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OSM location of Stadio Palatino

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 09, 2024 11:00 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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architectural complex

{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.4879041, 41.8875131 ], [ 12.4878792, 41.8875350 ], [ 12.4878558, 41.8875521 ] ], [ [ 12.4879041, 41.8875131 ], [ 12.4879213, 41.8874902 ], [ 12.4879342, 41.8874677 ], [ 12.4879395, 41.8874427 ], [ 12.4879400, 41.8874162 ], [ 12.4879336, 41.8873900 ], [ 12.4879241, 41.8873637 ], [ 12.4879080, 41.8873405 ], [ 12.4878920, 41.8873210 ], [ 12.4878740, 41.8873071 ], [ 12.4878587, 41.8872989 ], [ 12.4878432, 41.8872916 ], [ 12.4878280, 41.8872860 ], [ 12.4878118, 41.8872810 ], [ 12.4877913, 41.8872769 ], [ 12.4877692, 41.8872734 ], [ 12.4877484, 41.8872722 ], [ 12.4877248, 41.8872727 ], [ 12.4876995, 41.8872737 ], [ 12.4876899, 41.8872657 ] ], [ [ 12.4876899, 41.8872657 ], [ 12.4876812, 41.8872572 ] ], [ [ 12.4876812, 41.8872572 ], [ 12.4876007, 41.8873085 ], [ 12.4875952, 41.8873085 ], [ 12.4875893, 41.8873118 ], [ 12.4875668, 41.8872950 ] ], [ [ 12.4875668, 41.8872950 ], [ 12.4875546, 41.8873012 ] ], [ [ 12.4875546, 41.8873012 ], [ 12.4871406, 41.8869771 ] ], [ [ 12.4870454, 41.8869064 ], [ 12.4870490, 41.8869141 ], [ 12.4870709, 41.8869138 ], [ 12.4871406, 41.8869771 ] ], [ [ 12.4870454, 41.8869064 ], [ 12.4870201, 41.8869111 ] ], [ [ 12.4866378, 41.8871992 ], [ 12.4866512, 41.8871747 ], [ 12.4866562, 41.8871593 ], [ 12.4866690, 41.8871370 ], [ 12.4866818, 41.8871171 ], [ 12.4866996, 41.8870931 ], [ 12.4867158, 41.8870723 ], [ 12.4867204, 41.8870639 ], [ 12.4867313, 41.8870519 ], [ 12.4867400, 41.8870425 ], [ 12.4867497, 41.8870339 ], [ 12.4867571, 41.8870274 ], [ 12.4867642, 41.8870221 ], [ 12.4867720, 41.8870151 ], [ 12.4867817, 41.8870084 ], [ 12.4867852, 41.8870060 ], [ 12.4867914, 41.8870009 ], [ 12.4867972, 41.8869988 ], [ 12.4868101, 41.8869909 ], [ 12.4868198, 41.8869846 ], [ 12.4868282, 41.8869791 ], [ 12.4868291, 41.8869745 ], [ 12.4868353, 41.8869733 ], [ 12.4868509, 41.8869641 ], [ 12.4868528, 41.8869575 ], [ 12.4868610, 41.8869575 ], [ 12.4868786, 41.8869496 ], [ 12.4868900, 41.8869463 ], [ 12.4869013, 41.8869425 ], [ 12.4869026, 41.8869477 ], [ 12.4869400, 41.8869406 ], [ 12.4869812, 41.8869299 ], [ 12.4870112, 41.8869224 ], [ 12.4870231, 41.8869184 ], [ 12.4870201, 41.8869111 ] ], [ [ 12.4866378, 41.8871992 ], [ 12.4870381, 41.8875459 ], [ 12.4877579, 41.8881365 ] ], [ [ 12.4877579, 41.8881365 ], [ 12.4877471, 41.8881438 ] ], [ [ 12.4878383, 41.8882141 ], [ 12.4878272, 41.8882057 ], [ 12.4877733, 41.8881608 ], [ 12.4877624, 41.8881571 ], [ 12.4877471, 41.8881438 ] ], [ [ 12.4879057, 41.8882760 ], [ 12.4878442, 41.8882225 ], [ 12.4878383, 41.8882141 ] ], [ [ 12.4879057, 41.8882760 ], [ 12.4879158, 41.8882696 ] ], [ [ 12.4879355, 41.8882560 ], [ 12.4879158, 41.8882696 ] ], [ [ 12.4879355, 41.8882560 ], [ 12.4879456, 41.8882397 ] ], [ [ 12.4879550, 41.8882331 ], [ 12.4879456, 41.8882397 ] ], [ [ 12.4879780, 41.8882154 ], [ 12.4879550, 41.8882331 ] ], [ [ 12.4879780, 41.8882154 ], [ 12.4882802, 41.8880123 ] ], [ [ 12.4882802, 41.8880123 ], [ 12.4883460, 41.8879691 ] ], [ [ 12.4883460, 41.8879691 ], [ 12.4882736, 41.8879041 ], [ 12.4878558, 41.8875521 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:
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OpenStreetMap (Relation 1805355, version 4, osm:changeset=47005953, 2017-03-20T09:04:13Z)