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Sarah Bond joins editorial board

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 13, 2014 10:39 AM
Pleiades has a new associate editor: Sarah E. Bond.

It is my pleasure, on behalf of the Pleiades editorial board, to welcome Professor Sarah Bond as our newest Associate Editor. 

For the past two years, Prof. Bond served as Assistant Professor of History at Marquette University. This fall, she moves to a new position as Assistant Professor of Classics at the University of Iowa. In addition to teaching, she has been a contributor and editor at the US Epigraphy Project (Brown University) for 3 years. Her own digital project is called The Collegium Project. Its objective is to catalogue inscriptions and literary references to voluntary associations and professionals in the ancient Mediterranean from 500 BCE to 500 CE. Her archaeological field experience includes training on Total Station at Monticello andMorgantina.

Prof. Bond's research interests include Greek and Latin epigraphy, the topography of antique epigraphic habits, Roman law, unseemly professionals, and Late Antiquity. She has a book manuscript under contract with the University of Michigan Press that explores unseemly professionals, sensory responses, and the notion of disrepute in the Roman Mediterranean from 45 BCE to 565 CE.