Last Week in Pleiades (6-13 May 2024)
Tom Elliott
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Last modified
May 13, 2024 12:06 PM
Last week the editorial college published 6 new and 190 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Carolin Johansson, Brady Kiesling, Chris de Lisle, and Rune Rattenborg.
A terrain map with orange markers indicating updates and pink circles indicating new place resources. It stretches from western Europe in the northwest to the southern Red Sea in the south and the Bay of Bengal in the southeast.
New Place Resources
A building on the north side of the Acropolis of Athens with an attached courtyard, built in the second half of the 5th century BC. It is perhaps to be identified with the house of the Arrhephoroi, but other identifications have been proposed.
Creators: Chris de Lisle
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker -
The findspot of an Urartian inscription.
Creators: Carolin Johansson; Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker -
A house on the Acropolis of Athens, the residence of the Arrheporoi ('bearers of unspoken things'), two girls, who helped weave Athena's cloak for the Panathenaia festival and carried a box containing the 'unspoken things' down from the Acropolis to a precinct near the sanctuary of Aphrodite in the Gardens during the Arrhephoria festival. The house is possibly to be identified with Building III on the Acropolis.
Creators: Chris de Lisle
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker -
The findspot of a small stone with a cuneiform inscription.
Creators: Carolin Johansson; Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker -
The tomb and shrine of Kekrops, first king of Athens, located on the Acropolis. In the sixth century BC it was marked by a giant Ionic column, which was destroyed in the Persian Sack of 480 BC. The site was partially covered by the southwestern corner of the Erechtheion in the second half of the fifth century BC.
Creators: Chris de Lisle
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker -
An open-air precinct dedicated to Pandrosos, located on the Acropolis of Athens, at the west side of the Erechtheion. It contained the sacred olive tree of Athena and an altar of Zeus Herkeios.
Creators: Chris de Lisle
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modified Place Resources
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 F3 Abu Greiya
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 4 A2 Adouli
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Pierre Schneider; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 21479: Adulis
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 D4 Ad Rubras
Creators: F.H. Stanley; Jr.; R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 H3 Ad Stabulum
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen; S.J. Keay
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 31 unlocated Ad Stabulum Olearium
Creators: E.W.B. Fentress
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited; add TM GEO ID 41689: Ad Stabulum Olearium; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 38 D1 Agabis
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 5 unlocated Agara
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 F4 Agrilion
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: TM GEO ID 30616: Agrilion (Gökçesu); add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 C4 Akmonia
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; TM GEO ID 12029: Akmonia (Ahat); add topos text; edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Alexandria/Antiochia/Merv was a major oasis-city of Central Asia, located along the Silk Road (in modern Turkmenistan). Listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.
Creators: F. Hiebert; P.L. Kohl; St J. Simpson
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Chris de Lisle; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: Add connection and name from Isidore; created location "OSM Location: Erk Kala"; created location "OSM Location: Gyaur Kala"; created name "Antiócheia Énudros"; created connection "Seleucid Empire"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
Amaseia (modern Amasya) was a naturally fortified settlement in the Pontic mountains near the Black Sea. It served as the capital of the kingdom of Pontus from ca. 300 BC to 183 BC.
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; Diane Braund; H. Kopp; R. Talbert; W. Röllig
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Ambiani were an ancient Belgic people.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Michael Heubel; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; Richard Talbert
Modifications: update references; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 60 B2 Ampelos
Creators: G. Reger; J. Bennet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 60 F2 Ampelos
Creators: G. Reger; J. Bennet
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: TM GEO ID 33325: Ampelos (Pharmakokephalo); update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city in Pisidia.
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Rob Chavez; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: created connection "Seleucid Empire"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 D2 Aphrodites (Oros)
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: modified OSM location of Aphrodites (Oros) (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Aphytis was a polis on the Pallene peninsula. It was part of the Delian League in the 5th century BC, part of the Chalkidean League in the first half of the 4th century BC, and part of Macedon in the late 4th century BC and Hellenistic period.
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Chris de Lisle; Greta Hawes; Jeffrey Becker; Rosemary Selth; R. Scott Smith; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: paus.
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The findspot for an Urartian stele.
