Last Week in Pleiades (30 October - 6 November 2023)
Tom Elliott
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Last modified
Nov 06, 2023 03:22 PM
Last week the Pleiades editorial college published 6 new and 244 updated place resources, reflecting work by Jeffrey Becker, Catherine Bouras, Tom Elliott, Greta Hawes, Brady Kiesling, Gabriel McKee, Enrico Regazzoni, Rosemary Selth, R. Scott Smith, and Clifflena Tiah.
A map of Europe, northern Africa, the Arabian peninsula and western Asia with orange "plus sign" icons indicating updated place resources and bright pink dots indicating new place resources.
New Place Resources
The ruins of a three-aisled basilica of the sixth century CE located at Salamis in Cyprus.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: -
Settlement on the Taman Peninsula with signs of habitation dated to the mid-4th-early 3rd millennium BCE.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Contributors: -
Evidence for human activity stretching from the Late Bronze Age to the sixth century A.D. was discovered in the cave of Boundoulaou in 1962.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: -
An extensive ancient site in northwest Cyprus occupied from the Bronze Age until approximately 700 B.C.
Creators: Clifflena Tiah
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker -
A seven-room building was brought to light by underwater archaeological research in Salamis. The architectural remains may be those of a hero shrine (heroön) connected with the Greek hero Ajax.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott -
Settlement in Luristan inhabited in the Second-First Millennia BCE.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Modified Place Resources
An ancient road station labeled on the Peutinger Map and usually equated with the archaeological remains of a mansio at modern Puech-Crémat-Bas in France (BAtlas 14 I4 Ad Silanum)
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; edited; created OSM location of Ad Silanum
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 F3 Aegyssus
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Sanctuary of Agios Lot is located at the southeastern end of the Dead Sea.
Creators: S.T. Parker
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Lot's Cave (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The agora of ancient Kibyra.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman amphitheater of Durrës dates to the reign of Trajan. A small chapel built inside the amphitheater has mosaics likely dating to the 6th-8th centuries CE.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sarah Bond; Tom Elliott
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Anazarbos city wall visible today was built in the 10th century of the current era.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The theater at ancient Akrai.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Ancient Theater of Argos was a Hellenistic theater initially constructed in 320 BCE and later renovated by the Romans.
Creators: Merrick Gormley; Nomi Solwren
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott; Thomas Landvatter
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The ancient theater of Maroneia was constructed in the Hellenistic period and later remodeled in the Roman period.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: Submit for review; Initial revision; Migrated from location; Create; modified OSM location of Ancient theater of Maronia (edit title); created connection "Maroneia"
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 72 C2 Aphrodite Paphia, T.
Creators: D. Rupp
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
*Aquae or pagus Aquensis was a bath site located along the Strei river in the territory of Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa.
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: RE Aquensis pagus; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 15 C2 *Arandunum
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Mount Hasan, Hasan Dağı in Turkish, is an inactive stratovolcano and the second highest peak in Anatolia.
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Hasan Dağı (added osm location, Create, Submit for review, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory); modified location "Geonames Location: Hasan Dağı Summit" (update reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient settlement, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Argos was a city of ancient Greece that reached its cultural highpoint under Pheidon in the seventh century BC.
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Pierre Motylewicz; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: modified name "Árgos" (update references)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 64 unlocated Argos
Creators: T.B. Mitford
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 50 A1 Argos
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient settlement, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Creators: J. Fossey; J. Morin
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient fortified city on high ground on the south bank of the river Nymphaios (modern Kâhta Çayı) south of the modern village of Kocahisar (also known as Eski Kahta) in Turkey.
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Asine was an ancient Greek city of Argolis.
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A major Greek city-state and the principal city of Attika. Modern Athens in Greece.
Creators: J.S. Traill
Contributors: Alec Mitchell; Adam Rabinowitz; Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Pierre Motylewicz; Rachaelle L Browning; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Sterling Wright; Tom Elliott; April Kissinger; Chelsea Lee; DARMC; Eric Shea; R. Talbert
Modifications: removed DARE link
Actors: Tom Elliott -
Augusta Praetoria (modern Aosta) was a settlement of the Salassi conquered by Rome in 25 B.C. From 24 B.C. a colony of 3,000 Roman military veterans occupied the city of Augusta Praetoria Salassorum and it became the capital of the province Alpes Graies from 11 B.C.
Creators: M. Pearce; P. Tozzi
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient river in Elis, mentioned by Pausanias. Its precise location cannot be determined today.
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Greta Hawes; Rosemary Selth; R. Scott Smith; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: summary; added RE reference; cleaned up references; title; added MANTO reference provided by MANTO team; modified name "Bady" (Greek, Pausanias reference)
Actors: Greta Hawes; Jeffrey Becker; Rosemary Selth; R. Scott Smith -
B(a)elo is located on the northern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar. The town was founded by the late second century BC and achieved municipal status under Claudius.
Creators: F.H. Stanley; Jr.; R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner; jfu
Modifications: modified OSM location of Baelo Claudia (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 20 E5 Baloie
Creators: M. Šašel Kos; P. Kos
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Banbhore is located 65 km east of Karachi. Its sequence of occupation stretches from the first century BC to the thirteenth century AD.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A monumental Hellenistic tomb located at the modern Turkish village of Belevi (11km northeast of ancient Ephesus). The tomb may have been prepared for either Antigonus Monophthalmus or Lysimachus. The Seleucid king Antiochus II Theos may have been buried there subsequently.
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: modified OSM location of Belevi Mausoleum (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 33 F4 Bennafa
Creators: R.B. Hitchner
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Bin Tepe, meaning 'thousand mounds', is the name given to a concentration of Lydian royal tumuli near Sardis.
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Bovianum was a Samnite center and the capital of the Pentri tribe. It received Roman municipium status ca. 87 B.C. By the late first century A.D. it was occupied by veterans of Legio XI and known as the "colonia Bovianum Undecimanoruin".
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
At Brading on the Isle of Wight, the remains of a Roman winged corridor type villa, consisting of three blocks, were excavated between 1881 and 1900. The villa was occupied between the second and fourth centuries A.D. The villa is known for its mosaic pavements.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update reference; modified OSM location of Brading Roman villa (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Within the Villa Neronis
Creators: L. Quilici; S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Ancient Calabria comprised the southern part of Apulia and the Salento peninsula.
Creators: A.M. Small; I.E.M. Edlund Berry
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Michael Heubel; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; Richard Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Calleva Atrebatum (known as Silchester Roman Town) was an Iron Age oppidum and Roman town in Britannia. It was the civitas capital of the Atrebates tribe.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The place known as "Camp de César" or "Caesar's Camp" is an ancient town covering some 18 ha that was occupied from the fifth century BCE until Late Antiquity. Built fortifications augment the site's natural defensibility.
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: summary, change place type; DARMC 5629; edited; created OSM location of Camp de César
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 E4 Canéjan
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Carnac (Breton: Karnag) is a site in southern Brittany known for the so-called Carnac stones, a massive complex of Neolithic menhir stones.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 15 E1 Carpentorate/*Forum Neronis
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An important pre-Roman and Gallo-Roman oppidum overlooking the Gardon gorges north of Nimes.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan Horne
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of oppidum (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The rock-cut Catacombs of Milos date from the first to fifth centuries.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of catacombs of Trypiti (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Celeia was an important settlement in Noricum.
Creators: M. Šašel Kos; P. Kos
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified name "Celeia" (add Latin name, add Pliny reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 15 A3 unnamed centuriation (around Col. Baeterrae)
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A sanctuary located at the boundary of the civitas of the Suessiones and that of the Silvanectes.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient Greek city, largely rebuilt in the early Roman empire after a major earthquake. Kibyra is located near the modern town of Göhlisar (formerly Horzum) in Turkey's Burdur province.
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Rob Chavez; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 F4 Cius
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; reference; update references; created OSM location of Cetatea Cius
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
The Oropos Amphiareion clepsydra is a hydraulic inflow clock serving the Sanctuary of Amphiaraus. Situated on the southeast bank of the sacred spring of Amphiaraus, this inflow hydraulic clock dates to the 4th century BCE.
Creators: Clara Leach; Ethan Lambright
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott; Thomas Landvatter
Modifications: edited; modified OSM Location of Clepsydra (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Colonia Julia Baeterrae Septimanorum is located where the Via Herculia crosses the Orb river. It is now modern Béziers, France. The site has been inhabited at least since 750-650 B.C.
