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Introducing Geocollider

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 08, 2017 02:56 PM
A new tool to help you match lists of placenames or geographic locations against the Pleiades gazetteer.

The Pleiades community is pleased to announce the "public beta" of a new software tool for working with Pleiades data: Geocollider. The Pleiades Geocollider is a web application that takes input from a user in the form of a comma-separated or tab-separated data file. The input data file may contain a list of placenames, of geographic locations, or both. Geocollider attempts to align this dataset with the Pleiades gazetteer, returning to the user a comma-separated file containing information about possible matches. 

Geocollider is under active development by the Pleiades project. The software was conceived and created by Ryan Baumann of the Duke Collaboratory for Classics Computing. Funding for the development of Geocollider was provided by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (grant number HK-230973-15) to New York University for a variety of improvements to Pleiades. The Geocollider work has been performed under a subaward from NYU to Duke. The code for Geocollider is written in Ruby, and has been released on GitHub under terms of an open-source MIT license. Code for the "front end" used to host Geocollider on the web is also available.

We invite you to give Geocollider a try, and to report back on your experience with the tool. An email to will suffice to reach us, but opening an issue report at GitHub about a problem or a requested feature will also work.