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OSM location of Jazirat Firawn

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 22, 2022 06:50 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 34.8603098, 29.4614414 ], [ 34.8603567, 29.4613795 ], [ 34.8603930, 29.4613538 ], [ 34.8605002, 29.4613387 ], [ 34.8605137, 29.4613503 ], [ 34.8605002, 29.4614134 ], [ 34.8605057, 29.4614437 ], [ 34.8605485, 29.4614683 ], [ 34.8606088, 29.4614940 ], [ 34.8606384, 29.4615372 ], [ 34.8607041, 29.4618081 ], [ 34.8607884, 29.4623794 ], [ 34.8608851, 29.4625028 ], [ 34.8609871, 29.4625425 ], [ 34.8610273, 29.4625799 ], [ 34.8610219, 29.4626383 ], [ 34.8609844, 29.4626733 ], [ 34.8609171, 29.4627600 ], [ 34.8607323, 29.4629839 ], [ 34.8606464, 29.4633038 ], [ 34.8607296, 29.4639204 ], [ 34.8607323, 29.4640512 ], [ 34.8607028, 29.4641773 ], [ 34.8607215, 29.4642777 ], [ 34.8607832, 29.4643431 ], [ 34.8607779, 29.4643909 ], [ 34.8607403, 29.4644143 ], [ 34.8606907, 29.4644096 ], [ 34.8601770, 29.4642660 ], [ 34.8600389, 29.4642029 ], [ 34.8595776, 29.4638573 ], [ 34.8593417, 29.4633831 ], [ 34.8593268, 29.4633475 ], [ 34.8592812, 29.4632350 ], [ 34.8592731, 29.4631450 ], [ 34.8593080, 29.4630011 ], [ 34.8594475, 29.4628006 ], [ 34.8594502, 29.4627632 ], [ 34.8594274, 29.4627422 ], [ 34.8593201, 29.4627002 ], [ 34.8593093, 29.4626756 ], [ 34.8593053, 29.4624550 ], [ 34.8594260, 29.4622249 ], [ 34.8595440, 29.4618594 ], [ 34.8595829, 29.4618209 ], [ 34.8596232, 29.4617929 ], [ 34.8596446, 29.4617368 ], [ 34.8596609, 29.4616450 ], [ 34.8596592, 29.4616069 ], [ 34.8596429, 29.4615805 ], [ 34.8596553, 29.4615570 ], [ 34.8597404, 29.4615340 ], [ 34.8597711, 29.4615198 ], [ 34.8598069, 29.4615453 ], [ 34.8598632, 29.4615442 ], [ 34.8602857, 29.4614589 ], [ 34.8603098, 29.4614414 ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 14405890, version 13, osm:changeset=114729712, 2021-12-09T07:26:42Z)