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Col. Camulodunum (Colchester) was the pre-Roman capital of the Trinovantes; it received a Roman city after the annexation of Britannia.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; David Mimno; Scott Vanderbilt; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A site first mentioned (A.D. 6) as a winter camp of Tiberius, Carnuntum eventually became a legionary base and the seat of the governor for Pannonia.
Creators: A. Bursche; L.F. Pitts
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; E. Krekovič; P. Kaczanowski; R. Madyda‑Legutko; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Col. Forum Iulii (modern Fréjus) was a Roman military colony, most likely founded by Iulius Caesar, that served as a major naval base.
Creators: R. Häussler; S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Site of a Roman legionary fortress (ca. 67 A.D.) and later colonia (founded ca. 97-98 A.D.) at modern day Gloucester.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; David Mimno; Scott Vanderbilt; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 18 D3 Col. Iulia Equestris/Noviodunum
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Lugdunum (modern Lyon in France) was a Roman military colony from 43 B.C. and a major center in Gaul. Marcus Agrippa was involved in its expansion and two Roman emperors, Claudius and Caracalla, were born there.
Creators: E. Bertrand
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 18 B2 Colmier-le-Bas
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: DARMC 27401; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The site of a Romano-British villa of the winged corridor type, probably late 3rd century CE in date.
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update reference; modified OSM location of Combley Roman villa (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An Umbrian city that, under Etruscan influence, expanded and came to be called 'Curtun'. Later it became the Roman colony of Cortino.
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A fortress in Armenia Minor on the river Euphrates, some 75 Roman miles from Zimara.
Creators: T.B. Mitford
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The ruined Medieval city of Dehistan/Mashhad-i Misrian is now located in the Balkan Region of western Turkmenistan. It flourished from the tenth to fourteenth centuries along a major trade network.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 50 B2 Demir Kapija
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 H2 Derventum
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 D3 Drajna de Sus
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Roman town at present day Rochester, cited: BAtlas 8 H3 Durobrivae
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; David Mimno; Scott Vanderbilt; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references; add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 8 H2 Duroliponte
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 C4 Eibeos
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 69 B3 Ekdippa
Creators: E.M. Meyers; J.P. Brown
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Jamie Novotny; Sarah Bond; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
El-Kurru is the site of a necropolis used by Nubian royalty. Many of the royal tombs date to the Kushite period.
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Enrico Regazzoni; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; modified OSM location of El Kurru (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance); created name "el-Kurru"
Actors: Enrico Regazzoni; Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient site at modern Echternach in Luxembourg.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 unlocated Erasinos fl.
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 E4 Eudokias?
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 G3 Florange-Daspich
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
At Fox-Amphoux the remains of a Roman villa were discovered, adjacent to those of a sanctuary ad fines that may have been dedicated to the Capitoline triad. The site was in use from the time of Augustus until the third century AD.
Creators: R. Häussler; S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 49 C1 *Gabuleum
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 I2 Gannat
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A theater founded ca. 390 B.C. with subsequent Hellenistic and Roman renovations.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Isthmia Graeco-Roman theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Rock-cut theater of Greek form at Syracuse, Sicily, probably in use from the 5th c. BC to the Late Roman period.
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Adam Rabinowitz; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies
Modifications: modified OSM location of teatro greco (added osm location, Create, Submit for review, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Remains of a Greek theater at Segesta that was first built in the first half of the third century B.C.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of Greek Theatre (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Greek theater of Taormina was built originally in the third century B.C.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of Greek theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A karstic cave located near Porto Badisco in southern Apulia, Italy, the so-called Grotta dei Cervi was first discovered in 1970. The cave system, although not completely documented, contains a wealth of parietal art and pictograms dating to the late Neolithic and Eneolithic periods, ca. 6000 to 5000 years BP.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: Submit for review; edited; Initial revision; Create; modified OSM location of Grotta dei Cervi (added osm location, Create, Submit for review, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory); modified name "Grotta dei Cervi" (name, Submit for review, Create)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
In the Grotta delle Veneri, human occupation can be documented from the Mousterian Age until the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: Submit for review; edited; place created; Create; modified OSM location of Grotta delle Veneri (Create, Submit for review, add OSM location, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory); modified name "Grotta delle Veneri" (name, Submit for review, Create)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Grotta Romanelli (Lecce, Southern Italy) is a karstic cave in a coastal position that was occupied by humans beginning in the Middle Pleistocene period.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: Submit for review; summary; Initial revision; Create; modified OSM location of Grotta Romanelli (added osm location, Create, Submit for review, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory); modified name "Grotta Romanelli" (name, Submit for review, Create)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 F4 Gyges
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A karstic cave located in northeastern Libya that is a significant site for modern human prehistory. The cave was occupied during the Middle and Upper Paleolithic, the Mesolithic and the Neolithic periods. Evidence for modern human presence in the cave dates back to 200,000 BP.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location Haua Fteah Cave (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Modern Hayling Island (borough of Havant, Hampshire, England) is the site of a multi-phase sanctuary: the Iron Age shrine dates ca. 50 BCE and the Roman temple dates ca. 55-60CE. The sanctuary seems to have suffered decline and ceased being maintained in the early third century CE, although ritual/votive deposition seems to have continued through the fourth century.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 32 E4 Henchir-Sidi-Amara
Creators: R.B. Hitchner
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 48 A1 Herculis Inss.
Creators: S.L. Dyson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: added WHTL
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Hippo Regius (modern Annaba in Algeria) was a colony established by Phoenicians from Tyre as early as the twelfth century BC.
Creators: E.W.B. Fentress
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 E3 Histiaia/Hestiaia
Creators: J. Fossey; J. Morin
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Constantina Argyrakou; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Gallo-Roman tumulus near Ramillies in Belgium.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Hottomont tumulus (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A well-appointed Roman domus with a large, well-preserved cryptoporticus. The earliest phase belongs to the late second and early first century B.C. with subsequent modifications during the early Imperial period.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of House of the Cryptoporticus (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 G3 Idyma
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The island known as "La Maddalena" is grouped in an archipelago of the same name.
Creators: S.L. Dyson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: add reference; modified OSM location of La Maddalena (island) (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A city in Spain founded in 206 B.C. by Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus as a site at which to settle Roman soldiers wounded in the Battle of Ilipa.
Creators: F.H. Stanley; Jr.; R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A stone barrow site near the Molochna River comprising over 50 grottoes and caves, many containing petroglyphs dating from the Mesolithic age through the second millennium BCE, with additional graffiti dated as late as the twelfth century CE.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 B4 Karmylessos?
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; add wikidata, tm geo id; add topostext; update references; created OSM location of Ruins of Kayaköy; modified name "Karmylessos" (add Greek name, Strabo reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 54 C3 Kastrion
Creators: W.M. Murray
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 63 E4 Keçikalesi
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient settlement, described by Pausanias as lying between Argos and Tegea in Greece, and probably located at a site now called Palaio-Skaphidaki (Paleo Skaphidaki)
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Joshua Sosin; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: added MANTO Cenchriai (Argolid); update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city of Cilicia Trachea.
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 D4 *Korma
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 59 D3 Koroni
Creators: J.S. Traill
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 G3 Kotenna
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 unlocated Kretea
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Dan Diffendale; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 G3 Kyllandos
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Roman Lagentium (modern Castleford) is the site of a series of forts, beginning with a Flavian fort that was later replaced by a second-century fort. The site of the fort was occupied from ca. A.D. 80 to 150 while the vicus remained occupied until the fourth century.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 46 C2 Laino
Creators: A.M. Small; I.E.M. Edlund Berry
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 66 A4 Lamos
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 B5 Lanuéjols
Creators: E. Bertrand
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 D4 La Villeneuve-au-Châtelot
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 F4 Le Châtelet de Gourzon
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Remains of fortifications dating to the Late Roman period.
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 H3 Les Cars
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created OSM location of Ruines gallo-romaines des Cars
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
Excavations in and around Liverdun carried out in the 1960s revealed evidence for "fairly dense" habitation from prehistoric to Merovingian times. Notable archaeological features included a Gallo-Roman villa (destroyed in the third century A.D.) at the locality known as Rupt-Chaudron and a Merovingian necropolis of more than 1,000 tombs dating to the ninth century A.D.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 12 H4 Lo(a)cus Felicis?
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Moosbauer; M. Puhane; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 15 D1 Lombren
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Lousonna began as a Roman military establishment on the site of a Celtic center.
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater in Pula dates to the first century.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: add wikidata
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 15 unlocated Mansa
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 70 E3 Maon/Menoeis/Castrum Moenoenum
Creators: B. Isaac
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 F3 Martelange
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Gallo-Greek oppidum founded at the end of the sixth century BCE.
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A mausoleum and sacred precinct associated with Hecatomnus of Mylasa, who was the satrap of Caria under Artaxerxes II (404–358 BC).
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update reference; modified location "OSM location: Mausoleum and Sacred area of Hecatomnus" (edited, supersedes previously published location., Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory, Submit for review, Create)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Quintus Lollius Urbicus served as a governor of Britannia between 139 and 142. His career is detailed on a pair of inscriptions from his hometown of Tiddis. His mausoleum is located at Tiddis.
Creators: E.W.B. Fentress
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Mdina, Malta, has ancient origins, being occupied perhaps as early as 4000 BC. The site was first fortified by the Phoenicians ca. 700 BC.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of city wall (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 G4 Melos
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 E4 Monte S. Giuliano di Caltanissetta
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; update references; created OSM location of Monte San Giuliano
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 F3 Mosomagus
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A small island in the Stagnone Lagoon of western Sicily, Motya has evidence for quite ancient settlement, including a significant Punic phase. The settlement on the island was destroyed by Syracuse in 379 BC. At one point the island was connected to the mainland via a causeway.
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Jonathan Prag; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; Valeria Vitale; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add UWHS tentative list reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Gallo-Roman villa excavated in 1891-1892.
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Murviel-lès-Montpellier was an oppidum with three circuit walls located 6 km north of the Via Domitia.
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; add Merimee PA00103613: Oppidum pré-romain ou site archéologique de l'agglomération antique du Castellas; reference; created OSM location of Chantier Archéologique du Castelas
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
A fortified town in Laconia, Peloponnese, Greece, Mystras was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Ingrid Luo; Tom Elliott
Modifications: created OSM location of Archaeological Site of Mystras
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
A large ancient settlement located in the vicinity of modern Naix-aux-Forges and Saint-Armand-sur-Ornain in France. Excavations began in the 19th century and continued in the 20th.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 8 F4 Newport
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: modified OSM location (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The ancient city of Nicopolis ad Istrum is located near the village of Nikyup, Bulgaria, in the district of Veliko Turnovo. The Roman emperor Trajan founded Nicopolis ad Istrum following victories over the Dacians in 101 and 106 CE. The fortified Roman city had an area of approximately 30 ha.
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: summary; update references; modified OSM location of Nikopolis ad Istrum (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
A pre-Roman and Gallo-Roman sanctuary at the locality called l'Ermitage de Notre-Dame-de-Laval.
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 H2 Nova Augusta
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient road station, identified with the archaeological site at Barzan, in France.
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; update reference; modified OSM location of the Site Gallo-Romains du Fâ (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Odeon at Kom el-Dikka, used both for entertainment and academic functions, was built in the center of ancient Alexandria in the fourth century CE and rebuilt between the end of the fifth and beginning of the sixth century CE.
Creators: Marnie Leven; Yeşim Yilmaz
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Thomas Landvatter
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 C4 Okilis
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Ptolemaic temple to Sobek and Horus the Elder at Kom Ombo.
Creators: Nate Nagy; J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Adam Prins; Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Herbert Verreth; Jen Thum; Mark Depauw; R. Talbert; jfu
Modifications: update references; created OSM location of Temple of Kom Ombo; modified name "Kom Ombo" (reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 E3 Oreos
Creators: J. Fossey; J. Morin
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Osca/Urbs Victrix (modern Huesca) was an Iberian oppidum and capital of the Ilergetes that later became a Roman colony.
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 D1 Oudenburg
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The site of a Bronze Age terramare settlement, Parma was re-founded first by Etruscans and later by the Romans when a colony was established there in 183 B.C. The city was rebuilt by Augustus and was eventually sacked by Attila.
Creators: M. Pearce; P. Tozzi
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 A4 Pasanda
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Peltuinum was a settlement of the Vestini located along the Via Claudia Nova. The town is notable as the birthplace of the Roman general Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo.
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city of Caria located on the Loryma peninsula southwest of Marmaris.
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient river of Greece, placed by Pausanias somewhere between Argos and Lerna. Its precise location cannot be determined today.
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 E2 Piroboridava
Creators: A.G. Poulter
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 66 F2 Podandus
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add EDH ref.; add wikipedia; add wikipedia; add IK 55.1, 2000, p. 11 fig. 1 (Podandos / Pozantı); update references; created name "Paduwandas"; created name "Paduando"
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
The point of entry of the Via Aurelia.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: edited; modified OSM location of Porte des Gaules (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 H1 Portus Victoriae Iuliobrigensium
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A pre-Aksumite and Aksumite settlement located in what is now southern Eritrea, possibly to be identified as the Koloe mentioned in a Roman imperial source. Qohaito has been submitted by Eritrea for consideration as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Mark Krier; Sean Gillies; D.T. Potts; R. Talbert
Modifications: Submit for review; update references; modified Imagery Location for the Centerpoint of Qoahito (Submit for review); modified name "Koloe" (Submit for review)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Raeburnfoot is a small Roman fort near the junction of the river Esk and the Rae Burn.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update reference; modified location of Raeburnfoot Roman fort (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Rassvet is a Bosporan agricultural settlement dating from the second century BC to the first century AD.
Creators: David Braund
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Regulbium was a Roman 'Saxon Shore' fort.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman amphitheater at Aosta likely dates to the first century A.D. Its remains are englobed within Medieval structures.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Anfiteatro romano di Aosta (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman amphitheater at Béziers dates ca. A.D. 80, during the Flavian period. It measured ca. 110 by 90 meters and could accommodate 15,000 spectators.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: created OSM location of Amphithéâtre Romain
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
The Roman amphitheater of London, now beneath the Guildhall Art Gallery, was discovered in 1988.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of Roman amphitheater at Guildhall (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman amphitheater at Noviodunum was only discovered in 1996 and likely dates to the second century A.D. The arena measures ca. 50 x 36 meters.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified location of Roman amphitheater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The amphitheater of Italica, built in the second century A.D., was one of the largest in the Roman world and could accommodate an estimated 25,000 spectators.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of Anfiteatro (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater at Aizanoi is part of a theater-stadium complex. The complex is built after A.D. 160 with the patronage of one M. Apuleius Eurycles.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Roman theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater at Aosta dates ca. 25 B.C.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: add wikidata; modified OSM Location of Roman theater (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater at Brixia was built during the Flavian period.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM Location of Roman theater (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater at Fréjus dates to the reign of Tiberius.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Roman theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater at Petra.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of Roman theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Salamis remained an important city of Cyprus during the Roman period and the theater is one part of a complex of monumental architecture there.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: update reference; modified OSM location of Roman theater (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater at Sparta dates to the late first century B.C.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of ancient theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The larger of the two Roman theaters at Vendeuil-Caply was located at the northwest angle of the cardo and the decumanus.
Creators: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update references; edited; modified OSM location of Théatre Gallo-romain (Create, Submit for review, add OSM location, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Roman theater of the first century B.C. built on the site of the fourth century B.C. Greek theater.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Elizabeth Robinson; Ryan Horne
Modifications: modified OSM location of Teatro romano di Locri (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater of Neapolis is a structure of the first century B.C. that is built atop the pre-existing fourth century B.C. Greek theater.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: add wikidats
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman theater of Stobi dates to the second century.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update reference; modified OSM location of Roman theater of Stobi (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The site is located in modern Lausanne-Vidy
Creators: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Ruines romaines Lousonna (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
This extensive rural villa of the Roman imperial period (ancient name unknown) was built in the territory of the Treveri. Located at modern Fliessem-Otrang in Germany.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created OSM location of Römische Villa Otrang
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 E1 Rumst
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman fort at Rutupiae was erected at the location where the Claudian landings took place in A.D. 43.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Early Dilmun settlement founded as early as 2300 BCE, with the main phase of the town being built around 1900 BCE. The site, which is located in modern Bahrain, continued in use around 100-200 years after the establishment of this main phase.
Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Saar Site (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 72 D2 Salamis/Konstantia
Creators: D. Rupp
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Jamie Novotny; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 69 C5 Salem/Salumias
Creators: E.M. Meyers; J.P. Brown
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; created OSM location of Tel Shalem
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
At Argos, Pausanias mentions both the sanctuary of Apollo Deiradiotes (Apollo of the ridge) and the sanctuary of Athena Oxyderkes (Athena the clear-sighted).
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Ιερό Απόλλωνα Δειραδιώτη (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 I3 Segusio
Creators: E. Bertrand
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; John Muccigrosso; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 69 E4 Seia
Creators: E.M. Meyers; J.P. Brown
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 59 B3 Selenia
Creators: J.S. Traill
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Selgoouai were an ancient people of southern Scotland attested only in the text of Ptolemy.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Michael Heubel; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner; Richard Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient fortified settlement located a few kilometers north of ancient Sparta on a hill known in modern times as Palaiogoulas, which is east of the modern town of Sellasia. Sacked several times in antiquity, Pausanias reports the settlement was abandoned by his time.
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Catherine Bouras; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: DARMC 24097 = related; summary; added GeoNames reference provided by cbouras; cleaned up references; added Imagery Location.; added Chronique reference provided by cbouras; added WikiData and Wikipedia references provided by bkiesling; created location "Imagery Location: Κάστρο Σελλασίας"; modified name "Sellasia" (Baseline created, add Polybius reference, Greek name)
Actors: Brady Kiesling; Catherine Bouras; Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
Located some 16 km from Lugo, S. Eulalia de Bóveda is the location of a vaulted, three-aisled, underground building, likely dating to the middle Imperial period and functioning as a nymphaeum.
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; update references; created OSM location of Templo de Santalla de Bóveda
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
Sextantio was a Celtic settlement at a ford on the Ledus fl. and later became a Gallo-Roman town.
Creators: S. Loseby
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Sidon/Col. Aurelia Pia is an ancient maritime city and Phoenician metropolis
Creators: E.M. Meyers; J.P. Brown
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Jamie Novotny; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; R. Talbert; W. Röllig
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Skardon M., the Šar Mountains, is a mountain range in the Balkans that extends from Kosovo to northeastern Albania.
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The ruins of an ancient theatre in Cyrene, known as "Theatre 2".
Creators: Valeria Vitale
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of the so-called Theatre 2 (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 20 F3 Sopianae
Creators: M. Šašel Kos; P. Kos
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 C3 Spercheiai
Creators: J. Fossey; J. Morin
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Robin Iversen Rönnlund; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; add topostext, wikidata; update references; modified location "Circuit wall" (add feature type)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 21 B5 Srebrenica
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
St-Aubin-sur-Gaillon was the site of a Gallo-Roman sanctuary.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; update references; created OSM location of Temple de Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 7 F2 St-Aubin-sur-Mer
Creators: P. Galliou
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient town of Paeonia that eventually became the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia Salutaris.
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Stobi (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance); modified name "Stobi" (update reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city of the Elamite, Persian, and Parthian empires of Iran. Located at modern Shush, Susa was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2015.
Creators: A. Hausleiter; M. Roaf; R. Wenke; St J. Simpson
Contributors: Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; P. Flensted Jensen; R. Talbert; W. Röllig
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 E2 Taviers
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 E3 Teichioussa
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified name "Teichioussa" (add Greek name, Thuc. ref.)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
A multi-period settlement with occupation stretching from the Chalcolithic period to the second century A.D.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Noah Kaye
Modifications: update reference; modified OSM location of Tel Arad (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Temenion was located in the Argolid. It was built by Temenus, the son of Aristomachus. Temenion lay 50 stades from Nauplia and 26 from Argos.
Creators: G. Reger; J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Temple of Amphiaraus is an oracular temple dedicated to the hero/god Amphiaraus, located within the sanctuary of the Amphiareion. The site was believed to have healing powers and was particularly important in the Late Classical and Hellenistic periods (fifth to third centuries BCE).
Creators: Robert McNeil
Contributors: Adam Rabinowitz; Jeffrey Becker; Jennifer Townzen; Mallory Barbosa; McKenzie Cornish; Tyler Engalla
Modifications: modified OSM location of Temple of Amphiaraus (Create, Submit for review, add OSM location, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Temple of Herakles at Cora was built during the 80s B.C. The temple is tetrastyle in its plan and built following the Etrusco-Italic temple tradition.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Tenedo lies at the confluence of the Aare and the Rhine. In pre-Roman times, a key trade route crossed the River Rhine here.
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 19 D2 Teriolis
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Moosbauer; M. Puhane; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 D4 Termessos
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Termessos (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Teurnia, on the Drau river, was an ancient settlement of Noricum.
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Moosbauer; M. Puhane; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified name "Teurnia" (update reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman Theater at Alinda could accommodate about 5,000 spectators.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Theater at Kibyra dates to the Hellenistic period.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Theatre on the south slope of the Acropolis in Athens.
Creators: Ryan Horne
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott
Modifications: add WHTL; update references; modified OSM location of Theatre of Dionysus (added osm location, Create, Submit for review, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Theater of Melos likely has Hellenistic origins but the visible phase belongs to the Roman period.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: add reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Greek Theater of Pergamon dates ca. 225 -200 B.C.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Hellenistic theater at Dodona is linked to the reign of Pyrrhus in the third century B.C.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: add WHTL reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Theater of Sagalassos dates to the later second century.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: edited; modified OSM Location of Roman theater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 69 C5 Thesbe
Creators: E.M. Meyers; J.P. Brown
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; created OSM location of Tell Mar Elias
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 E2 Tienen
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A settlement of the Sicilian interior whose location is now unknown.
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created name "Tissenses"
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
A Gallo-Roman pottery manufacturing center produdcing white clay statuettes as well as terra sigillata.
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Traiectum (modern Utrecht) was a fortified site along the Roman frontier (limes) of Germania Inferior. It may have been a crossing point on the Rhine river.
Creators: J.H.F. Bloemers
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add uwhs,, arachne; add wikidata Q2199749: Traiectum; add geonames, add tm geo id; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 49 C2 Trebenishte
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 C5 Trysa
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: references; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 31 unlocated Turres
Creators: E.W.B. Fentress
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 C5 Tyberissos
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An unnamed Gallo-Roman settlement and temple, located near modern Champallement-Compierre in France.
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created OSM location of Ruines galloromaines de Compierre
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 F3 no. 71 (Les Couvents, Cm. L’Artimache)
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A large, Gallo-Roman villa of the later Imperial period.
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 H3 no. 91 (Vaux, Cm. St-Julien-près-Bart)
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 F2 no. 45 (La Tasque, Cm. Cadeilhan-St-Clar)
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 F2 no. 47 (Puységur)
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created OSM location of Cimetière de Puységur
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 F2 no. 85 (Pujo)
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 9 unlocated Uxela
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Vectis Ins. (the Isle of Wight)
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited; update references; created OSM location of Isle of Wight
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
According to the Antonine Itinerary, ‘Vernemeto’ was located 13 Roman miles north of Ratae Coritanorum (Leicester) along the Fosse Way.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited; edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 8 E2 Vertis?
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An early Roman road (via publica) originating at Rome and terminating at Brundisium, the Via Appia was begun in the fourth century B.C. by the censor Appius Claudius Caecus. The Latin author Statius described the Via Appia as "queen of the long roads".
Creators: L. Quilici and S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Via Francigena is a Medieval pilgrimage route connecting Canterbury, England, and Rome.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A villa site near Tivoli that has long been associated Manlius Vopiscus, who is mentioned by Statius. Excavations began in 1825. In 1835 Pope Gregory XVI began construction of his eponymous Villa Gregoriana on the grounds of the Roman villa.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel Mckee
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Originally a Celtic settlement of Noricum, Vindobona (now Vienna, Austria) became a Roman military installation by the first half of the first century AD.
Creators: A. Bursche; L.F. Pitts
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; E. Krekovič; P. Kaczanowski; R. Madyda‑Legutko; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Roman city, founded by Claudius, that was the capital of Noricum.
Creators: M. Šašel Kos; P. Kos
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified name "Virunum" (Baseline created, add Latin name, add Pliny reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
A town of Mauretania Tingitana and a Roman colony.
Creators: M. Euzennat
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Jean Luc PIROUX; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner; jfu
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Vulci (originally Velch or Velx in Etruscan) was an Etruscan city 80 km northwest of Rome. Vulci was one of the duodecim populi Etruriae.
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: adjusted NP link; create DARMC citation to preserve cross-project linkage after retracting DARMC location; McCusker 2021; edited; references; add Forte et al. 2023; modified name "Velch" (add New Pauly reference); created name "Ólkion"
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
Whitton was the site of a pre-Roman fortified farmstead that gave way to a humble Roman farm. Abandoned ca. A.D. 350.
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Quarry and sculpture workshop founded under the Hittite king Suppiluliuma in the 14th century BCE.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: add WHTL reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 G3 Yutz
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 66 F3 Zephyrion/Hadrianopolis
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; R. Talbert; W. Röllig
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker