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23 September 2024

Internet Archive Wayback machine update requests for 2024-09-20 through 2024-09-23.

Attempted: 108
Archived: 69

Status: up-to-date (all Pleiades place pages and subordinates are thought to be
properly reflected in the Wayback).

23 September 2024

Export Updates 2024-09-23:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

4 new and 85 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

707b476c - updated legacy csv
76db66c7 - updated json
f6c8cf13 - updated rdf/ttl
61fa3a27 - updated gis package
84acaa8b - updated data quality
2a7cb771 - updated bibliography
fe6156e5 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

ed60ab84 - updated geojson and names index

20 September 2024

New term in the Pleiades gazetteer place type/category vocabulary:

grama/gama = A village/hamlet (Sanskrit and prakrits)

Full vocabulary in human-readable HTML format:

20 September 2024

Newly added to the Pleiades Zotero library and quick-lookup reference tool:

Paranavitana, Senarat. Sigiri Graffiti; Being Sinhalese Verses of the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Centuries. 2 vols. Archaeological Survey of Ceylon. London: Oxford University Press, 1956.

20 September 2024

New time periods added to the Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places:

- Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka: 377 BCE - 1017 CE)
- Polonnaruwa (Sri Lanka: 1017-1232 CE)
- Transitional (Sri Lanka: 1232-1597 CE)
- Kandy period (Sri Lanka: 1597-1815 CE)

Full time period vocabulary in human-readable HTML format:

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Last Week in Pleiades (16-23 September 2024)

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 23, 2024 10:06 AM
Last week the Pleiades editorial college published 10 new and 130 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Jeffrey Becker, Sarah Bond, Catherine Bouras, Tom Elliott, Greta Hawes, Brady Kiesling, Divya Kumar-Dumas, Chris de Lisle, Rosemary Selth and R. Scott Smith.
Last Week in Pleiades (16-23 September 2024)

A terrain map with orange markers indicating updates and pink circles indicating new place resources. The map stretches from the British Isles in the northwest to Sri Lanka in the southeast.

New Place Resources

Updated Place Resources