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OSM location of ប្រាសាទតាព្រហ្ម

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Gabriel Mckee Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Nov 08, 2023 10:07 AM History
Location of the Ta Prohm structure, derived from an OpenStreetMap Relation.

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{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 103.8877705, 13.4361976 ], [ 103.8908417, 13.4363312 ], [ 103.8909747, 13.4334730 ], [ 103.8879017, 13.4333419 ], [ 103.8877705, 13.4361976 ] ], [ [ 103.8905364, 13.4346721 ], [ 103.8905752, 13.4338293 ], [ 103.8882655, 13.4337289 ], [ 103.8882184, 13.4347528 ], [ 103.8879115, 13.4347394 ], [ 103.8879722, 13.4334169 ], [ 103.8908959, 13.4335440 ], [ 103.8908434, 13.4346855 ], [ 103.8905364, 13.4346721 ] ], [ [ 103.8903404, 13.4340061 ], [ 103.8884656, 13.4339246 ], [ 103.8884369, 13.4345499 ], [ 103.8886313, 13.4345584 ], [ 103.8886514, 13.4341221 ], [ 103.8901373, 13.4341867 ], [ 103.8901354, 13.4342282 ], [ 103.8903298, 13.4342366 ], [ 103.8903404, 13.4340061 ] ], [ [ 103.8901246, 13.4344621 ], [ 103.8903190, 13.4344705 ], [ 103.8903270, 13.4342963 ], [ 103.8901326, 13.4342879 ], [ 103.8901246, 13.4344621 ] ], [ [ 103.8878476, 13.4361291 ], [ 103.8879080, 13.4348141 ], [ 103.8882150, 13.4348274 ], [ 103.8881683, 13.4358438 ], [ 103.8904780, 13.4359442 ], [ 103.8905168, 13.4351001 ], [ 103.8908237, 13.4351135 ], [ 103.8907712, 13.4362562 ], [ 103.8878476, 13.4361291 ] ], [ [ 103.8900857, 13.4353081 ], [ 103.8902802, 13.4353165 ], [ 103.8902882, 13.4351423 ], [ 103.8900937, 13.4351339 ], [ 103.8900857, 13.4353081 ] ], [ [ 103.8902604, 13.4357461 ], [ 103.8883857, 13.4356646 ], [ 103.8884133, 13.4350642 ], [ 103.8886077, 13.4350726 ], [ 103.8885888, 13.4354840 ], [ 103.8900747, 13.4355486 ], [ 103.8900834, 13.4353578 ], [ 103.8902779, 13.4353663 ], [ 103.8902604, 13.4357461 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • twelfth century of the common era (confident)
  • thirteenth century of the common era (confident)
  • fourteenth century of the common era (confident)
  • fifteenth century of the common era (confident)
  • sixteenth century of the common era (confident)
  • seventeenth century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 6987298, version 12, osm:changeset=135252804, 2023-04-23T08:38:23Z)