Workshop on ancient world places
More information, including a list of presenters and their topics, may be found on the ISAW Hic sunt dracones event page. Note that advance registration is required of those who wish to attend!
Pleiades Export Updates 2024-11-21:
1 new and 60 updated places.
2. pleiades.datasets:
"main" branch:
49e3a2b6 - updated legacy csv
7cf63b91 - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
f9893587 - updated gis package
9d928df3 - updated data quality
4a9d6ab7 - updated bibliography
b7923270 - updated indexes
7e1ed194 - updated sidebar
3. pleiades-geojson:
aeab1695 - updated geojson and names index
Updated Pleiades Sidebar data:
There are 28,342 Pleiades matches across all 6 datasets (cflago, edhgeo, itinere, manto, nomisma, wikidata). 5,634 of these are reciprocated by Pleiades. 19,229 unique Pleiades places are referenced.
Pleiades < -- > Wikidata updates:
12154 Wikidata entities include a Pleiades ID property and 4769 Pleiades entities include a Wikidata ID property. Of these, 4765 are mutual (bidirectional). 6341 Pleiades resources to which Wikidata links can be added after they are checked. 4 Wikidata items to which Pleiades IDs can be added after they are checked. 90 Wikidata items that each link to more than one Pleiades ID.
Export Updates 2024-11-20:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places
7 updated places.
2. pleiades.datasets:
"main" branch:
89883b44 - updated legacy csv
e51e26ea - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
6fa8888d - updated gis package
473cf3ab - updated data quality
364cbbc6 - updated bibliography
3ec8248d - updated indexes
935522f2 - updated sidebar
3. pleiades-geojson:
no change
Updated Pleiades Sidebar data:
There are 28,331 Pleiades matches across all 6 datasets (cflago, edhgeo, itinere, manto, nomisma, wikidata). 5,582 of these are reciprocated by Pleiades. 19,219 unique Pleiades places are referenced.
New data from itinere, nomisma, and wikidata were incorporated.
More information, including a list of presenters and their topics, may be found on the ISAW Hic sunt dracones event page. Note that advance registration is required of those who wish to attend!