Last Week in Pleiades (10-17 March 2025)
Tom Elliott
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Last modified
Mar 17, 2025 04:13 PM
Last week the Pleiades editorial college published 19 new and 246 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Chris de Lisle, Sean Manning and Nicolas Souchon.
A terrain map with orange markers indicating updates and pink circles indicating new place resources. The map spans west to east: western Europe and the North African Mediterraenan coast to modern Pakistan. From north to south, it spans: the British Isles
New Place Resources
- Achaemenid empire
The Persian or Achaemenid empire based in ancient Iran dominated West Asia and Egypt from 559 to 331 BC.
Creators: Chris de Lisle
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - Ad Malum Punicum
Ad Malum Punicum describes a street on the Alta Semita in ancient Rome, likely corresponding to the modern Via delle Quattro Fontane. Vespasian owned a domus in this street and it was here that the future emperor Domitian was born.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Ancient Stadium of Sikyon
The ancient stadium of Sikyon.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Ayn-Manawir Temple
Temple dedicated to Osiris located 3km west of the modern village of Dush.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Published by: Tom Elliott - Chalcidicum
Augustus uses the generic term Chalcidicum to describe a porch he built as an approach to the Curia Iulia.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Chapel of Wadjmose
Chapel dedicated to the prince Wadjmose, son of Pharaoh Thutmose I.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - Colle Oliva
A Roman villa rustica in use from the middle Republican period until the 4th century A.D.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Funerary temple of Seti I
Temple dedicated to the cult of King Seti I located on the west bank of Thebes.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - House of the Skeleton
The so-called "The House of the Skeleton" at Herculaneum is a Roman domus that owes its name to the discovery of a human skeleton during excavations. Carlo Bonucci initially explored it between 1830 and 1831. Amedeo Maiuri completed the excavation in 1927.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - House of the Tiles
The so-called "House of the Tiles" at Lerna belongs to the Korakou culture in the Early Helladic II period (ca. 2500–2300 BCE). It was a monumental two-story building (12 x 25 meters) and has been interpreted as either a "proto-palace" or administrative center.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Odeon of Philippopolis
The ancient Roman odeon in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Riserva del Bagno necropolis
The Riserva del Bagno necropolis is an Etruscan necropolis of Veii along the road leading to Caere.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Roman theater of Philippopolis
The Roman theater in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Sanctuary of Ptah and Mertesger
Sanctuary dedicated to the god Ptah and the goddess Meretseger, located on the road linking the village of Deir el-Medina to the Valley of the Queens.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - South-Western Baths
A bath complex at Herculaneum that was discovered in the excavations of the so-called "Insula Occidentalis". It was not in use as a bath at the time of the 79 CE eruption as it had been repurposed as a ship-shed.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Temple of Montu
Egyptian temple dedicated to the god Montou in Armant, built and enlarged from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman period.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Valley of the Queens
A valley in Egypt where the burials of both Queens and Princes took place from the sixteenth to the eleventh centuries B.C. (Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties).
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - Velletri-Stimmate
At Velletri the remains of a Late Archaic sanctuary (ca. 530 BCE) were discovered beneath the church of the SS. Stimmate di S. Francesco. The site is often referred to as "Tempio delle Stimmate"; Cardinal Stefano Borgia discovered it in 1784. The architectural terracottas from the sanctuary are part of the so-called "Veio-Roma-Velletri" decorative system.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Villa di Prastina Pacato
Villa di Prastina Pacato, a suburban villa of ancient Tusculum.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott
Updated Place Resources
- 2nd Street
W-E street in the orthogonally gridded plan of Dura-Europos.
Modifications: Added wikidata 2nd street, Dura-Europos (Q116621894).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - A Street
N-S street in the orthogonally gridded plan of Dura-Europos.
Modifications: Wikidata A street, Dura-Europos (Q116621881).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Abydos
A city of Mysia located on the Hellespont.
Modifications: Created new connection. Updated references. Edited. ItAnt, ItMiller.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, H. Kopp, G. Reger, B. Siewert-Mayer, Johan Åhlfeldt, Richard Talbert, Chris de Lisle, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, DARMC, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa, Ryan M. Horne - Acalander (river)
Acalander fl.. a river of Lucania emptying into the Gulf of Tarentum.
Modifications: Wikidata Q629104.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Acerrae Vafriae
An ancient settlement of Umbria that is attested in Pliny the Elder but is recorded as a place that had vanished by his own day.
Modifications: Added BAtlDir.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Aquilam
Ad Aquilam was a Roman road station in North Etruria.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Ioglandem
Ad Ioglandem was a Roman road station located between Florentia and Clusium.
Modifications: Edited modified summary.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Mensulas
Now unlocated, Ad Mensulas was a Roman road station located between Saena and Clusium.
Modifications: Modified summary. Wikidata Q133285627.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Nonas
Ad Nonas is the name of a now unlocated road station near Cosa; the name is attested in the Peutinger Table.
Modifications: Added BAtlDir. RE Ad Nonas.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Novas
An unlocated Roman road station in Italy. As represented on the Peutinger Map, it was at least a minor hub in the road network, connected to Ad Grecos (unlocated), Arretium, Clusium, and Manliana. The Barrington Atlas Directory describes its likely general localization as "between Saena and Clusium".
Modifications: Added TP name, TP reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Pirum Filumeni/Ad Pirum
Ad Pirum (Filumeni) was a Roman road station located between between Metaurus fl. and Sena fl.
Modifications: Updated references. Updated reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Radices
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B6 Ad Radices
Modifications: Updated references. EDH G014325: Ad Radices – Trojan (Beli Osâm, "Kamen Most").
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Sextum
Ad Sextum was a Roman road station located between Populonium and Saena.
