Time Periods for Ancient Egypt
Tom Elliott
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Last modified
Aug 07, 2014 06:31 PM
Pleiades now supports several additional time periods for names and locations in ancient Egypt
In order to provide full context for new photos being added to the Ancient World Image Bank, and to accommodate the interests of other Pleiades users, it is now possible to associate name and location resources with the following new, named time periods:
- Neolithic Egypt (6000-4500 BCE/BC)
- Predynastic Egypt (4500-2950 BCE/BC)
- Early Dynastic Egypt (2950-2670 BCE/BC)
- Old Kingdom Egypt (2670-2168 BCE/BC)
- First Intermediate Period Egypt (2168-2010 BCE/BC)
- Middle Kingdom Egypt (2010-1640 BCE/BC)
- Second Intermediate Period Egypt (1640-1548)
- New Kingdom Egypt (1548-1086)
- Third Intermediate Period Egypt (1086-664)
- Late Period Egypt (664-332)
- Macedonian Egypt (332-304 BCE/BC)
- Ptolemaic Egypt (304-30 BCE/BC)
Pleiades members are encouraged to check out, update and submit for review existing resources whose temporal annotation should be expanded into one or more of these periods. The addition of new resources that document sites, regions and names that fell out of use and/or knowledge by Greco-Roman period is also encouraged.
The editors are grateful to Chuck Jones and Jacco Dieleman, who pointed us to Thomas Schneider's Chronology for the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, which we have followed for the sake of consistency. We are also grateful to Pleiades members Gabriel Bodard, Robert Chavez, Baruch Halpern and John Muccigrosso who contributed insight and recommendations to the selection and adaptation process. Please note that the time-period names and dates adopted here are the responsibility of the editors alone and are offered as a general approximation with which most persons can agree, rather than as a definitive statement.