Last Week in Pleiades (17-24 March 2025)
Tom Elliott
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Last modified
Mar 24, 2025 09:21 AM
Last week the Pleiades editorial college published 24 new and 103 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Jeffrey Becker, Anthony Durham, Tom Elliott, Güner Girgin, Maxime Guénette, Brady Kiesling, Chris de Lisle, Sean Manning, Nicolas Souchon and Scott Vanderbilt.
A terrain map with orange markers indicating updates and pink circles indicating new place resources. The map spans west to east: the Strait of Gibraltar to the Strait of Hormuz. From north to south, it spans: the British Isles to the middle Nile.
New Place Resources
- Abbazia San Claudio al Chienti
The church of San Claudio al Chienti is a Romanesque church building located in the municipality of Corridonia in the Chienti valley. It was founded in the eleventh century.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Basilica of Saint Augustine in Campo Marzio
The Basilica of Saint Augustine of Hippo in Camp Martius is a titular minor basilica of the Roman Catholic church located in the Campus Martius of Rome. The basilica was conceived in 1286 and the current basilica was completed in 1483.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Cáparra amphitheater
The Roman amphitheater at Cáparra (Oliva de Plasencia, Spain).
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Carmarthen
Roman fort occupied from about 75 AD to at least 100 AD in Wales
Creators: Maxime Guénette
Published by: Tom Elliott - Chega Sofla
An archaeological site located in the Zeydun plain south of the provincial city of Behbahan, Iran.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Chervony Mayak
Chervony Mayak (Kherson Oblast, Ukraine) is the site of a necropolis associated with the Late Scythian culture (second and mid-third centuries CE).
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Domus dei Ritratti
The so-called "Domus dei Ritratti" is located in the archaeological area surrounding Santa Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome. The domus dates to the later Roman Empire.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Funerary temple of Amenhotep II
Temple dedicated to the cult of King Amenhotep II located on the west bank of Thebes.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Funerary temple of Ay and Horemheb
Temple dedicated to the cult of Kings Ay and Horemheb located on the west bank of Thebes.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Funerary temple of Siptah and Twosret
Temple dedicated to the cult of King Siptah and the Queen Twosret located on the west bank of Thebes.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Funerary temple of Thutmose III
Temple dedicated to the cult of King Thutmose III located on the west bank of Thebes.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Funerary temple of Thutmose IV
Temple dedicated to the cult of King Thutmose IV located on the west bank of Thebes.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - Gors Fawr stone circle
Gors Fawr Stone Circle is located in Mynachlog-Ddu, Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Gre Fılla
Gre Fılla is a Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) period site located in Turkey's Diyarbakır Province. The site has been compared to Göbekli Tepe in some respects. Gre Fılla has produced evidence of very early copper working.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Great pit
A great pit dug to the north-east of the village of Deir el-Medina, where hundreds of objects, particularly ostraca, were found.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - House of Aufidia Cornelia Valentinilla
Archaeological excavations in the area of the Aqua Marcia and the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem (Rome) in 1887 and 1888 uncovered the remains of lead water pipes identifying this domus as that of one Aufidia Cornelia Valentinilla.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Italia, Regio VI
One of the administrative regions from Augustus's division of Italy, comprising Umbria and Ager Gallicus. Described by Pliny the Elder in Book III of his Natural History.
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Monte Croce Guardia
Monte Croce Guardia (province of Ancona) was a site of human settlement in the Recent Bronze Age (first half of the twelfth century BCE) that went on to flourish during the Final Bronze Age (ca. 1150-925 BCE). The settlement once covered an area of more than 22 ha.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Pietrarossa di Trevi
Excavations at the archaeological site of Pietrarossa (Trebiae) revealed materials pertaining to a Roman domus in the territory of the ancient municipium. The site shows a long occupational history.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Regia
The Regia is an ancient complex along the Sacra Via in Rome at the margin of the Forum Romanum, adjacent to the Temple of Vesta. It is understood as a sort of ritual headquarters of Rome's early kings and, later, as a structure connected with the office of the pontifex maximus.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Brady Kiesling
Published by: Tom Elliott - Roman theater at Castrum Novum
The Roman theater at Castrum Novum (Santa Marinella, Italy).