Modifications: Updated references. RE ad Sextum I. Added BAtlDir reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Stoma
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 23 C3 Ad Stoma
Modifications: Wikidata Q15178106.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: David Braund
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Diane Braund, Tom Elliott - Ad Tine Recine
‘Ad Tine Recine’ was a Roman road station between Tres Tabernae and Fanum Fugitivi.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Aedes Salus
While consul in 311 BCE, Caius Iunius Bubulcus Brutus vowed the temple of Salus; he would later dedicate it as dictator in 302 BCE. While no physical remains of the temple are known, textual and epigraphic testimony suggest that it would have been located near the present-day Piazza del Quirinale.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Aequum Faliscum
A settlement along the Via Flaminia, now unlocated. Strabo places it between Otricoli and Rome; the possibility must be allowed that it is taken to be identical with Falerii.
Modifications: Updated references. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ala Miliaria/Tigit
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 29 F1 Ala Miliaria/Tigit
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T.W. Potter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Alazones
An ancient people, tribe, or cultural group.
Modifications: Wikidata Q123278836.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: David Braund
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, Michael Heubel, Sean Gillies, Diane Braund, Ryan M. Horne - Albota
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B4 Albota
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Alcántara
The Roman temple of Alcántara is a well-preserved structure located at one side of the Alcántara Bridge in Extremadura (Spain). The building, dating to A.D. 103, is the work of Caius Iulius Lacer. The lintel inscription indicates the structure was dedicated to Trajan.
Modifications: Wikidata Q7362337.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Ameria
Ameria, claimed by Cato the Elder as the oldest town in Umbria, was an important center that may have gained Roman municipal status as early as 338 B.C., following the Latin War.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Amnisos
A Bronze Age site on the north shore of Crete that may have served as a port for Knossos.
Modifications: Updated references. Geonames 8224432: Amnissos.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maija Gierhart, R. Scott Smith, Brady Kiesling, Greta Hawes, Tom Elliott - Anavarza Kalesi
Anavarza Kalesi is a large fortress of Byzantine and Armenian date on probable Roman foundations. It shares its Turkish name with the 200m high limestone outcrop on which it stands. This outcrop served as the acropolis of ancient Anazarbos, and it also has been suggested as a location for the earlier "Kundu," which is mentioned in Akkadian sources.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Andautonia
A Roman settlement and municipium near the Sava river, on the location of the modern village of Šćitarjevo, Croatia, south of Zagreb, near Velika Gorica.
Modifications: Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: M. Šašel Kos, P. Kos
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Neven Jovanovic, Tom Elliott - Anfiteatro di Bleso
The "Anfiteatro di Bleso" is a second century A.D. Roman amphitheater at Tibur (modern Tivoli in Italy).
Modifications: Wikidata Q28978094.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sarah Bond, Tom Elliott - Anguillarius
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 unlocated *Anguillarius
Modifications: Added BAtlDir reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Apa Phoibammon (monastery)
The seventh-century monastery of St. Phoibammon was built on the upper terrace of the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri-
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: DARMC, Gabriel McKee, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Roko Rumora, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Apollonis
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 F4 Apollonis
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger, S. Mitchell
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Aquila Minor (promontory)
A cape on the Mediterranean coast of modern Morocco, mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary. Modern scholars associate it with Pointe Restinga.
Modifications: Wikidata Q27511405.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Euzennat
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Argoura
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 F4 Argoura
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Fossey, J. Morin
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, G. Reger, Tom Elliott - Argyna
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 unlocated Argyna
Modifications: Updated references. Added Latin name, add Pliny the E; by.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: J. Fossey, J. Morin
Contributors: Richard Talbert, G. Reger, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Arnus (river)
The Arno river flows from its origin at Mount Falterona to the Marina di Pisa where it empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Modifications: ItMiller 293. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Arzus
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C6 Arzus
Modifications: Updated references. Wikidata Q61140084.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Asamus
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B5 Asamus
Modifications: Updated references. Wikidata Q64630067. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Asamus (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B5 Asamus fl.
Modifications: Added TM GEO ID 29855: Asamus (Osum). Wikidata Q12273104.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Aspadana/(I)Spahan/Gay/Gabai?
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 92 G4 Aspadana/(I)Spahan/Gay/Gabai?
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, E.J. Keall
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Chris de Lisle, Jeffrey Becker, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, DARMC, Sean Gillies, B. Siewert-Mayer, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa - Aspronisi
A volcanic island that formed on the southwestern edge of the Santorini archipelago following a major volcanic eruption that occurred ca. 1625 BC.
Modifications: Wikidata Q738068.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Astapa
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 unlocated Astapa
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Astapous (river)
Astapous fl. (Blue Nile or Amharic or an-Nīl al-Azraq (النيل الأزرق an-Nīl)) is a major river of Africa and a tributary of the Nile river. Its source is Lake Tana in Ethiopia.
Modifications: TM GEO ID 8735: Astapous.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Athrys/Iatros/Ieterus (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C5 Athrys/Iatros/Ieterus fl.
Modifications: Wikidata Q217126.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Baccanae
Baccanae was a road station along the Via Cassia.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Birket Habu
An artificial lake created to bring water from the Nile to the Palace of Amenhotep III at Malkata in Egypt.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Biturgia
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 unlocated Biturgia
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Blanda
Blanda was an ancient city of Lucania, although Pliny the Elder and Ptolemy differ as to its placement; the former places it near the coast, the latter inland. Modern scholars are in agreement that Ptolemy was incorrect. It is to be identified with the significant archaeological site at Palecastro di Tortora in modern Italy.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Block H1
City block of Dura-Europos labeled according to modern excavators' scheme.
Modifications: Added wikidata Block H1, Dura-Europos (Q116621984).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Block H6
City block of Dura-Europos labeled according to modern excavators' scheme.
Modifications: Added wikidata Block H6, Dura-Europos (Q116621990).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Block I9
City block of Dura-Europos labeled according to modern excavators' scheme.
Modifications: Added wikidata Block I9, Dura-Europos (Q116622007).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Block K4
City block of Dura-Europos labeled according to modern excavators' scheme.
