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Linked Data Sidebar

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Mar 18, 2025 04:16 PM
Explains the function and purpose of the Linked Data Sidebar portlet that appears on many Pleiades place pages.

Soft-launched in February 2025, the "Linked Data Sidebar" portlet is a new interface component that summarizes in-bound links to a given Place resource from partner projects. Gold stars mark entries that are reciprocated by references in the Pleiades Place resource in question.

For example, if you were to encounter this sidebar on a Pleiades page, it would tell you that Pleiades is aware of links coming into the current place page from the following resources:

  • The Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH): 65 links
  • The Itiner-E database of Roman Roads: 16 links
  • The MANTO database of Greek myth: 1 link from a page titled "Lougdounon"
  • The Nomisma database of numismatic concepts: 1 link from a page titled "Lugdunum"
  • Wikidata: 1 link from a item labeled "Lugdunum"

When an inbound link in the sidebar matches a bibliographic reference in the corresponding Pleiades place page, we consider this a "reciprocal link". The sidebar displays a gold star icon, instead of a simple bullet character, next to such links. There are no gold stars in this example, so none of external resources providing these links has a corresponding link in the "references" list for this place. But a registered Pleiades contributor could easily add one.

The list of links from a given site can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the blue triangle preceding its name. Each individual link label is clickable; hovering over one will pop up a small box containing whatever short description the originating page uses for its contents.

Clicking on the "JSON version" link will give you access to the raw data from which that sidebar entry has been created. That data is also available in the "pleiades.datasets" collection, under the path "/data/sidebar/" (see the Downloads page, sub "Quarterly Numbered Archival Releases (pleiades.datasets)").

Code for the Linked Data sidebar was written by Jesse Snyder for Jazkarta, Inc. under contract to NYU/ISAW.

Indexed Sites

The following external sites are currently indexed for presentation in the sidebar:
  • CFL/AGO: "Toponyme" entries from:
    Veronique Chankowski, Amélie Perrier, Catherine Bouras, Sabine Fourrier, John Bennet, Michaeol Loy, Kostis Christakis, L. Mulot, and G. Bejjaji. Chronique Des Fouilles En Ligne = Archaeology in Greece Online. Athens: Ecole française d’Athènes and British School at Athens, 2018-.
  • Classical Temples: entries from:
    John D. Muccigrosso and Louis I. Hamilton. Temples of the Classical World. Rome Research Group.
  • EDH: entries from the "Geographic Database" of:
    Alföldy, Géza, and Christian Witschel, eds. Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Heidelberg: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1997-2021.
  • Itiner-E: road segment entries from:
    Brughmans, Tom, Pau de Soto, A. Pažout, and P. Bjerregaard Vahlstrup. Itiner-e: The Digital Atlas of Ancient Roads, 2024.
  • MANTO: place records from:
    Hawes, Greta, and Scott Smith. MANTO: a digital dataset of Greek myth. 2020-.
  • Nomisma: mint records from:
    Meadows, Andrew, Sebastian Heath, and Ethan Gruber. New York: American Numismatic Society, 2010-.
  • Wikidata: items in:
    Wikidata: The Free Knowledge Base That Anyone Can Edit. Wikimedia Foundation, 2014-.

Work is in progress to add additional external datasets to the Pleiades sidebar. If you are interested in having your data included, please send an email to .

Code used to create the JSON sidebar files can be found at