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Published by: Tom Elliott - San Trifone in Posterula
San Trifone in Posterula is a no-longer-extant titular church of Rome. It was located at the corner of Via dei Portoghesi and Via della Scrofa in the Campus Martius. The church likely originates in the eighth century; it appears in documentary records beginning in 1006. The ancient church was destroyed in 1746 when the Basilica of Sant'Agostino was enlarged.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Tarpeian Rock
The Tarpeian Rock (Tarpeius mons) is a steep rocky cliff on the south side of the Capitoline Hill in Rome. Certain adjudicated criminals were tossed from the Tarpeian Rock to their deaths in antiquity. According to Varro, Tarpeius mons may be the earliest name of the Capitoline Hill.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Workmen's rest-houses
Facilities built by the workers of the village of Deir el-Medina to serve as a place of rest and worship on the road linking the village of Deir el-Medina to the Valley of the Kings.
Creators: Nicolas Souchon
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Updated Place Resources
- Abolani
The Abolani number among the 53 peoples of Latium Vetus that Pliny the Elder records as having perished without leaving a trace (interiere sine vestigiis).
Modifications: Wikidata Q133464894.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Abollas (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 G5 Abollas fl.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Abydos
A city of Mysia located on the Hellespont.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, H. Kopp, G. Reger, B. Siewert-Mayer, Chris de Lisle, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, DARMC, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa, Ryan M. Horne - Ad Aquilam
Ad Aquilam was a Roman road station in North Etruria.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Mensulas
Now unlocated, Ad Mensulas was a Roman road station located between Saena and Clusium.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Nonas
Ad Nonas is the name of a now unlocated road station near Cosa; the name is attested in the Peutinger Table.
Modifications: Added TP name, TP reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Sextum
Ad Sextum was a Roman road station located between Populonium and Saena.
Modifications: Added TP name, TP reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ad Tygrem/Amida
Modern Diyarbakir in Turkey.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Valeria Vitale, Jeffrey Becker, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, DARMC, Chris de Lisle, Francis Deblauwe, Richard Talbert, B. Siewert-Mayer, Gabriel Bodard, Eric Kansa, Gabriel McKee - Adur Gushnasp/[Shiz]
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90 C4 Adur Gushnasp/[Shiz]
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q115253.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.E. Kroll
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Aesis
An Umbrian town that became a colonia civium Romanorum under the name of Aesis in 247 B.C.
Modifications: Wikidata Q13144.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Ager Gallicus
Ager Gallicus describes the territory Rome annexed after defeating the Senonian Gauls at the Battle of Sentinum.
Modifications: Wikidata Ager Gallicus (Q644966). Updated references. Added Latin name, add Cato reference. Latin name and reference. Updated Cato, Origines (Peter; pHI) thanks.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: M. Pearce, R. Peretto, P. Tozzi
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Akroterion Pr.
The modern Ulu Burun on the southern coast of Turkey.
Modifications: Modified summary. Created new location. Created new name.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, S. Mitchell
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Alcántara Bridge
A six-span stone bridge over the Tagus river, also known as the Puente Trajan.
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jean Luc PIROUX, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Amphanai?
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 D2 Amphanai?
Modifications: Added Greek name, reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: J. Fossey, J. Morin
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, G. Reger, Tom Elliott - Apollonis
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 F4 Apollonis
Modifications: Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn. Added link to RE reference; cleaned up ToposText reference.
Modified by: Güner Girgin, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger, S. Mitchell
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Güner Girgin, Tom Elliott - Aqueduct at Vicus Augustanus
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 43 B3 unnamed aqueduct (Vicus Augustanus)
Modifications: Created new location. Modified title.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Arienzo
A villa of the second century AD that was destroyed by a flood in the fourth century.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Arna
Arna was an ancient city of Umbria that was controlled by Etruscans in the fourth century BCE.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Arnus (river)
The Arno river flows from its origin at Mount Falterona to the Marina di Pisa where it empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Aufinum
Aufinum, long thought to have been located at modern Ofena, which reflects the ancient name, has been shown by recent excavations to have been located some 5km further south, near modern Capestrano. Aufinum was an ancient center of the Abruzzo. Pliny lists the Aufinates Cismontani among the communities of the Vestini.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Baeturia Turdulorum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 E3 Baeturia Turdulorum
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Ross Twele, Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jr., F.H. Stanley - Bergomum
Originally a center of the archaic Golasecca culture, Bergomum became a municipium of the tribus Voturia. In 452 Attila captured and razed the city.
