Creators: R.B. Hitchner
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36.853056, 10.323056
- Representative Locations:
- DARE Location (750 BC - AD 640) accuracy: +/- 10 meters.
- Carthago located on Untitled (unspecified date range)
- Carthago connection Uticensis Sinus (unspecified date range)
- Basilica Damous el-Karita located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Baths of Antoninus at Carthage located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Bir Ftouha basilica located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Bir Massouda part of (administrative) Carthago (750 BC - AD 640)
- Byrsa located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Carthage military harbor located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Cisterns of La Maalga located at Carthago (330 BC - AD 300)
- Dermech basilica located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Odéon at Carthage located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Punic-Roman Sanctuary, Kamart located near Carthago (30 BC - AD 300)
- Roman amphitheater of Carthage connection Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Roman circus of Carthage connection Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Roman harbor at Carthage located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Roman theater at Carthage located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Roman villa located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Tophet de Salammbô located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Tophet of Carthage located at Carthago (unspecified date range)
- Zaghouan Aqueduct flows into Carthago (unspecified date range)
settlement, port
- Evidence:
- See Further:
- AAT I 14.1
- Altekamp 2024
- BAtlas 32 F3 Carthago
- Boensch-Bär 2022
- Canadian Excavations at Carthage, 1976 and 1978
- EncBerb 12 Carthage
- Excavations at Carthage
- Excavations at Carthage 2. 2.
- Humphrey 1976-1982
- Humphrey and Pedley 1978
- Humphrey et al. 1976
- Hurst and Stager 1978
- ItAnt (Cuntz) 22,5 Cartagine
- ItMiller 908
- New Pauly Carthage
- PECS (Perseus) CARTHAGE Tunisia
- Pedley 1980
- Rakob 1990
- Rakob 2000
- Roman Carthage
- ToposText Carthage (Tunisia)
- WHL 37: Archaeological Site of Carthage
- Wightman 1980
- Wikipedia (English) Carthage
- Wikipedia (French) Site archéologique de Carthage
- Świerk 2022
- Related:
Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 32 F3 Carthago
The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Carthage
R.B. Hitchner, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Jonathan Prag, R. Warner, R. Talbert, and Ingrid Luo, 'Carthago: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2024 <> [accessed: 23 March 2025]
{{cite web |url= |title=Places: 314921 (Carthago) |author=Hitchner, R. |accessdate=March 23, 2025 11:26 pm |publisher=Pleiades}}