameAs ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "twenty-first century of the common era"@en .