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OSM location of Ponte Sant'Angelo

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 26, 2023 08:33 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.4664236, 41.9015084 ], [ 12.4663175, 41.9015047 ], [ 12.4663182, 41.9015529 ], [ 12.4664001, 41.9015846 ], [ 12.4664170, 41.9015847 ], [ 12.4664103, 41.9016622 ], [ 12.4664043, 41.9017309 ], [ 12.4663308, 41.9017279 ], [ 12.4663209, 41.9018025 ], [ 12.4663978, 41.9018054 ], [ 12.4663919, 41.9018724 ], [ 12.4663843, 41.9019591 ], [ 12.4663754, 41.9019587 ], [ 12.4663082, 41.9019628 ], [ 12.4663027, 41.9020263 ], [ 12.4663578, 41.9020357 ], [ 12.4663776, 41.9020366 ], [ 12.4663717, 41.9021043 ], [ 12.4663646, 41.9021851 ], [ 12.4662776, 41.9021830 ], [ 12.4662364, 41.9022540 ], [ 12.4663579, 41.9022613 ], [ 12.4663518, 41.9023318 ], [ 12.4663464, 41.9023940 ], [ 12.4663416, 41.9024543 ], [ 12.4663988, 41.9024566 ], [ 12.4664587, 41.9024580 ], [ 12.4664643, 41.9023901 ], [ 12.4664687, 41.9023395 ], [ 12.4664705, 41.9023183 ], [ 12.4664749, 41.9022690 ], [ 12.4664904, 41.9022693 ], [ 12.4665716, 41.9022341 ], [ 12.4665721, 41.9022295 ], [ 12.4665002, 41.9021883 ], [ 12.4664819, 41.9021879 ], [ 12.4664887, 41.9021099 ], [ 12.4664947, 41.9020417 ], [ 12.4665256, 41.9020431 ], [ 12.4665967, 41.9020103 ], [ 12.4665290, 41.9019656 ], [ 12.4665014, 41.9019644 ], [ 12.4665089, 41.9018783 ], [ 12.4665149, 41.9018098 ], [ 12.4665378, 41.9018107 ], [ 12.4666028, 41.9017746 ], [ 12.4665576, 41.9017373 ], [ 12.4665213, 41.9017358 ], [ 12.4665274, 41.9016671 ], [ 12.4665353, 41.9015759 ], [ 12.4666168, 41.9015432 ], [ 12.4665549, 41.9015129 ], [ 12.4665408, 41.9015124 ], [ 12.4665424, 41.9014946 ], [ 12.4665472, 41.9014401 ], [ 12.4665523, 41.9013808 ], [ 12.4665568, 41.9013301 ], [ 12.4664990, 41.9013273 ], [ 12.4664669, 41.9013257 ], [ 12.4664397, 41.9013244 ], [ 12.4664344, 41.9013853 ], [ 12.4664301, 41.9014349 ], [ 12.4664236, 41.9015084 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 134399943, version 9, osm:changeset=132020664, 2023-02-02T22:14:52Z)