Modifications: Added wikidata Block K4, Dura-Europos (Q116622024).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Block L2
City block of Dura-Europos labeled according to modern excavators' scheme.
Modifications: Added wikidata Block L2, Dura-Europos (Q116622030).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Block N6
City block of Dura-Europos labeled according to modern excavators' scheme.
Modifications: Added wikidata Block N6, Dura-Europos (Q116622076).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Block X3
City block of Dura-Europos labeled according to modern excavators' scheme.
Modifications: Added wikidata Block X3, Dura-Europos (Q116622083).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Borazjan/Taoke?/[Tawwaj]?
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 94 B4 Borazjan/Taoke?/[Tawwaj]?
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, R. Wenke
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, P. Flensted Jensen, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Chris de Lisle - Borysthenes (river)
The Dnieper River.
Modifications: Wikidata Q40855.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: David Braund
Contributors: Gabriel McKee, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Diane Braund, Tom Elliott - Bourdepa
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 G1 Bourdepa
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, G. Reger, Tom Elliott - Boustagalloron
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 unlocated Boustagalloron
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Bulls of Guisando
A series of Celtiberian sculptures located near El Tiemblo, Ávila, Spain. These statues were perhaps originally created during the second century BC.
Modifications: Wikidata Q2454775.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Calamisus
An ancient settlement, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Modifications: Updated references. Added Latin name, add Pliny the E.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Fossey, J. Morin
Contributors: G. Reger, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Callatis
A Greek colony and port on the west coast of the Black Sea, modern Mangalia in Romania.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Calpe (mountain)
The Rock of Gibraltar.
Modifications: Updated references. Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, R. Scott Smith, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Greta Hawes, Tom Elliott - Canterius (mountain)
A mountain among the Sabines.
Modifications: Added BAtlDir reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Capera
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 E4 Capera
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Carsium
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 E4 Carsium
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Casperia
An ancient settlement, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Castellum Amerinum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 unlocated Castellum Amerinum
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Castellum Firmanorum
Castellum Firmanorum was the ancient port of Firmum Picenum.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Castra Iarba
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 G1 Castra Iarba
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, G. Reger, Tom Elliott - Castrum Novum
Castrum Novum was a colonia maritima established on the coast of Etruria.
Modifications: Updated references. Baldoni et al. 2019.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Casuentillani
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 B1 Casuentillani
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Michael Heubel, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Cedonia
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B3 Cedonia
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Cerilli
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 46 C2 Cerilli
Modifications: Wikidata Cirella (Q2118996).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Cernavoda
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 F4 Cernavoda
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Cerro de Conjuro
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 B5 Cerro de Conjuro
Modifications: Added wikidata Q130480397, update references, add modified place type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Cesernia
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 46 C1 Cesernia
Modifications: Wikidata Q81654.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Church of St. George
One of a group of eleven rock-hewn monolithic churches located in Lalibela, a city in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia. The church likely dates to the twelfth or thirteenth century.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q7971367. Edited typo in modified summary. Edit format of unesco reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Cibarci
The Cibarci were an ancient Celtic tribe of Gallaecia.
Modifications: Modified summary.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Citadel Fortification of Dura-Europos
Walls and towers surrounding the citadel hill inside Dura-Europos on the city's eastern side.
Modifications: Wikidata Q116621910.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - City wall of Ameria
The polygonal masonry circuit wall of ancient Ameria.
Modifications: Wikidata Q29885048.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Cius
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 F4 Cius
Modifications: Wikidata Q42883727. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Clampetia
An ancient city of Bruttium, located on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, between Blanda and Temesa.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Clanis (river)
Clanis fl. (Chiana river) is a river of central Italy that flows into the Tiber river.
Modifications: Updated Pliny reference. Flows into.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Clivus Salutis
The Clivus Salutis was a street of ancient Rome located on the southwest end of the Quirinal Hill. Its name - Clivus Salutis - is attested in Symmachus and is thought to be the same as the epigraphically attested vicus Salutis or Salutaris.
Modifications: Modified place type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Clusium
Clusium, the Etruscan Clevsin (modern Chiusi), was a major city of Etruria. Lars Porsena was a sixth century B.C. king of Clusium.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Col. Augusta Raurica
Col. Augusta Raurica (modern Augst) was a Roman colony on the south bank of the Rhine established by Iulius Caesar and L. Munatius Plancus in 44 B.C.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Colle Plinio
A hilltop villa near Tifernum Tiberinum commonly associated with one of the villas of Pliny the Younger.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Condate Redonum
The primary center of the Redones tribe. Modern Rennes in France.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P. Galliou
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Cyclades Islands
An island group in the Aegean Sea composed of over 200 islands.
Modifications: MANTO 9746328: the Cyclades Islands.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Classical Atlas Project Office, G. Reger
Contributors: Richard Talbert, R. Scott Smith, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Perry Scalfano, Greta Hawes, Tom Elliott - D(o)ura/Europos
An ancient settlement on the Euphrates river in modern Syria.
Modifications: Welles et al. 1959.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Faith Lubeck, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Rajas Pradhan, Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Adam Rabinowitz, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Kali Kocian, Sean Gillies, Anne Chen, Jeffery Mayfield, Rune Rattenborg - D Street
N-S street in the orthogonally gridded plan of Dura-Europos.
Modifications: Added wikidata D street, Dura-Europos (Q116621885).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Kyle Conrau-Lewis, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Dar bel Amri
South of modern Dar bel Amri, a settlement on the east side of the upper Beht river in Morocco, there are remnants of watch tower dating to the Roman imperial period. The fort's ancient name is not known.
Modifications: Wikidata Q2369020.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Euzennat
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Dianium/Hemeroskopeion
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 F3 Dianium/Hemeroskopeion
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Dimum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C5 Dimum
Modifications: Updated references. TM GEO ID 29821: Dimum (Belene). Feature type. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Diocletianopolis
Diocletianopolis in Thrace.
Modifications: Updated references. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Documaci tumulus
An elite tomb structure constructed in the late 4th to early 3rd century BCE near the Hellenistic settlement of Callatis.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Druentia (river)
Called the Durance (French), a tributary of the Rhone.
Modifications: Wikidata Q754718.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Durostorum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 E4 Durostorum
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Ekklesiasterion at Poseidonia/Paestum
The seat of the popular assembly of Poseidonia/Paestum, the Ekklesiasterion was built ca. 480-470 B.C. and could accommodate, at most, 1,700 persons. The structure retained its function after the Lucanian conquest but was abandoned, buried, and built over after the Roman conquest.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Contributors: Sean Gillies - El Carambolo
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 D4 El Carambolo
Modifications: Wikidata Q97645568.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Elginhaugh Roman fort
Site of the most completely excavated timber-built auxiliary fort (with annexe) in the Roman Empire, situated in present-day Midlothian, Scotland. Roman occupation was short-lived, having been established in the early 70s CE and abandoned in or shortly after 86. Now completely built over by the Royal Bank of Scotland Data Centre.
Modifications: Feature type. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Ensérune
Ensérune was an oppidum located between Béziers and Narbonne. It was occupied between the sixth century B.C. and the first century A.D.
Modifications: Wikidata Q77221.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, S.J. Keay, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Error? (island)
An island mentioned in an Roman itinerary. It is possibly to be identified with the modern Île Plane, which is located a few kilometers off Cape Farina, Tunisia.
Modifications: Wikidata Q2742738.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T.W. Potter
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Farfarus (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 D4 Farfarus fl.
Modifications: Updated references. Wikidata Q3739562.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Firmum Picenum
Firmum Picenum was founded as a Latin colony in 264 B.C. with 6,000 colonists. It received municipal status after 48 B.C.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Flavinia arva
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 unlocated Flavinia arva
Modifications: Added BAtlDir reference. Wikidata Q133286627.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Fortetsa Tombs
A Late Minoan burial site just West of the Knossos Acropolis.
Modifications: Wikidata Q133264153.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Fuente de las Piedras
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 A4 Fuente de las Piedras
Modifications: Wikidata Q97623919.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Greppe S. Angelo necropolis
A rock-cut necropolis of Caere that is noted as the findspot of the Sarpedon krater of the artist Euphronios.
Modifications: Wikidata Q128397027.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Hacienda de Manguarra y S. José
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 F5 Hacienda de Manguarra y S. José
Modifications: Updated references. Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Helvia Ricina
An ancient settlement in Picenum at modern Villa Potenza in Marche, Comune di Macerata, Italy.
Modifications: ItMiller.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Hermonthis
Modern Armant, an important town of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom that was enlarged during the Eighteenth Dynasty and continued to thrive through the Ptolemaic, Roman, and Coptic periods.
Modifications: Wikidata Q679056.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Adam Prins, Jen Thum, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Herbert Verreth, Jonathan Fu, Richard Talbert, Mark Depauw - Hispalis/Col. Romula
Hispalis/Col. Romula (modern Seville, Spain).
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, R. Warner, Richard Talbert, María Jesús Redondo, Jr., F.H. Stanley - Iamo/Iamna
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 inset Iamo/Iamna
Modifications: Wikidata Q899884.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Iatrus
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C5 Iatrus
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - *Igaeditania?
Egitania (Civitas Igaeditanorum) was a Roman city whose name was bestowed by the Swabians and Visigoths. This settlement achieved municipal status under the Flavian emperors.
Modifications: Updated references. EDH G013429: Egitania – Idanha-a-Velha (Ponsul, Flußbett).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Ilici/Helike
The site of Ilici began as a pre-Roman settlement that eventually developed into a Roman municipium. The site continued into the Visigothic and Byzantine periods as a minor urban settlement, controlling a vast territory which reached old Lucentum. The settlement was relocated to the modern site of Elche in the Islamic period.
Modifications: Updated references. DARMC 20322.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jean Luc PIROUX, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Javier Martínez Jiménez, DARMC, R. Warner, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt - Indigetes
A pre-Roman, Iberian people known primarily through their coinage, which bears the inscription "UNTIKESKEN" (q.v.). They seem to have occupied an area in the northeast of the Iberian peninsula, included the coastal area between the Muga and Fluvià rivers.
Modifications: Wikidata Q2404442.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, S.J. Keay, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ingena/Abrincas
Ingena/Abrincas (modern Avranches) was the chief settlement of the Abrincatui tribe.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P. Galliou
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Iustiniana Prima
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 21 D7 Iustiniana Prima
Modifications: Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Jidava
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C3 Jidava
Modifications: Updated references. Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Kalama Kolpos
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 6 A4 Kalama Kolpos
Modifications: Wikidata Q6402306.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Kalamai
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 C3 Kalamai
Modifications: Updated references. Added CFL/AGO Toponyme - 37913: Kalamata-Δ.Δ.Καλαμάτας. Added Greek name, Pausanias reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: G. Reger, J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: DARMC, Catherine Bouras, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Kalamaion/Kallias
An ancient place, cited: None
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Kalamianos
Late Helladic III coastal settlement on the Saronic Gulf in the southeastern Corinthia
Modifications: Wikidata Q18021619. Updated references. Created new name. Created new connection. Added MycAtlas reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Kalamine
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 74 G3 Kalamine
Modifications: TM GEO ID 966: Kalamine [east].
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Bernand
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Kalamisos
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 unlocated Kalamisos
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Fossey, J. Morin
Contributors: Richard Talbert, G. Reger, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Kalamoi
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 unlocated Kalamoi
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Kalamyde
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 60 A2 Kalamyde
Modifications: Wikidata Q6350498.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Bennet, G. Reger
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Knocknakilla megaliths
A megalithic complex located between Macroom and Millstreet, in County Cork, Ireland, and thought to have been constructed ca. 3,500 years ago.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Knosos/Col. Iulia Nobilis Cnosos
A major ancient settlement of Crete located some 5 km southeast of Heraklion, Knossos was occupied from the Neolithic period to the time of the Roman empire.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Bennet, G. Reger
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Austin Banda, Patrick DeVarney, Tom Elliott, Adam Rabinowitz, Catherine Bouras, Andrew Shapland, Richard Talbert, Maija Gierhart - Lacippo
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 E5 Lacippo
Modifications: Wikidata Q5968701. Created new location. Darmc. Connected Tovar 1974 reference to Zotero library.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Lagos
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 B4 Lagos
Modifications: Wikidata Q732548.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Laos/Lavinium?
Founded as a colony by survivors of Sybaris after the destruction of the city in 510 BC.
Modifications: Updated references. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Itmiller.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Las Torres Roman Villa
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 F5 Las Torres
Modifications: Wikidata Q6162507.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Late Mithraeum
Final phase of a sacred space dedicated to the worship of the god Mithras at Dura-Europos.
Modifications: Added wikidata Late Mithraeum (Q123911600).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Lefkandi Heroon(?)
Rescue excavations in 1980 documented the remains of an unusual funerary structure dated ca. 1000 to 950 BCE that contained a double human burial alongside a horse burial. The structure's scale (50 by 13.8 m) and nature have led some scholars to identify it as a heroon.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Leuca/Leugosena/Sena (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 8 unlocated Leuca/(Leugo) Sena fl.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Limes Transalutanus
The Limes Transalutanus was a frontier system of the Roman empire located in the province of Dacia.
Modifications: Wikidata Q6549298.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Little Palace at Knossos
The so-called "Little Palace at Knossos" lies some 200 m northwest of the main Minoan "palace" center and to the east of the Unexplored Mansion to which it was once linked.
Modifications: Wikidata Q112199925.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Andrew Shapland - Lucus Furrinae
The Lucus Furrinae or Syrian Sanctuary is a sanctuary site on the Janiculum Hill in Rome. The first known construction at the site took place during the late first century CE and it remained in use until the mid-fourth century CE.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Wenqian Liu, Lex Ladge
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Thomas Landvatter - Lutibu
Lutibu is a fortified city in Sam'alla that is mentioned in royal inscriptions of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III (r. 858-824 BC). It is often identified with Sakçagözü (Coba Höyük), which is ca. 20 km northeast of Sam'al (Zincirli Höyük).
Modifications: Wikidata Q13651499.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Lydia/Sparda (satrapy)
Lydia (called Sparda by the Achaemenids) was a satrapy of the Persian Empire with Sardis as its capital.
Modifications: Wikidata Q3832039. Added nomisma. Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Chris de Lisle
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Ryan M. Horne
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Chris de Lisle - Macellum Magnum
The emperor Nero built the great market hall on the Caelian Hill and dedicated it in the year 59. The market hall is known from numismatic imagery and some of its archaeological remains have been documented on the Caelian Hill.
Modifications: Hanson 2024.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Macellum of Sagalassos
The Roman Macellum of Sagalassos.
Modifications: Wikidata Q129917971.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Malkata
Site located south of the Theban Necropolis containing a New Kingdom palace complex constructed by Amenhotep III of the 18th Dynasty.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q431422.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Manganello Sanctuary
The Manganello Sanctuary is located at the northern edge Caere's urban plateau.
Modifications: Cleaned up references; added Wikidata reference.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Manios Kolpos
The Hvar Channel is located between the islands of Brač and Hvar in the Adriatic Sea.
Modifications: Wikidata Q13567562.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Šašel Kos, P. Kos
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Manliana
One of two Roman road stations with this name in Italy attested in ancient sources. The Barrington Atlas Directory localizes this one at modern Torrita di Siena.
Modifications: Wikidata Q91476.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Marcianopolis
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 E5 Marcianopolis
Modifications: Updated references. Added TP name, TP reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Marimbault Roman Villa
The 12th-century Eglise Saint-Vincent de Marimbault was built atop a probable Gallo-Roman villa.
Modifications: Modified title; modified summary; added Wikipedia reference.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: H.S. Sivan, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Medamud
Egyptian village located 8 km north-east of Louqsor, home to a temple dedicated to the god Montou.
Modifications: Updated Porter reference.
Modified by: Nicolas Souchon
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Medinet Habu
The New Kingdom mortuary temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu, on the West bank of the Nile near Luxor.
Modifications: Added wikidata Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III (Q656040). Updated references. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Nate Nagy
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Gabriel McKee - Mina (river)
Oued Mina, Algeria.
Modifications: Wikidata Q23802184.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T.W. Potter
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Miralpeix
The Mausoleum of Miralpeix is a Roman mausoleum found in the municipality of Caspe, in the province of Zaragoza (Aragon, Spain). It was transferred in 1962 to its current location in the urban center of Caspe due to the construction of the Mequinenza reservoir.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, S.J. Keay, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Monastery of Saint John the Theologian
The Monastery of Saint John the Theologian (also known as the Monastery of Saint John the Divine) is a Greek Orthodox monastery dating to AD 1088 on the island of Patmos.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1982506.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - ‘Monte Haemo’
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B6 ‘Monte Haemo’
Modifications: EDH G014388: Montemno – Trojan (Trojanski Prohod, nördlich, "Markova kapija"). RE Montemno.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari was built for the Eighteenth dynasty Pharaoh Hatshepsut.
Modifications: Added wikidata Q660692.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel McKee - Munazio Planco
Munazio Planco, the so-called Villa of Munatius Plancus and villa on Via delle Piagge.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Nicopolis ad Istrum
The ancient city of Nicopolis ad Istrum is located near the village of Nikyup, Bulgaria, in the district of Veliko Turnovo. The Roman emperor Trajan founded Nicopolis ad Istrum following victories over the Dacians in 101 and 106 CE. The fortified Roman city had an area of approximately 30 ha.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Novae
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C5 Novae
Modifications: Updated references. Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Numerus Syrorum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 29 D2 Numerus Syrorum
Modifications: Updated references. TM GEO ID 20557: Numerus Syrorum (Marnia).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T.W. Potter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Nuraghe Biunisi
A single-tower nuraghe with a likely associated village.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q122326625.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Nuraghe Diana
A single-tower nuraghe located near Quartu Sant'Elena.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q25385631.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Oyrat
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 23 F3 Oyrat
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: David Braund
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Diane Braund, Tom Elliott - Pago de Bruñel
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 B4 Pago de Bruñel
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Pasargadae/Batrakatash
Pasargadae/Batrakatash was an ancient Persian city and the capital of Cyrus the Great (559–530 BC). It remained the capital until Cambyses II moved it to Susa. The site is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, R. Wenke
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, P. Flensted Jensen, Johan Åhlfeldt, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Rune Rattenborg, Chris de Lisle - Pausulae
Pausulae was a town of Picenum mentioned by Pliny the Elder. It was a Municipium of Regio V.
Modifications: Wikidata Q18497745. EDH G018354: Pausulae – Corridonia.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Persepolis/Parsa/Persai/Sat Setun
Persepolis/Parsa/Persai/Sat Setun was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire. The origins of the settlement belong to the sixth century BC (ca. 515). The archaeological site was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, R. Wenke
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, P. Flensted Jensen, Johan Åhlfeldt, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Rune Rattenborg, Chris de Lisle - Phaistos
An ancient settlement on Crete where occupation began ca. 3000 B.C., Phaistos was a major center of the Minoan civilization and continued to be a Greek city of the first millennium B.C.
Modifications: Updated references. Created new location. Added MycAtlas reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: J. Bennet, G. Reger
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Stefano Costa, Adam Rabinowitz, Tom Elliott, Catherine Bouras, Ciara L. Wisecup, Richard Talbert, Lewin Ernest Staine, Thomas Focht, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes, Maija Gierhart - Pherai
An Archaic period to Roman period settlement located near Kalamata, Messinia in the Peloponnese.
Modifications: Wikidata, manto. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: G. Reger, J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, R. Scott Smith, Jeffrey Becker, Greta Hawes, Tom Elliott, Ryan M. Horne - Philippopolis/Trimontium
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B6 Philippopolis/Trimontium
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Martina Filosa - Phylakopi
A major Bronze Age settlement on Melos with evidence for continuous occupation from the third millennium BC until the twelfth century BC, Phylakopi provides important information about the Cycladic civilization.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1447360. Created new location. Initial revision. Added MycAtlas reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Sean Gillies - Pieve di San Giovanni Battista a Sillano
A ruined church that was once part of the diocese of Volterra, San Giovanni Battista a Sillano is unique in Tuscany for having a Romanesque-Norman façade. The ruined edifice likely dates to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries although the parish exists as early as the mid-tenth century.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q3904602. Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Pizus
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C6 Pizus
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Plinth in D Street Outside The Temple of Artemis Azzanthkona
Probable statue base placed outside the temple of Artemis Azzanathkona at Dura-Europos.
Modifications: Added wikidata Plinth in D Street outside the Temple of Artemis Azzanthkona (Q122157543).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Anne Chen
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Polyaigos (island)
An island in the Aegean, mentioned by a number of ancient authors, Polyaigos is part of an archipelago that includes Melos and Kimolos and is still known by variants of its ancient name.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1540206.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Bennet, G. Reger
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Arthur De Graauw, Tom Elliott - Ponte Ezzu
Ponte Ezzu or Pont'Ezzu is a Roman bridge of the first century A.D. that crosses the Rio Mannu near Ozieri, Sardinia.
Modifications: Updated references, add wikidata Q3907939.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Maggie Britton, Sterling White
Contributors: Thomas Landvatter - Portus Sigensis
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 29 D1 Portus Sigensis
Modifications: Wikidata Q11906698.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T.W. Potter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Poseidonia/Paestum
Greeks from Sybaris originally founded Poseidonia/Paestum, a major Greco-Roman center of south Italy, in the seventh-century BCE. It was originally named Poseidonia. After the Pyrrhic war, the city became a Latin colony named Paestum ca. 273 BCE.
Modifications: Added Arachne.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Noura Alavi, Levi Noble, Robert B. Camp, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Alex Biad, Keri Lynne Porter, Adam Rabinowitz, Tom Elliott, DARMC, John Muccigrosso, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes - Pteria
A large, fortified settlement of Anatolia mentioned by Herodotus.
Modifications: Cited Summers ed. 2021, mentioned that the (presumed) ancient name comes from Herodotus; updated references; updated wikidata Pteria (Q7256680). Changed.
Modified by: Sean Manning, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Gabriel McKee, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Manning, Tom Elliott - Puente Mayor del Tormes
A Roman bridge over Rio Tormes in Salamanca, Spain.
Modifications: Updated references. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jean Luc PIROUX, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Puente romano de Alconetar
Relocated remains of a 300m-long Roman stone bridge originally located southwest of modern Tourmogon at Alconétar, over R. Tajo in Spain.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jean Luc PIROUX, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Pyramids of Queens
There are three satellite pyramids, typically referred to as "Queen's pyramids", associated with the pyramid of Menkaure on the Giza plateau.
Modifications: Added wikidata; updated modified title.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Qasr el-Aguz
Site in Luxor (Egypt) associated with a Ptolemaic temple dedicated to the god Thoth.
Modifications: Updated Porter reference.
Modified by: Nicolas Souchon
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Redones
A Celtic tribe living in the area of modern Brittany counted among the civitates maritimae or Aremorica.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Rheneia (island)
A Cycladic island just west of Delos in the Aegean Sea. It consists of two parts linked by a narrow isthmus.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1475379.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger
Contributors: Sean Gillies, nkeay, Jeffrey Becker, Arthur De Graauw, Tom Elliott, Pierre Motylewicz, Richard Talbert, Noah Kaye, Chris de Lisle - Roman arch at Capera
A quadrifons arch at Capera.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q43083909.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Roman theater at Tusculum
The Roman theater at Tusculum was first excavated in 1839.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - S. Casciano dei Bagni
The village of San Casciano dei Bagni, located south of Siena, Italy, has been frequented since at least the first millennium BCE on account of its thermal springs with supposedly healing properties.
Modifications: Wikidata Q91403.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - S. Cucufate
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 C3 S. Cucufate
Modifications: Updated references. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Saena
Saena was an Etruscan city that received a Roman colony (Saena Iulia) in the time of Augustus.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Salduba/Saltum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 E5 Salduba/Saltum
Modifications: Wikidata Q6117205.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - San Felice Roman villa
The villa site is approximately 1 km south of the presumed ancient course of the Via Appia.
Modifications: Wikidata Q104787696.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Sanctuary at San Casciano dei Bagni
An ancient sanctuary located near the village of San Casciano dei Bagni, located south of Siena, Italy, has produced, following archaeological excavation, a large cache of metallic votive offerings - coins, figurines, statues, anatomical votives - dating to the late republican and early imperial periods. These votives were recovered from waterlogged mud deposits associated with the thermal springs at the site that have been frequented since at least the first millennium BCE.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - São Miguel de Mota
Site of a temple dedicated to the Celtiberian/Lusitanian god Endovelicus.
Modifications: Wikidata Q10375914.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Sardis/Hyde?
Sardis was the capital of the Lydian Empire located in western Turkey. In 188 B.C. Sardis became a part of the Attalid kingdom and thus it passed with the territory of Attalus III to Rome in 133 B.C.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger, S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Chris de Lisle, Jeffrey Becker, W. Röllig, Jamie Novotny, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, DARMC, Richard Talbert, B. Siewert-Mayer, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa, Ryan M. Horne - Savus (river)
A river of Central Europe and a right tributary of the Danube.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Securisca
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B5 Securisca
Modifications: Updated references. Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Sellium
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 B2 Sellium
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, R. Warner, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Seria
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 D3 Seria
Modifications: Wikidata Q1153945.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Sestu
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 48 B3 Sestu
Modifications: Updated references. Wikidata Q285089.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.L. Dyson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Sette Sale
Cisterns of the imperial period on the Oppian Hill that once supplied the Baths of Trajan.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Settecamini
An archaeological site located at the midpoint of the Via Tiburtina linking Rome and Tibur.
Modifications: Wikidata Q19545276.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Sicyon/Demetrias
Sicyon/Demetrias was an important ancient city of the Corinthiad, located some 26 km to the west of Corinth. The city had a long history, beginning in the Archaic period when Orthagorid tyrants ruled it. It flourished in later Archaic and Classical times, was a member of the Peloponnesian League, and became a center of Theban power after 371 B.C. The city was long noted for its association with fine arts and during the fourth century B.C. produced the famous sculptor Lysippos. Under Aratos, Sicyon joined the Achaean League in 251 B.C. By the time Pausanias visited the site, declining political fortunes and disastrous earthquakes had reduced it to a ruinous state.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: G. Reger, J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Ryan M. Horne - Silsilah
An ancient settlement east of the Nile, just south of and associated with the ancient quarries on Gebel el-Silsila.
Modifications: Updated Porter reference.
Modified by: Nicolas Souchon
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Nicolas Souchon, Tom Elliott - Singilis (river)
Singilis fl. (Genil river) is a tributary of the Baetis/Certis fl. (modern Guadalquivir).
Modifications: Wikidata Q17760. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker, Jr., F.H. Stanley - Soleb
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 A5 Soleb
Modifications: Updated Porter reference.
Modified by: Nicolas Souchon
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, D. Borough, Sean Gillies, Nicolas Souchon, Ryan M. Horne - Spartarius? Campus
A region near Carthago Nova in Hispania Tarraconensis.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: Ross Twele, Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne - SS. Marcellino e Pietro
The church of Saints Marcellinus and Peter is a Roman Catholic church located on the Via Merulana in Rome. Pope Siricius built the original church in the fourth century A.D., close to the catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter. The relics of the saints were deposited in the church in 1256.
Modifications: Updated reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Sub Radices
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B6 Sub Radices
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Susa/Seleucia ad Eulaeum
An ancient city of the Elamite, Persian, and Parthian empires of Iran. Located at modern Shush, Susa was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2015.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, St J. Simpson, R. Wenke
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, P. Flensted Jensen, Rosemary Selth, Jeffrey Becker, Rune Rattenborg, H. Kopp, W. Röllig, B. Siewert-Mayer, Johan Åhlfeldt, Richard Talbert, Chris de Lisle, Sean Gillies, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, DARMC, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa - Tanagra
An unlocated place in Persis, Tanagra should not be confused with the similarly named site in Boeotia.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, R. Wenke
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Constantina Argyrakou, P. Flensted Jensen, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Chris de Lisle - Taouion/Tabia
A key junction between roads north (towards Hattusa and the Lykos River valley), south (towards Mazaka), east (towards the upper Halys River), and west (towards Ankyra), it was inhabited from the fourth millennium BCE. Greek and Roman writers mention it as the main settlement of the Galatian tribe of the Trocmi.
Modifications: Reframed description as road junction with Galatians just one phase; cited Manning 2024.
Modified by: Sean Manning
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Sean Gillies, Sean Manning, Ryan M. Horne - Tartessos
Tartessos was a harbor city and surrounding region located on the southern coast of the Iberian peninsula at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River.
Modifications: Updated references. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Ross Twele, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, Jr., R. Warner, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes, F.H. Stanley, Ryan M. Horne - Teatro Marittimo
The so-called "Maritime Theater" at the Villa of Hadrian in Tivoli is sometimes referred to as the 'island villa'. It served as a kind of inner sanctum within the larger complex of the Villa Hadriana.
Modifications: Wikidata Q100767646.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Tema/Thema
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 unlocated Tema/Thema
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Temesa/Tempsa
An ancient city located on the west coast of Bruttium, just north of the Gulf of Hipponium.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Temple of Athena at Paestum
A Late Archaic Doric Temple of Athena (ca. 500 B.C.) at Paestum.
Modifications: Updated references. Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Robert B. Camp, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Contributors: Adam Rabinowitz, Sean Gillies - Temple of Hathor
The Temple of Hathor at Deir el-Medina dates to the reign of the Ptolemies. It was later repurposed as a Christian installation known as Deir el-Medina or "Monastery of the City", from which the site's modern toponym is derived.
Modifications: Added wikidata Temple of Hathor (Q11951237).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Temple of Montu
Egyptian temple dedicated to the god Montou in Medamud, built and enlarged from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman period.
Modifications: Updated Porter reference.
Modified by: Nicolas Souchon
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Temple of Quirinus
The Temple of Quirinus was located near the Capitolium Vetus. The temple was built ex manubiis by Lucius Papirius Cursor in 293 B.C., fulfilling the vow made by his father in 325 B.C. Tradition holds that the republican-period temple was sited on an even earlier altar dedicated by the Sabines. The topography and location of the temple are both matters of significant debate.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Templum Pacis
The Temple of Peace in Rome was vowed by Vespasian following the Jewish War.
Modifications: Added Meneghini 2024.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Brady Kiesling - Theban necropolis
Collective name for the complex of tombs and temples on the western bank of the Nile, opposite the city of Thebes/Luxor. The necropolis was used for royal and elite burials throughout the Pharaonic period.
Modifications: Created new name. Added Porter 1964.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Theban Tomb 359
The New Kingdom tomb of the ancient Egyptian workman Inherkhau is located at Deir el-Medina and is part of the Theban Necropolis.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Tinna (river)
The Tinna (modern Ténna) flows from the eastern slopes of the Sibillini Mountains into the Adriatic Sea between the municipalities of Porto Sant'Elpidio and Fermo. The Latin toponym Tinna may derive from that of Tinia, the Etruscan sky-god who was equivalent to the Greek god Zeus and the Roman god Iuppiter.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Tomb of Rekhmire at Thebes
Theban Tomb 100 (TT100), the burial place of Rekhmire, a noble of the 18th dynasty.
Modifications: Updated Porter reference. Edited.
Modified by: Nicolas Souchon, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Nicolas Souchon, Tom Elliott - Tomba delle Anatre
The Tomb of the Ducks at Veii is an early example of a painted Etruscan tomb. It dates to the second quarter of the seventh century BCE and was discovered in 1958 in the Riserva del Bagno necropolis.
Modifications: Submit for review. Publish externally.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Torre de Hércules
A lighthouse that has served as a marker for the La Coruña harbor since the late first century AD.
Modifications: Wikidata Q245151.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Torre de Palma
A large Roman villa inhabited from ca. the second century A.D. to the Visigothic period.
Modifications: Wikidata Q25431528.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Tower of Amfikleia
The Tower of Amfikleia is a late Medieval tower located at Amfikleia, Phthiotis, Greece. It occupies a position on the acropolis of the ancient city of Amphicleia.
Modifications: Wikidata Q85810320. Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Trimammium
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 C5 Trimammium
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - *Tritium Magallum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 C3 *Tritium Magallum
Modifications: EDH G009774: Tritium Magallum – Tricio.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, S.J. Keay, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - *Umbro (river)
The Ambra flows from the foot of Monte Luco to the Arno river.
Modifications: Added wikidata Ambra (Q1103794).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Underground Shrine (Paestum)
A small, underground tomb-like structure located in the agora of Paestum, thought to be either a shrine or a heroon.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Keri Lynne Porter, Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Adam Rabinowitz, Sean Gillies - Unexplored Mansion at Knossos
While Arthur Evans gave this archaeological site the moniker "Unexplored mansion", it was in fact an annexe of the "Little Palace" and post-dates it. The "Unexplored Mansion" was built in MM IIIB or LM IA.
Modifications: Wikidata Q133264191.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Andrew Shapland - Untitled
Tres Tabernae → Brocomagus
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Vaccaei
The Vaccaei were a Celtic tribe of the Durius river valley.
Modifications: Wikidata Q2310278.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Michael Heubel, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Vemania
A late Roman cavalry fort located in the modern German municipality of Isny im Allgäu (Baden-Württemberg).
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, G. Moosbauer, M. Puhane, Sean Gillies - Vettones
Vettones, a pre-Roman Celtic population of the Iberian peninsula.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Ross Twele, Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jr., F.H. Stanley - Via Amerina
A Roman road begun ca. 241 B.C. that connected Veii and Ameria.
Modifications: Added Scalese 2024.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Via Domitiana
A Roman road of Campania built during the reign of Domitian.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1227543.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Vigna Parrocchiale archaeological area
A complex of civic and sacred buildings in the urban area of ancient Caere, including the so-called "elliptical building".
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Villa de Río Verde
A Roman villa with mosaic pavements located in the modern Spanish province of Malaga.
Modifications: Wikidata Q97632504.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Villa di Casale Ghella
A villa complex at the eighth mile of the Via Cassia, to which it was linked by means of a paved diverticulum. The first phase dates to the first century BCE and the villa remains in use until the Late Antique period.
Modifications: Wikidata Q133255368.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Villa Dionysos (Knossos)
A Roman-period urban 'villa' at Knossos was excavated by R. W. Hutchinson (1935) and M. R. E. Gough (post-World War II). Based on pottery evidence, the villa dates to the second century CE and comes to be destroyed ca. 170-180.
Modifications: Wikidata Q55005631.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Vussem aqueduct
Part of the Eifel aqueduct supplying Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium.
Modifications: Wikidata Q623426.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Zliten
A coastal villa known especially for its polychrome gladiatorial mosaics was excavated at Dar Buk-Ammarah, located on the coast some 4.5 km to the north of Zliten, Libya.
Modifications: Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker