Aenaria/Pithekoussai (island)
Creators: N. Purcell Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
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40.7277000128, 13.9048949782
- Associated Modern Locations:
- OSM location of Isola d'Ischia (AD 2000 - AD 2099) accuracy: +/- 20 meters.
- Aenaria (Latin, 550 BC - AD 640)
- Inarime (Latin, 550 BC - AD 640)
- Ischia (Italian, modern)
- Πιθηκοῦσσαι (Pithekoussai: Ancient Greek, 550 BC - AD 640)
- Aenaria/Pithekoussai (island) connection Puteolanus Sinus/Crater (unspecified date range)
- Apollo et Nymphae Nitrodes, T. connection Aenaria/Pithekoussai (island) (unspecified date range)
- Epomeus (mountain) part of (physical/topographic) Aenaria/Pithekoussai (island) (unspecified date range)
- Pithekoussai connection Aenaria/Pithekoussai (island) (unspecified date range)
- Punta Chiarito connection Aenaria/Pithekoussai (island) (unspecified date range)
- Evidence:
- See Further:
- Adamesteanu 1983
- BAtlas 44 E4 Aenaria/Pithekoussai Ins.
- Buchner and Ridgway 1993
- GAL Campania 35-37
- Graham 1971
- Martianus Capella 6.644
- New Pauly Pithecussae
- Nissen II 729
- Ov. Met. 14.90-100
- PECS (Perseus) AENARIA (Ischia) Italy
- Sil. Pun. 12.147
- Sil. Pun. 8.541
- Smith 1854 (Perseus) AENÁRIA
- Stat. Silv. 2.2.76
- Verg. Aen. 9.716
- Wikipedia (English) Ischia
- Related:
Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 44 E4 Aenaria/Pithekoussai Ins.
The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Ischia.
The acropolis of Monte Vico has Bronze Age settlement remains and Euboean Greeks established a colonial settlement on the island in the eighth century BC. An inscribed cup ("Nestor's Cup" ca. 730 BC) was discovered on the island in 1953 and represents important early evidence for the Greek alphabet.
N. Purcell, R. Talbert, Gabriel Mckee, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, and Jeffrey Becker, 'Aenaria/Pithekoussai (island): a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2024 <> [accessed: 25 March 2025]
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