Creators: Carolin Johansson; Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
Modifications: edited; created OSM location for Kavuştuk
Actors: Carolin Johansson; Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
Arsinoe/Taucheira (modern Tocra) may have originally been a Greek foundation that was part of Pentapolis of Cyrenaica. It eventually became a Roman colony and, by the time of Justinian, was fortified.
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: Strabo, Pliny; add TM GEO ID 3640: Taucheira (Tokra); created connection "Cyrene"; created connection "Barke"; created connection "Creta et Cyrene (Roman province)"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 C4 Artaiouteichos
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 75 D3 Artapatou
Creators: R. Müller Wollermann
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references, add TM GEO ID 8687: Artapatou Epoikion (Bartabat el-Gabal)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 82 unlocated Artigula
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 D3 Asso
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Present-day Aksum in Ethiopia. The center of the Aksumite Kingdom, a maritime trading power that flourished from the first to the tenth centuries AD. The city was listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980.
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 10892: Axum [Aksum]
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 38 B1 Barke
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: created connection "Cyrene"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 91 unlocated Barsipa
Creators: M. Roaf; St J. Simpson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Beit el-Wali, meaning "House of the Holy Man", was a site in Nubia where Ramesses II built a temple sacred to Amun-Re, Re-Horakhti, Khnum and Anuket. The temple was relocated in the 1960s.
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Bellovaci were a tribe of Gallia Belgica.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Michael Heubel; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; Richard Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified name "Bellovaci" (ctype)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Ben Shemen Forest is the largest forest in Central Israel and it contains several archaeological sites, including Bir a Shemi, Tel Gimzo, Tel Hadid, and several Hasmonean-period tombs.
Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Carolin Johansson; Jeffrey Becker; Rune Rattenborg
Modifications: edited; created CIGS location of Ben Shemen
Actors: Carolin Johansson; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient port city on the west coast of the Red Sea in modern Egypt, Berenice/Berenike was founded in 275 BCE by Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who named it after his mother, Berenice I of Egypt.
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: edit summary
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 4 unlocated Berenice Panchrysos
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; Plin., Str. added; add wikipedia
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 82 unlocated Berressa
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Bersiba was an ancient site in Syria, inhabited as early as the Neolithic period. To the Hittites the site was known as Masuwari.
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Carolin Johansson; Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Jeffrey Becker; Jamie Novotny; Ryan Horne; Rune Rattenborg; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner; W. Röllig
Modifications: add 21229: Til Barsip
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Archaeological investigation at the site of Beta Samati, located between Aksum and the Red Sea, has revealed remains of a significant Aksumite administrative center. The archaeological site is located in the vicinity of Yeha, Ethiopia.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Modifications: 21909: Yeha [Jeha]
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 67 unlocated Bethammaria
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: add TM GEO ID 42043: Bethammaria; add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 F3 Biancavilla
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 67 G2 Bithias
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Bithynia was an ancient region, kingdom, and Roman province of northwestern Asia Minor.
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Greta Hawes; Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; R. Scott Smith; Richard Talbert; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; Richard Talbert
Modifications: edited; edited; add MANTO, update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 B5 Blaundos
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient Egyptian settlement located on the West bank of the Nile to the North of the Second Cataract. During the Old Kingdom Boon or Buhen was the site of a trading colony. During the Twelfth Dynasty, a large fortress was built during the reign of Senusret III.
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; 57467: Buhen
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A town mentioned in Neo-Assyrian sources that is identified with brmrn in Aramaic texts and the modern Tell Shuyukh Fawqani.
Creators: Claudia Horst
Contributors: Andrea Squitieri; Jeffrey Becker; Jamie Novotny
Modifications: 73269: Tell Shiukh Fawqani; modified OSM location Tell Chioukh Faouqani (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city of Ethiopia located on the east bank of the Nile between Napata and Meroë.