Modifications: Wikidata Q103146531.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Pearce, P. Tozzi
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Bisutun/Bagistana/Vastan?/Baptana
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 92 C2 Bisutun/Bagistana/Vastan?/Baptana
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Chris de Lisle
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, E.J. Keall
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, Rune Rattenborg, Chris de Lisle - Biturgia
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 unlocated Biturgia
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Boiodurum/Boiotro
A multi-period series of Roman fortifications and associated vicus in the Noricum limes, grouped around the confluence of the modern Inn and Danube rivers (modern Passau and Innstadt in Germany). A Celtic oppidum preceded the Roman presence.
Modifications: Edited type and description; added Wikidata+TM refs. Associated modern (this is the museum). Modified summary; cleaned up references; added German wikipedia reference. EDH G018690: Boiodurum / Boiotro – Passau (Innstadt, Flurstück 256, Lagervicus) - added.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: G. Moosbauer, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, M. Puhane, Maxime Guénette, Richard Talbert - Borgellusa di Avola
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 G5 Borgellusa di Avola
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Jonathan Prag, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Burungum?
A Roman fort on the German Limes.
Modifications: Edited type+description; added Wikidata ref; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Haselgrove, J. Kunow
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Cales
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 D1 Cales
Modifications: Updated references. EDH. Geonames 3181277: Cagli.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Cales (Campania)
Cales was an ancient city of Campania of Ausonian origins. The Romans captured the town in 335 B.C. and established a colony there.
Modifications: Updated references. Added nomisma.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Capestrano
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 F4 Capestrano
Modifications: Wikidata Q50063.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Casone
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 A2 Casone
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Casone
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 45 B1 Casone
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Casteddu de Fanaris
A Late Bronze Age nuragic site.
Modifications: Added Wikidata ref.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Castellum aquae
A building in Pompeii serving as the distribution point of water originating from the Acquedotto Serino, Claudio or Augusteo. The structure is also referred to as Castellum Divisorium.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Athanasia Varveri
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Valeria Vitale, Sean Gillies - Castellum Firmanorum
Castellum Firmanorum was the ancient port of Firmum Picenum.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Charcha/‘Arcaiapis’/Karcharoman
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 C3 Charcha/‘Arcaiapis’/Karcharoman
Modifications: Wikidata Q6099391. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, Rune Rattenborg - Clitumnus (river)
A small river of Umbria.
Modifications: Added wikidata Clitunno (Q1101868). Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated time period and location type = assoc mod. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Col. Augusta Raurica
Col. Augusta Raurica (modern Augst) was a Roman colony on the south bank of the Rhine established by Iulius Caesar and L. Munatius Plancus in 44 B.C.
Modifications: Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Colle Oliva
A Roman villa rustica in use from the middle Republican period until the 4th century A.D.
Modifications: Restored missing PAA. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Comum
Comum (modern Como) was a key city of regio XI of ancient Italy. The Celtic site received a Roman colony (Novum Comum) under Iulius Caesar in the first century BC.
Modifications: Added wikidata Como (Q1308), add TP, ItMiller, ItAnt, EDH.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Pearce, P. Tozzi
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Constantinian Columbarium
The so-called Constantinian Columbarium is actually a second-century AD tomb on the Via Appia.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sean Gillies - Dar bel Amri
South of modern Dar bel Amri, a settlement on the east side of the upper Beht river in Morocco, there are remnants of watch tower dating to the Roman imperial period. The fort's ancient name is not known.
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: M. Euzennat
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Diolkos
The Diolkos was a paved tract near ancient Corinth that allowed boats to portage the Isthmus of Corinth. It was in use from ca. 600 B.C. until ca. A.D. 50.
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: G. Reger, J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Doune
A Roman fort of Flavian date located near modern Stirling, Scotland under and around the Doune Primary School. The Latin name "Voran", preserved in the Ravenna Cosmography, may be identifiable with this site. The fortifications seem to have been demolished and abandoned in the Roman era. Slight evidence (postholes) of possible prehistoric date have also been identified.
Modifications: Modified summary; added RENames reference provided; added Latin name Voran; updated references. Created new name.
Modified by: Anthony Durham, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Maxime Guénette
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Anthony Durham, Tom Elliott - Eburovices
The Gallic tribe known as the Eburovices was a branch of the Aulerci.
Modifications: Added TM+Wikidata refs; updated references. Added Latin name, add Pliny.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, Michael Heubel, Maxime Guénette, Richard Talbert, Ryan M. Horne - Ekklesiasterion at Poseidonia/Paestum
The seat of the popular assembly of Poseidonia/Paestum, the Ekklesiasterion was built ca. 480-470 B.C. and could accommodate, at most, 1,700 persons. The structure retained its function after the Lucanian conquest but was abandoned, buried, and built over after the Roman conquest.
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Contributors: Sean Gillies - Farfarus (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 D4 Farfarus fl.
Modifications: Created new location. Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Feldberg
A Roman fort occupied ca. 150-260 CE.
Modifications: Changed description and type; added Wikidata ref; updated references. Edited. Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Forum Iulii Concupiensium
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 unlocated Forum Iulii Concupiensium
Modifications: Added wikidata.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Fuente de las Piedras
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 A4 Fuente de las Piedras
Modifications: Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Gird-i Rostam
Tall multiperiod settlement mound in Kurdistan Iraq. Preliminary excavations have yielded evidence for occupation and construction ranging from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age.
Modifications: Cleaned up references; added Radner 2021. Dates. Added Radner 2019; modified summary. Added wikidata Gird-i Rostam (Q133455889).
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Gonur Tepe
A city in the Murghab River delta inhabited in the third-second millennia BCE. Gonur Tepe is located ca. 60 km north of Mary, Turkmenistan.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg - Gordion/Vindia?
The capital city of ancient Phrygia, the ruins of Gordion are located near the modern village of Yassıhüyük about 10km east of the Turkish city of Polatlı.
Modifications: Updated references. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Additional romanization form; associated modern name. Added Nomisma reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Rob Chavez, Chris de Lisle - Guzana (Tell Halaf)
An Aramaean principality and Neo-Assyrian provincial capital founded on the site of an extinct Neolithic settlement. Settled through Hellenistic times, it was abandoned at the end of the first century BCE.
Modifications: Mentioned NAssyrian phase; cleaned up references; linked new Jursa 2003 reference to Zotero record.
Modified by: Sean Manning
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg, W. Röllig, Jamie Novotny, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, DARMC, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, B. Siewert-Mayer, Sean Manning, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa - Hermes and Aphrodite Sanctuary
This large, open-air sanctuary near Syme Viannou in southern Crete was in use from 2000 BCE until at least the sixth century CE. It attracted pilgrims who are assumed to have camped at the site, which is far from any contemporary settlement. Monumental construction began in the early second millennium BCE and multiple phases and changes are evident, including the construction of Christian chapels in late antiquity. Although the identities of the deities worshiped here at the earliest periods are uncertain (as are the saints venerated in the Christian period), the association with Hermes and Aphrodite seems to have begun as early as the 10th century BCE.
Modifications: Modified title. Adjusted to match BAtlas label. Added iDAI.gazetteer reference provided. Added dates after BAtlDir; archaeological remains = substantive. Created new name. Added additional modified name romanized form. Additional dates per A. Kotsonas. Added EncAncHist reference; modified summary in collaboration with A. Kotsonas.
Modified by: Tom Elliott, Brady Kiesling
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Bennet, G. Reger
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Antonis Kotsonas, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Gabriel McKee, Tom Elliott - Interamna Lirenas
A Latin colony founded ca. 312 B.C. along the Via Latina. The site was sacked by Samnites (ca. 294 B.C.) and subsequently by Hannibal (212 B.C.). It received Roman municipal status in 90 B.C.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Ionian League
An Ancient Greek confederation originally formed in the sixth century BCE by twelve Ionian cities, with religious festivals celebrated at Panionia.
Modifications: Added Wikidata ref.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Ryan M. Horne
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette - Ioviacum?
Roman fort in Noricum
Modifications: Edited type and description; added Wikidata+DARE+TM refs. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, G. Moosbauer, M. Puhane, Maxime Guénette, Sean Gillies - Ipolcobulcola
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 A4 Ipolcobulcola
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Klimax?
An ancient place, cited: None
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Lexovii
The Lexovii were a Celtic people on the western banks of the lower Sequana river.
Modifications: Added Wikidata+TM refs; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, Michael Heubel, Maxime Guénette, Richard Talbert, Ryan M. Horne - Library of Pergamum
The Attalid ruler Eumenes ll built and filled a library at Pergamum between 197 and 159 BCE. Nineteenth century excavators argued for the identification of a series of rooms behind the north stoa of the temple of Athena on the acropolis as housing this library, but more recent scholarship has called this identification into significant doubt (Coqueugniot 2013).
Modifications: Cleaned up references; added Cason reference; modified summary and Coqueugniot 2013. Recommend that association certainty on the published OSM Location be changed to uncertain and a reference to Coqueugniot 2013 added to its references.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Carlos Martinez
Contributors: Alexa Frazey, Julia Doncaster, Kayne Khoury, Jeffrey Becker, Adam Rabinowitz, Tom Elliott, Sean Gillies - Mantineion
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 86 C3 Mantineion
Modifications: Added Wikidata ref.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette, DARMC - Mariandynoi
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 86 A3 Mariandynoi
Modifications: Added Wikidata+ToposText+MANTO refs.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Memphis
A city and capital of Ancient Egypt that remained an important center for most of Egyptian history.
Modifications: Added nomisma, edh, manto, and paths atlas references. Removed erroneous reference.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: R. Müller Wollermann
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jen Thum, Jeffrey Becker, Iris Fernandez, H. Kopp, Herbert Verreth, B. Siewert-Mayer, Mark Depauw, Richard Talbert, Adam Prins, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Jonathan Fu, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa, Chris de Lisle - Metroon/Aulia
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 86 B2 Metroon/Aulia
Modifications: Added Wikidata reference.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette, DARMC - Mirobriga
Mirobriga was a settlement located west of Almadén mentioned by Pliny the Elder.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Changed type to assoc modern loc. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Murus Servii Tullii
The Republican city wall of Rome.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies - Nabaris/Navarra
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 C3 Nabaris/Navarra
Modifications: Updated references. Created new name.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Neroua (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 C2 Neroua fl.
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, S.J. Keay, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Nervii
Belgic tribes of northern Gaul at the time of its conquest by Rome. Their territory corresponds to the central part of modern Belgium.
Modifications: Edited type and description; added Wikidata+Nomisma refs; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Richard Talbert, Michael Heubel, Maxime Guénette, Richard Talbert, Ryan M. Horne - Nida (river)
The modern La Nied river, a tributary of the Saar, which runs through parts of modern France and Germany.
Modifications: Edited. Added Wikidata ref; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Haselgrove, J. Kunow
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Nuceria
Nuceria (modern Nocera Umbra) is an ancient town in Umbria, perhaps founded in the seventh century B.C. by Camerinum.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Olympus (mountain)
Ulu Dağ.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Osteodes (islands)
An ancient island or island group, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ostra
Ostra was an ancient town of Umbria.
Modifications: Wikidata Ancient Ostra (Q533922), EDH.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Pannonia
A province of the Roman Empire bounded on the north and east by the Danube, on the west by Noricum and upper Italy, and on the southward by Dalmatia and upper Moesia
Modifications: Changed description and type; added Wikidata+Nomisma refs; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J.J. Wilkes, R.S. Bagnall, S. Mitchell, S.T. Parker
Contributors: Brian Z. Lund, Richard Talbert, Mary E. Downs, M. Joann McDaniel, Maxime Guénette, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Pausulae
Pausulae was a town of Picenum mentioned by Pliny the Elder. It was a Municipium of Regio V.
Modifications: Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Pir Hüseyin
Large mound east of Pir Hüseyin, find place for cuneiform inscription.
Modifications: Wikidata Q133425385. 86877: Pir Hüseyin.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Pitinum Mergens
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 42 D1 Pitinum Mergens
Modifications: Wikidata Q133457746.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Ponte Sereno
A bridge near Ferentinum (modern Ferentino in Italy) that is traditionally dated to A.D. 260 or after. A substructure in polygonal masonry supports the bridge.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Roma
The capital of the Roman Republic and Empire.
Modifications: Changed wikidata link to point to ancient Rome instead of modern Rome.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Rosemary Selth, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sebastian Heath, Maxime Guénette, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes - Römische Villa Otrang
This extensive rural villa of the Roman imperial period (ancient name unknown) was built in the territory of the Treveri. Located at modern Fliessem-Otrang in Germany.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Added Wikidata ref; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - S. Callisto
A large catacomb on the Via Appia south of Rome notable especially for its so-called 'Crypt of the Popes'. The catacomb covers approximately 15 hectares.
Modifications: Updated references. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Jonathan Weiland, Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Sean Gillies - Sammachi
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 C3 Sammachi
Modifications: Updated TP reference. TM GEO ID 41542: Sammachi (Shammerkh Çay). Added TP name, TP reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Sanctuary at San Casciano dei Bagni
An ancient sanctuary located near the village of San Casciano dei Bagni, located south of Siena, Italy, has produced, following archaeological excavation, a large cache of metallic votive offerings - coins, figurines, statues, anatomical votives - dating to the late republican and early imperial periods. These votives were recovered from waterlogged mud deposits associated with the thermal springs at the site that have been frequented since at least the first millennium BCE.
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - São Miguel de Mota
Site of a temple dedicated to the Celtiberian/Lusitanian god Endovelicus.
Modifications: Created new location. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Sardeoua/‘Sardebar’
Now known as Zerzevan Kalesi, this Roman-era fortified settlement is located in Turkey's Diyarbakir province.
Modifications: ItMiller.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Siarum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 E4 Siarum
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Siniyah Island Monastery
A church and possible monastic complex identified in 2021/2022 on modern Siniyah Island in the emirate of Umm al-Quwain, UAE.
Modifications: Removed redundant Power 2022 reference.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Yonatan Miller - Sophanene
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 C2 Sophanene
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Temple of Jupiter
A temple dedicated to the Capitoline triad is located on the forum of Saepinum.
Modifications: Added Classical Temples reference.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Termessos
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 D4 Termessos
Modifications: Wikidata Q599462, nomisma added. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, S. Mitchell
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - This
The capital city of the first dynasties of ancient Egypt. While the precise location of the ancient site is unclear, mainstream scholarly thought places it near ancient Abydos and modern Girga.
Modifications: Changed location type to 'associated modern'. Wikidata Thinis (Q1153959). Updated references.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Drew Bear
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Adam Prins, Jen Thum, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Herbert Verreth, Richard Talbert, Mark Depauw - Trebiae
Trebiae was an ancient city of Umbria (regio IV) located near the line of the Via Flaminia. It is identified with modern Trevi, north of Spoleto in Italy.
Modifications: EDH G020782: Trebiae – Trevi.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Trebiates
An ancient tribe of Umbria that Pliny places in the sixth Augustan region.
Modifications: Wikidata Q133456776.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Tuficum
Tuficum was an ancient city of Umbria located on the Aesis river. It became a municipium of the tribus Oufentina.
Modifications: EDH G018343: Tuficum, bei – Albacina. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Turduli
An ancient tribe dwelling in what is now southern Portugal.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: F.H. Stanley Jr., R.C. Knapp
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker, Jr., F.H. Stanley - Tuscia et Umbria
A Late Antique region and administrative unit of central Italy that was created during the Diocletianic reforms. It was formed by joining two of the Augustan administrative regions together (Regio VI Umbria and Regio VII Etruria). It was part of the diocese of Italia under Diocletian and, under Constantine I, part of the vicariate of Italia Suburbicaria.
Modifications: Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: J.J. Wilkes, S.T. Parker, R.S. Bagnall, W.V. Harris, A.S. Esmonde-Cleary, C.M. Wells, J.F. Drinkwater, R.C. Knapp, S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brian Z. Lund, Richard Talbert, Mary E. Downs, M. Joann McDaniel, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - *Umbro (river)
The Ambra flows from the foot of Monte Luco to the Arno river.
Modifications: Added TP name, TP reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ustica (island)
An island in the Tyrrhenian Sea occupied since the middle of the second millennium B.C. when Phoenician traders were present there.
Modifications: Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Richard Talbert, Brian Z. Lund, Mary E. Downs, M. Joann McDaniel
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Valeria Vitale, Tom Elliott, Jonathan Prag - Vigna Spinabella
A Roman villa located at Vigna Spinabella and included in the Barrington Atlas. In the Barrington Atlas directory, this place is included as a "Numbered Feature" and not given a specific title. It is assigned number 44 on BAtlas map 43 C2.
Modifications: Updated modified summary, references; hatlie 2025.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Villa in via Casone Grotta
A Roman villa at Boscoreale discovered in 1986 and only partially excavated.
Modifications: Edited. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker