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OSM location of Baelo Claudia

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 31, 2023 09:59 PM History
Representative location based on an OpenStreetMap way tracing the visible limit of the archaeological area.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -5.7761193, 36.0912860 ], [ -5.7746060, 36.0913205 ], [ -5.7724153, 36.0904695 ], [ -5.7724445, 36.0903116 ], [ -5.7723319, 36.0901061 ], [ -5.7723685, 36.0899978 ], [ -5.7721780, 36.0899571 ], [ -5.7721960, 36.0898947 ], [ -5.7725962, 36.0891406 ], [ -5.7728973, 36.0887381 ], [ -5.7729161, 36.0885516 ], [ -5.7738678, 36.0889123 ], [ -5.7745829, 36.0886951 ], [ -5.7745977, 36.0886784 ], [ -5.7746165, 36.0886557 ], [ -5.7745368, 36.0886084 ], [ -5.7744895, 36.0885695 ], [ -5.7744491, 36.0885173 ], [ -5.7743648, 36.0881744 ], [ -5.7744007, 36.0881594 ], [ -5.7746697, 36.0881956 ], [ -5.7749279, 36.0882478 ], [ -5.7753844, 36.0883823 ], [ -5.7757001, 36.0885125 ], [ -5.7758576, 36.0886103 ], [ -5.7761315, 36.0889050 ], [ -5.7766404, 36.0894523 ], [ -5.7768532, 36.0897632 ], [ -5.7761193, 36.0912860 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)
  • Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 222817593, version 12, osm:changeset=138540383, 2023-07-15T11:06:48Z)