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 67 G3 Caeciliana
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 D4 Calloniana
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified connection "Sicilia (island)" (ctype)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city that was part of the Mitanni, Hittite, and Neo-Assyrian Empires (Kargamiš in Hittite; commonly Carchemish). The site was occupied as early as the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods; evidence for Early Bronze Age cist tombs begins ca. 2400 BC. It was a key commercial center during the time of Ebla and Mari. The Mitanni controlled the site from the sixteenth to the fourteenth centuries and was conquered by Šuppiluliuma ca. 1350 B.C. A famous battle, attested in the Bible, was fought at the site in 605 BC between the Babylonian army under Nebuchadnezzar II and that of the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II.
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Carolin Johansson; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Rune Rattenborg; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 67 H1 Charmodara
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B4 C(h)oloe
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Cidamus (modern Ghadamès, Libya) became allied to Rome after Lucius Cornelius Balbus prevailed against the Garamantes in 19 BC.
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 12971: Cidamus; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city of Pontus.
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add topostext, nomisma, wikidata, update references; modified OSM location of Pontic Comana (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 20 G2 Contra Aquincum
Creators: M. Šašel Kos; P. Kos
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 21 B2 Contra Constantiam
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C2 Contra Pselchis
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 inset Contra Syenem
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TM GEO ID 5313: Contra Syenem (Assuan Gharb), update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C2 Contra Tafis
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C2 Contra Talmis
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 20 unlocated Contra Tautantum
Creators: M. Šašel Kos; P. Kos
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A province of the Roman Empire at the death of Trajan (117 CE).
Creators: A.S. Esmonde-Cleary; C.M. Wells; J.F. Drinkwater; J.J. Wilkes; R.C. Knapp; R.S. Bagnall; S. Mitchell; S.T. Parker; W.V. Harris
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; Brian Z. Lund; M. Joann McDaniel; Mary E. Downs; R. Talbert
Modifications: HGazLib 1754; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient Greek city founded in eastern Libya ca. 630 B.C., Cyrene later became part of the Roman empire (ca. 74 B.C.). The site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1982.
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Adam Rabinowitz; Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Michelle Willoughby; Noura Alavi; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Justin Charlton; R. Talbert
Modifications: modified connection "Thera" (edited); created connection "Thera"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 38 D1 Darnis
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Adam Prins; Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Herbert Verreth; Jen Thum; Mark Depauw; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created connection "Libya Inferior (region)"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 52 B3 Değirmenaltı
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A findspot of an Urartian inscription.
Creators: Carolin Johansson; Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of modern village of Değirmen (update title)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The late antique capital of the Nubian state of Makuria, Dongola remained an important center of trade through the medieval period.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: wikidata,; modified OSM location of Old Dongola (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 B4 Dorginarti
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; update references; edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 6 E5 Dosara
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Roman villa rustica dating to the first century A.D. located in the Punta Grande beach, in the territory of Realmonte, province of Agrigento, Sicily.
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add wikidata Q4012809; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Known today as Avdat, this ruined city was founded by the Nabateans in the Negev desert in what is today southern Israel. It flourished into Byzantine times. Along with three other ancient settlements, it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005.
Creators: B. Isaac
Contributors: Gabriel Mckee; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Avdat (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 35 G3 el-Faschia
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Euesperides was the westernmost Greek colony of Cyrenaica. The remains of the site are found on the outskirts of modern Benghazi near the north Libyan coast. Under Ptolemy III Euergetes, the new city of Berenice was built a short distance southwest of Euesperides and the original site was subsequently abandoned.
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created connection "Cyrene"; created connection "Cyrene"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
Large depression (not a true oasis) west of the Nile River containing arable land watered by the flooding of the Nile. Inhabited from the Mesolithic period, the Fayyum contains the earliest evidence of farming in Egypt. The water levels of the Fayyum's lake varied significantly until a land reclamation project during the 12th dynasty implemented artificial water controls. During the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, the Fayyum was administered as the Arsinoite Nome.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: TGN 7521980: Du Fayoum, la Dèpression (depression), geonames x 2; add wikipedia Faiyum Oasis; add wikipedia Faiyum Oasis
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B4 Gagonda
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 82 unlocated Gale
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 B4 Galepsos
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 B3 Galepsos
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; created connection "Thasos (settlement)"; created connection "Macedonia (Hellenistic kingdom)"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 36 C5 Garama Metropolis
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: modified OSM location of Garama Metropolis (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 67 unlocated Gerre/Serre
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A high mound located on the edge of Lake Dukan and now threatened by innundation.
Creators: Carolin Johansson; Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: edit summary; created OSM location of گوڵەک
Actors: Carolin Johansson; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 unlocated Gistate
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 82 unlocated Gistate/Cist(a)epe
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 67 unlocated Heba
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: TM GEO ID 42046: Heba; add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Helikore/Nicaea (modern İznik, Turkey) was a Greek city of northwestern Anatolia. It was the site of the First and Second Councils of Nicaea and was the interim capital city of the Byzantine Empire between 1204 and 1261.
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Greta Hawes; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; R. Scott Smith; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: TM GEO ID 11774: Nikaia (Iznik); update references; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient settlement on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor at modern Karadeniz Ereğli in Turkey. It is often referred to as Heraclea Pontica (or Heraclea in Pontus) to distinguish it from other cities with the same name.
Creators: C. Foss
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C2 Hierasykaminos
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Constantina Argyrakou; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 2470: Hierasykaminos; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Hippodrome at Ptolemais/Barkes Limen (Cyrenaica, Libya).
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan Horne
Modifications: modified OSM location of hippodrome (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 F2 Hitan Rayan (1)
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient settlement located in Sudan's Northern state. The ancient site was situated at the 2nd cataract in Wadi Halfa and contained one of the largest fortresses in Nubia. The site was inundated by the Aswan High dam hydroelectric project.
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 7791: Iken
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 D3 Ilorci
Creators: P.O. Spann
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B4 Kabeira/Neocaesarea/Diospolis/Sebaste/Hadriane
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TP reference, Topostext, update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The site of a Roman fort in the eastern desert of Egypt.
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Karanis was a settlement (κώμη) located on the northern edge of the Fayum, now Kom Ausīm.
Creators: R. Müller Wollermann
Contributors: Adam Prins; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Herbert Verreth; Jen Thum; Mark Depauw; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; update references; update references; add Motta et al. 2024, wikipedia, wikidata; modified name "Kom Aushim" (add reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Known today as Kawa, ruins of this ancient Egyptian and Kushite settlement are located on the east bank of the Nile river, seven kilometers south of the modern Nile bridge at Dongola in Sudan.
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: wikidata,
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 F3 Keramos
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; created connection "Delian League"; created connection "Rhodos (settlement)"; created connection "Asia (Roman province)"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
A site with a Bronze Age palace, periodically submerged in the Tigris River.
Creators: Carolin Johansson; Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: edit summary
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A small river of northwestern Corsica that flows into the Golfe de Porto.
Creators: S.L. Dyson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: summarty, references; modified OSM location of Rivière de Porto (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 4 A3 Koloe
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Mark Krier; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 C3 Kotiaeion
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; R. Talbert; W. Röllig
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 21 C5 Kovin
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city in the Heptanomis and the capital of Arsinoites nome. The ancient Egyptian name of the site was Shedyet and in Pharaonic times it was a major cult center for the god Sobek.
Creators: R. Müller Wollermann
Contributors: Adam Prins; Brady Kiesling; Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; Herbert Verreth; Jen Thum; Mark Depauw; R. Talbert; W. Röllig
Modifications: edited; TM GEO ID 327: Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum); Hdt. Str. Plin. added; edited; modified name "Krokodeilon polis" (update references)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 A4 Krya
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add Mela, add Pliny; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Labraunda is an archaeological site located in Caria, just west of Ortaköy, Turkey. The site was sacred to both Carians and Mysians.
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Gabriel Mckee; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Phoebe Acheson; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: Pliny
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient coastal region of North Africa between Alexandria in Egypt and Darnis (modern Derna in Libya).
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Michael Heubel; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; Richard Talbert
Modifications: created connection "Creta et Cyrene (Roman province)"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
A late Roman province, dating to the days of Diocletian and Constantine I
Creators: A.S. Esmonde-Cleary; C.M. Wells; J.F. Drinkwater; J.J. Wilkes; R.C. Knapp; R.S. Bagnall; S. Mitchell; S.T. Parker; W.V. Harris
Contributors: Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; Brian Z. Lund; M. Joann McDaniel; Mary E. Downs; R. Talbert
Modifications: created connection "Creta et Cyrene (Roman province)"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
Lidar or Lidar Höyük is an archaeological site located in southeastern Anatolia, to the northwest of Sanliurfa, Türkiye, and just southwest of the village of Lidar (district of Bozova). This settlement mound measured roughly 200x240 meters and stood 25 m high. Its remains are now inundated by the Atatürk Dam.
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Carolin Johansson; Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Jeffrey Becker; Rune Rattenborg; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner; W. Röllig
Modifications: 43044: Lidar Höyük
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 C3 Longaricum
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 F1 Lucas
Creators: H.S. Sivan; R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 91 unlocated Maarsares/Marses fl.
Creators: M. Roaf; St J. Simpson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 C4 Magabula
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references, add TP Reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Nabataean city of Mampsis or Memphis (Ancient Greek: Μέμφις) was an important station on the Incense Road.
Creators: B. Isaac
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Mamshit (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Islands mentioned in Ptolemy. They may correspond to the modern Andaman islands in the Bay of Bengal.
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 38 D1 Ma(ra)ndis?
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Mariana was a Roman city on the east coast of Corsica founded by Caius Marius ca. 93 BC.
Creators: S.L. Dyson
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; modified OSM location of Cité antique de Mariana (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Meroë is an ancient city located on the east bank of the Nile river near Shendi, Sudan. The city was a center of the kingdom of Kush.
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; modified OSM location of Meroe (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance); modified name "Meroe" (update Pliny reference); modified name "Meroe" (edited); modified name "Meroe" (update reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 unlocated Merousion
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 70 G4 Mezad Neqarot
Creators: B. Isaac
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Nekarot bastion (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B4 Mirones
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 B2 Morini
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Michael Heubel; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; Richard Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Over twenty rock reliefs (with accompanying inscriptions) are carved into the limestone cliffs around the estuary of the Nahr al-Kalb river.
Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Carolin Johansson; Jeffrey Becker; Rune Rattenborg
Modifications: created CIGS location of Nahr al-Kalb
Actors: Carolin Johansson; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 82 unlocated Nakis
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 unlocated Nakis
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 4 unlocated Naki(s)
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C3 Nalot(e)
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Gabriel Mckee; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 55603: Karanog
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Napata was a Nubian city-state located on the west bank of the Nile River and founded in the fifteenth century B.C.
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified name "Napata" (update Pliny reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Negev is a desert and semidesert region of southern Israel.
Creators: B. Isaac
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Palace of Sennacherib (South-West Palace) at Nineveh remained in use until the Assyrian capital was captured, looted, and destroyed in 612 BC. Numerous tablets discovered in Rooms XL and XLI, as well as in some of the adjoining rooms, nineteenth-century British excavators unearthed the remains of a library, including many clay tablets inscribed with literary texts. During the reign of Ashurbanipal (r. 668–ca. 631 BC), the last great king of Assyria, the tablets found in this archive repository were probably part of his tablet collection.
Creators: Jamie Novotny; Thomas Seidler
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: Edited, corrected minor error
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Northwest Building on the Acropolis of Athens was built in the fifth century BC, probably in the 430s BC, north of the Propylaia. It may have been intended as a banqueting hall, but was never completed and remained an open-air courtyard, perhaps used for storage and staging purposes.
Creators: Chris de Lisle
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: created name "Building I"; created name "Northwest Building"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
A Roman road station located along the ancient route leading from Berenike to Edfu (the ancient Apollinopolis Magna).
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: modified OSM location of Wadi Khashir (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 48 D2 Ouenikion
Creators: S.L. Dyson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 63 D3 Ozzala/Ozizala
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; Initial revision
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 B3 Pachoras
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 21212: Pachoras [Faras]
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 E3 Palaia Myndos
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Elizabeth Robinson; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified name "Palaemyndus" (update reference)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B4 Palalce
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 6 C3 Parenos?
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 F3 Pargasa/Bargasa
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 29 unlocated Parietina
Creators: T.W. Potter
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 A5 Pdeme
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 B5 Phoinike
Creators: C. Foss; S. Mitchell
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B4 Pida
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 B4 Piloros
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 64 unlocated Pisingara
Creators: T.B. Mitford
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 D4 Pitiniana
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 A4 Pleuramis/‘Ptemari’?
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; update references; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 4 unlocated Pnoups
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
*Porsulae/Maximianopolis, also known as Mosynopolis, was a Byzantine town along the Via Egnatia in Thrace; its position is close to the modern Greek city of Komotini.
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 unlocated Portus Itius
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 C4 Praesidium
Creators: F.H. Stanley; Jr.; R.C. Knapp
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; R. Warner
Modifications: edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Qasr Ibrim is an archaeological site in Lower Nubia. The site has a long history of occupation stretching from the eighth century B.C. to 1813.
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Gabriel Mckee; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: 50704: Qasr Ibrim; update references; modified OSM location of Qasr Ibrim (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The one-time capital of the ancient Kerma culture in Nubia.
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: summary
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C2 Pselchis
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Adam Prins; Brady Kiesling; Gabriel Moss; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; Herbert Verreth; Jen Thum; Mark Depauw; R. Talbert
Modifications: cuntz, miller
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient capital of Cyrenaica, Ptolemais was probably named after Ptolemy III Euergetes. The city was founded in either the seventh or sixth century BC.
Creators: D.J. Mattingly
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: created connection "Barke"; created connection "Ptolemaic Kingdom"; created connection "Creta et Cyrene (Roman province)"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
A pre-Aksumite and Aksumite settlement located in what is now southern Eritrea, possibly to be identified as the Koloe mentioned in a Roman imperial source. Qohaito has been submitted by Eritrea for consideration as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Mark Krier; Sean Gillies; D.T. Potts; R. Talbert
Modifications: wikidata Qohaito (Q4236500)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Qubbet el-Hawa is a site of a group of rock cut tombs known as the Princes' Tomb on the west side of the Nile, opposite Aswan. The tombs mostly date to the Old Kingdom.
Creators: Roko Rumora
Contributors: Gabriel Mckee; Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of the Tombs of the Nobles (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 D4 Rocca Stefano
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Necropoli paleocristiana di contrada Stefano (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman amphitheater at Ptolemais/Barkes Limen
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Roman amphitheater (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A city of Gallia Belgica located on the Somme that is mentioned in Caesar's commentaries.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient city located on the West bank of the Euphrates river, established perhaps as early as the Hittite period. Its ruins, known in modern times as Samsat (Turkey), were submerged following the construction of the Atatürk Dam in the early 1990s. The modern village of Samsat was relocated and is not coincident with the ancient site.
Creators: P.-L. Gatier; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Eric Kansa; Francis Deblauwe; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Jamie Novotny; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; B. Siewert-Mayer; DARMC; H. Kopp; M. Ballance; R. Talbert; R. Warner; W. Röllig
Modifications: update Jos., AJ (Niese: Perseus); update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 B4 Sarte
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; update references; created connection "Delian League"; created connection "Torone"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 A5 Say(e)?
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The Roman Villa of Baños de Valdearados, also known as the Villa de Santa Cruz, is located in Baños de Valdearados, Burgos region of Ribera del Duero, in Castilla y León (Spain). A Late Imperial Roman villa (fourth and fifth centuries CE) with polychrome mosaics is located at the site.
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 H2 Segontia Paramika
Creators: E.W. Haley
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 A4 Semna
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B4 Seramisa
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Middle Kingdom fortress that was originally located on the Nile's west bank at the Second Cataract of the Nile River. The ruins of the fortress are now situated on an island in Lake Nubia in northern Sudan.
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: 82918: Shalfak
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 inset Shea'leq
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 inset Siket
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: 10066: Siket; modified OSM location of Siket (update references, Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 B4 Singos
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; update references, add topostext; edited; Update reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 B5 Skione
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: Pliny; nomisma; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Sobata or Shivta is an ancient city in the Negev Desert located some 43 km southwest of Beersheba. The site was enrolled as a UNESCO World Heritage site, together with Haluza, Mamshit, and Avdat, in June 2005.
Creators: B. Isaac
Contributors: Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; modified OSM location of Shivta Ruins (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 A5 Soleb
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; DARMC 21978 = related; modified OSM location of Soleb (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C2 Tafis
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Archaeological site on the eastern bank of the Euphrates in northern Syria. The site contains a town dated to the Early Bronze Age III-IVA (mid-3rd millennium BCE), as well as a Roman sanctuary used only briefly from about the late 1st-late 2nd century CE. The western part of the site was flooded by the construction of the Tischrin Dam in 1999. Tall Bazi and the nearby site of Banat have been tentatively identified as the city of Armi/Armium mentioned in texts from Ebla.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Contributors: Carolin Johansson; Jeffrey Becker; Rune Rattenborg; Tom Elliott
Modifications: modified OSM location of Tall Bazi (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The main settlement of the Galatian tribe of the Trocmi, it was inhabited from the fourth millennium BCE.
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Sean Manning; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TP reference; modified location "Büyüknefes" (change loc type to assoc modern)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Find site for cuneiform inscription.
Creators: Carolin Johansson; Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: 86028: Tepe Musiyan (DL-20) - Ancient Urua (?)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Large temple dedicated to the Amun located at the base of Jebel Barkal. Designated temple B500, the structure was likely constructed by the Napatan king Piankhi in the 8th century BCE.
Creators: Gabriel Mckee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: modified OSM location of Temple of Amun (Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
The smaller of the two temples at Abu Simbel, dedicated to the goddess Hathor and the deified queen Nefertari. The temple was relocated between 1964 and 1968 to prevent its submersion under Lake Nasser after the construction of the Aswan High Dam.
Creators: Nate Nagy; Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Greeks from Paros founded a colony on Thasos in the middle of the seventh century B.C.
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Catherine Bouras; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: created connection "Delian League"
Actors: Chris de Lisle; Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 75 D2 Theadelpheia
Creators: R. Müller Wollermann
Contributors: Adam Prins; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Herbert Verreth; Jen Thum; Mark Depauw; R. Talbert
Modifications: edited
Actors: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 F3 Theangela
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references; add Arachne; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
A Bronze Age settlement in the Islahiye valley of modern Turkey where habitation seems to have begun as early as the Late Chalcolithic.
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: wikidata Tilmen Höyük (Q1379828); edited; update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 unlocated Tirida/Kartera Kome/Stabulo Diomedis/Turris Diomedis/Tyrida
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; G. Reger; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TM GEO ID 40844: Stabulum Diomedis
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 61 E4 Triopion
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Triopion, the modern Cape Deveboynu Cape, is a promontory located at the extreme end of the Datça Peninsula.
Creators: C. Foss; G. Reger
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: summary, references; modified OSM location of Cape Deveboynu, Datça (Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance)
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 81 C2 Tzitzis
Creators: S.M. Burstein
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D. Borough; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: add TM GEO ID 2809: Titis (Qertassi); update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 F5 unnamed bridge (three in aqueduct NE Antiochia)
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 F5 unnamed bridge (three in aqueduct NE Antiochia)
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 62 F5 unnamed bridge (three in aqueduct NE Antiochia)
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An unnamed spring and aqueduct serving Colonia Caesarea
Creators: T. Drew Bear
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 G3 unnamed aqueduct (Katane)
Creators: R.J.A. Wilson
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient people, tribe, or cultural group.
Creators: C. Haselgrove; J. Kunow
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Michael Heubel; Ryan Horne; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; R. Talbert; Richard Talbert
Modifications: add New Pauly, wikipedia references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 inset Vetus Hydreuma
Creators: J. Keenan; S.E. Sidebotham; T. Wilfong
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
Zela (modern Zile, Turkey) was an important ancient city of north-central Asia Minor; Strabo claimed Semiramis had founded the site. Iulius Caesar prevailed in the Battle of Zela against Pharnaces II of The Kingdom of Pontus, coining the phrase "veni, vidi, vici".
Creators: David Braund; T. Sinclair
Contributors: Brady Kiesling; Johan Åhlfeldt; Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: add EDH, nomisma, TM GEO ID references; add TP reference
Actors: Jeffrey Becker -
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 72 C3 Zeus Labranios, T.
Creators: D. Rupp
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; DARMC; R. Talbert
Modifications: update references
Actors: Jeffrey Becker