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OSM location of Gherla

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 27, 2023 10:22 AM History
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Location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 23.9250127, 47.0425649 ], [ 23.9248944, 47.0445700 ], [ 23.9233992, 47.0448250 ], [ 23.9188032, 47.0460072 ], [ 23.9160351, 47.0468479 ], [ 23.9158393, 47.0447163 ], [ 23.9157386, 47.0436191 ], [ 23.9150204, 47.0427904 ], [ 23.9139317, 47.0411425 ], [ 23.9129830, 47.0406885 ], [ 23.9132913, 47.0401732 ], [ 23.9125008, 47.0393902 ], [ 23.9097802, 47.0382695 ], [ 23.9077138, 47.0378804 ], [ 23.9057726, 47.0377327 ], [ 23.9047738, 47.0369441 ], [ 23.9044611, 47.0365627 ], [ 23.9035940, 47.0356744 ], [ 23.9028038, 47.0348914 ], [ 23.9017272, 47.0342434 ], [ 23.9008421, 47.0326961 ], [ 23.9008807, 47.0320307 ], [ 23.9006102, 47.0306904 ], [ 23.9001663, 47.0299405 ], [ 23.9002634, 47.0294671 ], [ 23.8992156, 47.0287175 ], [ 23.8978397, 47.0280952 ], [ 23.8968635, 47.0280583 ], [ 23.8956454, 47.0276627 ], [ 23.8946836, 47.0266112 ], [ 23.8940881, 47.0264676 ], [ 23.8932583, 47.0266113 ], [ 23.8918598, 47.0267161 ], [ 23.8908155, 47.0265959 ], [ 23.8885476, 47.0280518 ], [ 23.8851498, 47.0280450 ], [ 23.8835555, 47.0267205 ], [ 23.8809150, 47.0246624 ], [ 23.8793008, 47.0234466 ], [ 23.8762617, 47.0218503 ], [ 23.8734817, 47.0204985 ], [ 23.8741991, 47.0201045 ], [ 23.8762318, 47.0200909 ], [ 23.8793307, 47.0206887 ], [ 23.8813434, 47.0208110 ], [ 23.8818317, 47.0212797 ], [ 23.8823498, 47.0231749 ], [ 23.8879497, 47.0237387 ], [ 23.8882885, 47.0229439 ], [ 23.8892031, 47.0222421 ], [ 23.8900426, 47.0220492 ], [ 23.8901425, 47.0215282 ], [ 23.8905121, 47.0211575 ], [ 23.8915092, 47.0209285 ], [ 23.8922930, 47.0212606 ], [ 23.8927141, 47.0215981 ], [ 23.8933120, 47.0220904 ], [ 23.8936986, 47.0226245 ], [ 23.8945161, 47.0229323 ], [ 23.8958263, 47.0234941 ], [ 23.8966672, 47.0238487 ], [ 23.8968827, 47.0237725 ], [ 23.8971194, 47.0235343 ], [ 23.8979840, 47.0233549 ], [ 23.8977828, 47.0230210 ], [ 23.8974518, 47.0227264 ], [ 23.8977711, 47.0220210 ], [ 23.8969812, 47.0212379 ], [ 23.8963221, 47.0206012 ], [ 23.8956629, 47.0199644 ], [ 23.8956210, 47.0194872 ], [ 23.8953761, 47.0189093 ], [ 23.8952007, 47.0183333 ], [ 23.8958565, 47.0178275 ], [ 23.8965346, 47.0173803 ], [ 23.8969375, 47.0171904 ], [ 23.8999519, 47.0192239 ], [ 23.9008747, 47.0189156 ], [ 23.9015167, 47.0186474 ], [ 23.9026844, 47.0189170 ], [ 23.9034627, 47.0187001 ], [ 23.9041549, 47.0187664 ], [ 23.9046834, 47.0192567 ], [ 23.9053784, 47.0192755 ], [ 23.9064911, 47.0204957 ], [ 23.9071167, 47.0205126 ], [ 23.9085569, 47.0208848 ], [ 23.9085432, 47.0211224 ], [ 23.9089383, 47.0215140 ], [ 23.9098838, 47.0220155 ], [ 23.9104929, 47.0223176 ], [ 23.9103822, 47.0230287 ], [ 23.9107691, 47.0235628 ], [ 23.9112446, 47.0237660 ], [ 23.9123567, 47.0237961 ], [ 23.9126265, 47.0239461 ], [ 23.9139727, 47.0247441 ], [ 23.9147465, 47.0258123 ], [ 23.9156631, 47.0253958 ], [ 23.9163983, 47.0261424 ], [ 23.9163681, 47.0266653 ], [ 23.9169609, 47.0272525 ], [ 23.9174991, 47.0275764 ], [ 23.9170355, 47.0283732 ], [ 23.9176392, 47.0287703 ], [ 23.9181844, 47.0289754 ], [ 23.9196608, 47.0296275 ], [ 23.9202809, 47.0303381 ], [ 23.9213098, 47.0306295 ], [ 23.9232678, 47.0308544 ], [ 23.9231062, 47.0319382 ], [ 23.9213208, 47.0328506 ], [ 23.9206553, 47.0331879 ], [ 23.9203906, 47.0333208 ], [ 23.9200070, 47.0335944 ], [ 23.9195789, 47.0337733 ], [ 23.9188715, 47.0339286 ], [ 23.9183029, 47.0341674 ], [ 23.9175304, 47.0350130 ], [ 23.9181677, 47.0353063 ], [ 23.9191858, 47.0357989 ], [ 23.9204622, 47.0363497 ], [ 23.9218736, 47.0371829 ], [ 23.9225844, 47.0377691 ], [ 23.9233051, 47.0381927 ], [ 23.9243029, 47.0386784 ], [ 23.9243167, 47.0387476 ], [ 23.9247945, 47.0411494 ], [ 23.9249147, 47.0415144 ], [ 23.9250127, 47.0425649 ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 45425101, version 12, osm:changeset=120729275, 2022-05-09T06:12:13Z)