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Last modified Sep 28, 2020 06:00 PM
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Place Adrus (river) An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 C3 Adrus fl.
Place Aedesa (river) An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 C4 Aedesa fl.
Place Aenus (river) The Inn river is a right tributary of the Danube.
Place Aesis (river) Aesis fl. (modern Esino river) is a river of the Marche region of Italy and flows into the Adriatic Sea.
Place Aesontius (river) The Aesontius, known now as either the Soča or Isonzo river, flows from the Trenta Valley in the Julian Alps to the Adriatic Sea.
Place Agaros (river) An ancient river, mentioned by Ptolemy, that is probably to be associated with the modern Berda river in Ukraine.
Place Agathos Daimon (river) An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 74 C3 Agathos Daimon fl.
Place Agilaam (river) An ancient river of north Africa whose modern location cannot be determined today. It may be identifiable with the Oued Chélif or one of its tributaries, the O...
Place Agoranis (river) Arrian (quoting Megasthenes) lists the Agoranis among a large number of tributaries of the Ganges river. Some modern scholarship (e.g., Tomaschek in RE) has the...
Place Agrianes/Erginos (river) The modern Ergene river in Turkey's East Thrace region.
Place Agunia (river) Agunia fl. (Agogna river) is a river of northern Italy and a tributary of the Padus fl. (Po river).
Place Aidoneus (river) An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 D2 Aidoneus fl.
Place Aiginetes (river) An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 86 D2 Aiginetes fl.
Place Aisaros (river) An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 46 F3 Aisaros fl.
Place Aisepos (river) The Aisepos river was located in Mysia in northwest Turkey. It is the modern Gönen Çayı.
Place Akampsis (river) Akampsis fl. (Çoruh River)
Place Akesinos/Sandabal (river) A tributary of the Indus river.
Place Akidas/Iardanos (river) Pausanias describes an Akidas river near Samicum (Triyphylia) in Elis and makes it a tributary of the Anigros. He tentatively reports testimony that its prior n...
Place Akidon An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 unlocated Akidon fl.
Place Akinases (river) An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 G3 Akinases fl.