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OSM location of Khumara Hillfort

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Gabriel Mckee Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 12, 2022 04:17 PM History
Polygon representing the enclosing walls of the Khumara Hillfort site, derived from an OpenStreetMap Way after Kochkarov 2020.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 41.9270213, 43.8712949 ], [ 41.9273140, 43.8719279 ], [ 41.9276718, 43.8725258 ], [ 41.9280458, 43.8725961 ], [ 41.9284361, 43.8724554 ], [ 41.9289240, 43.8719748 ], [ 41.9279970, 43.8700522 ], [ 41.9273466, 43.8692433 ], [ 41.9265009, 43.8674261 ], [ 41.9252325, 43.8669923 ], [ 41.9253464, 43.8665233 ], [ 41.9237202, 43.8661716 ], [ 41.9225493, 43.8661130 ], [ 41.9212646, 43.8665351 ], [ 41.9211670, 43.8668399 ], [ 41.9215411, 43.8670392 ], [ 41.9215248, 43.8675082 ], [ 41.9207280, 43.8691847 ], [ 41.9208906, 43.8693488 ], [ 41.9219476, 43.8692315 ], [ 41.9223704, 43.8692198 ], [ 41.9231510, 43.8695246 ], [ 41.9237852, 43.8698763 ], [ 41.9239804, 43.8702046 ], [ 41.9249235, 43.8707204 ], [ 41.9250374, 43.8706501 ], [ 41.9270213, 43.8712949 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Mediaeval/Byzantine (AD 641-AD 1453) (confident)

Data Source:
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OpenStreetMap (Way 1078034223, version 1, osm:changeset=123533948, 2022-07-12T19:21:13Z)