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OSM location of Casa di Pansa

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Mar 04, 2024 01:23 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 14.4836057, 40.7504653 ], [ 14.4835754, 40.7505097 ], [ 14.4836107, 40.7505233 ], [ 14.4836290, 40.7505301 ], [ 14.4836491, 40.7505380 ], [ 14.4836325, 40.7505630 ], [ 14.4836301, 40.7505666 ], [ 14.4836125, 40.7505927 ], [ 14.4836038, 40.7506078 ], [ 14.4835949, 40.7506219 ], [ 14.4835917, 40.7506271 ], [ 14.4835736, 40.7506533 ], [ 14.4835718, 40.7506560 ], [ 14.4835492, 40.7506888 ], [ 14.4835798, 40.7506994 ], [ 14.4835718, 40.7507118 ], [ 14.4835503, 40.7507439 ], [ 14.4835120, 40.7507290 ], [ 14.4834698, 40.7507927 ], [ 14.4835115, 40.7508080 ], [ 14.4834961, 40.7508317 ], [ 14.4835266, 40.7508429 ], [ 14.4835568, 40.7508535 ], [ 14.4835290, 40.7508971 ], [ 14.4834894, 40.7508820 ], [ 14.4834658, 40.7508731 ], [ 14.4834302, 40.7508596 ], [ 14.4833857, 40.7508428 ], [ 14.4833486, 40.7509016 ], [ 14.4833313, 40.7509291 ], [ 14.4833759, 40.7509452 ], [ 14.4834792, 40.7509795 ], [ 14.4833836, 40.7511430 ], [ 14.4833515, 40.7512060 ], [ 14.4832213, 40.7511614 ], [ 14.4831580, 40.7511397 ], [ 14.4831319, 40.7511797 ], [ 14.4830636, 40.7511513 ], [ 14.4829670, 40.7511110 ], [ 14.4831076, 40.7508845 ], [ 14.4831262, 40.7508546 ], [ 14.4831288, 40.7508505 ], [ 14.4831487, 40.7508196 ], [ 14.4831551, 40.7508097 ], [ 14.4831796, 40.7507696 ], [ 14.4831764, 40.7507684 ], [ 14.4831794, 40.7507634 ], [ 14.4831873, 40.7507515 ], [ 14.4832005, 40.7507293 ], [ 14.4832152, 40.7507076 ], [ 14.4832240, 40.7506948 ], [ 14.4832305, 40.7506852 ], [ 14.4832345, 40.7506788 ], [ 14.4832410, 40.7506684 ], [ 14.4832577, 40.7506416 ], [ 14.4832766, 40.7506489 ], [ 14.4833045, 40.7506598 ], [ 14.4833098, 40.7506518 ], [ 14.4833304, 40.7506181 ], [ 14.4833615, 40.7506305 ], [ 14.4833892, 40.7505885 ], [ 14.4834122, 40.7505538 ], [ 14.4834183, 40.7505439 ], [ 14.4834308, 40.7505264 ], [ 14.4834484, 40.7504983 ], [ 14.4834686, 40.7504686 ], [ 14.4834815, 40.7504731 ], [ 14.4834963, 40.7504785 ], [ 14.4835072, 40.7504829 ], [ 14.4835435, 40.7504974 ], [ 14.4835732, 40.7504516 ], [ 14.4836057, 40.7504653 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 502223162, version 7, osm:changeset=139276615, 2023-08-01T01:22:38Z)