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OSM location of Teatro

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Nov 27, 2023 11:50 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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theatre, theater

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 13.6236688, 42.2829267 ], [ 13.6236862, 42.2829679 ], [ 13.6237136, 42.2830065 ], [ 13.6237456, 42.2830403 ], [ 13.6237795, 42.2830680 ], [ 13.6238106, 42.2830877 ], [ 13.6238023, 42.2830965 ], [ 13.6238947, 42.2831370 ], [ 13.6239038, 42.2831269 ], [ 13.6239404, 42.2831357 ], [ 13.6239834, 42.2831418 ], [ 13.6240382, 42.2831425 ], [ 13.6240373, 42.2831235 ], [ 13.6241123, 42.2831140 ], [ 13.6241288, 42.2831465 ], [ 13.6241992, 42.2831330 ], [ 13.6241791, 42.2830789 ], [ 13.6241900, 42.2830768 ], [ 13.6241571, 42.2829848 ], [ 13.6241873, 42.2829774 ], [ 13.6240757, 42.2827115 ], [ 13.6240282, 42.2827244 ], [ 13.6239678, 42.2825925 ], [ 13.6238810, 42.2826155 ], [ 13.6238307, 42.2826331 ], [ 13.6237978, 42.2826473 ], [ 13.6238078, 42.2826601 ], [ 13.6237630, 42.2826797 ], [ 13.6237292, 42.2827000 ], [ 13.6237017, 42.2827264 ], [ 13.6236944, 42.2827596 ], [ 13.6237584, 42.2827900 ], [ 13.6237493, 42.2828116 ], [ 13.6237484, 42.2828279 ], [ 13.6238005, 42.2828604 ], [ 13.6237978, 42.2828867 ], [ 13.6237557, 42.2828834 ], [ 13.6236642, 42.2828840 ], [ 13.6236688, 42.2829267 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 708241985, version 4, osm:changeset=144371567, 2023-11-23T14:16:14Z)