Templum Pacis
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
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41.8926456873, 12.4873335292
- Representative Locations:
- OSM location: Tempio della Pace (30 BC - AD 640) accuracy: +/- 20 meters.
- Εἰρήνης τέμενος (Eirenes temenos: Ancient Greek, 30 BC - AD 300)
- Temple of Peace (English, AD 1900 - AD 2099)
- aedes Pacis (Latin, AD 300 - AD 399)
- opera Pacis (Latin, 30 BC - AD 300)
- templum Pacis (Latin, 30 BC - AD 300)
- Templum Pacis part of (analytical) Regio IV (Templum Pacis) (unspecified date range)
- Templum Pacis located at Roma (unspecified date range)
architectural complex, forum
- Evidence:
- See Further:
- Colini 1937
- FOLD&R Italy Series, 534: Arbolino, Elena and Giuliano Giovannetti. 2022. "I cantieri di spoliazione basso medievali del Templum Pacis: stratigrafia e contesti ceramici degli scavi recenti."
- Fogagnolo 2006
- LTUR IV 67-70, s. v. Pax, Templum (F. Coarelli)
- Laurence 2020
- Lloyd 1982
- Meneghini 2024
- Nash 1968 I, 139
- Noreña 2003
- Platner 1929 (Perseus) PAX, TEMPLUM
- Pollard 2009
- Richardson 1992 159, 285-87 s.v. "Pax, Templum"
- ToposText Temple of Peace (Rome)
- Tucci 2017
- Tucci 2024
- Wikipedia (English) Temple of Peace, Rome
- van Heck 1977 120-1
- Related:
Jeffrey Becker, and Brady Kiesling, 'Templum Pacis: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2025 <https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/152567558> [accessed: 27 March 2025]
{{cite web |url=https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/152567558 |title=Places: 152567558 (Templum Pacis) |author=Becker, J. |accessdate=March 27, 2025 1:58 am |publisher=Pleiades}}