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OSM Location of Square Castan

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Mar 04, 2024 04:43 PM History
A square containing architectural remains of the Roman city. Location based on OpenStreetMap.

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architectural complex

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 6.0301974, 47.2348318 ], [ 6.0302116, 47.2348309 ], [ 6.0302293, 47.2348297 ], [ 6.0302479, 47.2348214 ], [ 6.0302616, 47.2348128 ], [ 6.0302761, 47.2347989 ], [ 6.0303055, 47.2347607 ], [ 6.0303228, 47.2347363 ], [ 6.0303381, 47.2347073 ], [ 6.0303521, 47.2346736 ], [ 6.0303600, 47.2346459 ], [ 6.0303596, 47.2346377 ], [ 6.0303574, 47.2346250 ], [ 6.0303460, 47.2346075 ], [ 6.0303374, 47.2345972 ], [ 6.0303020, 47.2345687 ], [ 6.0302621, 47.2345415 ], [ 6.0300373, 47.2344288 ], [ 6.0300257, 47.2344237 ], [ 6.0300075, 47.2344192 ], [ 6.0299981, 47.2344182 ], [ 6.0299728, 47.2344195 ], [ 6.0299513, 47.2344250 ], [ 6.0299347, 47.2344316 ], [ 6.0299116, 47.2344430 ], [ 6.0298733, 47.2344671 ], [ 6.0298413, 47.2344923 ], [ 6.0298128, 47.2345207 ], [ 6.0298009, 47.2345345 ], [ 6.0297975, 47.2345455 ], [ 6.0297976, 47.2345514 ], [ 6.0298002, 47.2345580 ], [ 6.0298028, 47.2345649 ], [ 6.0298070, 47.2345694 ], [ 6.0301611, 47.2348183 ], [ 6.0301814, 47.2348273 ], [ 6.0301974, 47.2348318 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:
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OpenStreetMap (Way 32202295, version 21, osm:changeset=105409477, 2021-05-27T08:54:48Z)