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OSM location of Islote de Sancti Petri

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 05, 2023 07:26 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -6.2203870, 36.3788516 ], [ -6.2201938, 36.3789725 ], [ -6.2195966, 36.3791343 ], [ -6.2195390, 36.3792557 ], [ -6.2195179, 36.3794562 ], [ -6.2197117, 36.3797103 ], [ -6.2192194, 36.3797400 ], [ -6.2192217, 36.3798126 ], [ -6.2196433, 36.3798008 ], [ -6.2195716, 36.3800004 ], [ -6.2197432, 36.3800695 ], [ -6.2197003, 36.3802941 ], [ -6.2197111, 36.3804668 ], [ -6.2197540, 36.3805964 ], [ -6.2198273, 36.3807088 ], [ -6.2192926, 36.3809074 ], [ -6.2189493, 36.3810283 ], [ -6.2191746, 36.3810542 ], [ -6.2194336, 36.3810713 ], [ -6.2194857, 36.3810456 ], [ -6.2198398, 36.3809246 ], [ -6.2200973, 36.3808555 ], [ -6.2202475, 36.3809765 ], [ -6.2204084, 36.3811579 ], [ -6.2204513, 36.3809851 ], [ -6.2203655, 36.3808469 ], [ -6.2203977, 36.3807346 ], [ -6.2205050, 36.3807519 ], [ -6.2207410, 36.3808210 ], [ -6.2208698, 36.3808124 ], [ -6.2208912, 36.3806569 ], [ -6.2208912, 36.3805881 ], [ -6.2208912, 36.3805100 ], [ -6.2207732, 36.3803373 ], [ -6.2208698, 36.3800695 ], [ -6.2209556, 36.3798708 ], [ -6.2209449, 36.3797413 ], [ -6.2208161, 36.3795944 ], [ -6.2207517, 36.3794821 ], [ -6.2205908, 36.3793698 ], [ -6.2205801, 36.3793267 ], [ -6.2205801, 36.3792144 ], [ -6.2206230, 36.3790848 ], [ -6.2207732, 36.3789984 ], [ -6.2206766, 36.3789466 ], [ -6.2206659, 36.3788775 ], [ -6.2205264, 36.3788861 ], [ -6.2203870, 36.3788516 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)

Data Source:
See Further:

OpenStreetMap (Way 4979007, version 12, osm:changeset=65014284, 2018-11-29T15:35:55Z)