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@Pleiades in the Fediverse
16 September 2024

Export Updates 2024-09-16:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

8 new and 58 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

940227a2 - updated legacy csv
4fdb4f1f - updated json
e1d5298a - updated rdf/ttl
9a2e017f - updated gis package
10ea7fc6 - updated data quality
516b214d - updated bibliography
2a2d3720 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

5b96b3b6 - updated geojson and names index

16 September 2024

Newly added to the Pleiades Zotero library and quick-lookup reference tool:

Cicero, Orationes (ed. Clark, text at PHI):

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Orationes. Edited by Albert Curtis Clark and William Peterson. 6 vols. Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. Oxonii: E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1905.

13 September 2024

Export Updates 2024-09-13:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

1 new and 17 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

a803de94 - updated legacy csv
2a0332b0 - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
1ecdb91d - updated gis package
2fcc02e2 - updated data quality
46009430 - updated bibliography
084b6450 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

95f4b403 - updated geojson and names index

12 September 2024

Wikidata -> Pleiades gazetteer alignments updated 2024-09-12:

10,573 Wikidata entities include a Pleiades ID property (28 more than when last
updated on 2024-09-05).

Always latest version in CSV format:

Latest commit hash: 4df25c8

12 September 2024

Export Updates 2024-09-12:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

1 new and 31 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

aef915f1 - updated legacy csv
15997e96 - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
67e77e86 - updated gis package
17a95fd2 - updated data quality
1e2faf1b - updated bibliography
879a12ac - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

6e075011 - updated geojson and names index

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How to track changes in Pleiades

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 07, 2014 06:31 PM
I was recently asked on Facebook if there is "a new places feed from Pleiades". The answer is: yes, and then some. Here are the details.

The big map on the Pleiades splash page features a randomized mix of recently changed and older Pleiades content, but that's not a systematic way to see what's new or changed. Pleiades does provide both a "latest changes" feed and also multi-formatted feed versions of advanced search results. Here's a new help topic covering these capabilities: How to track changes in Pleiades.