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OSM location of Tempio di Venere e Roma

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 14, 2023 11:25 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.4904092, 41.8911717 ], [ 12.4894556, 41.8914330 ] ], [ [ 12.4894333, 41.8913949 ], [ 12.4894556, 41.8914330 ] ], [ [ 12.4895235, 41.8913671 ], [ 12.4894333, 41.8913949 ] ], [ [ 12.4895069, 41.8913339 ], [ 12.4895235, 41.8913671 ] ], [ [ 12.4894987, 41.8912266 ], [ 12.4895009, 41.8912703 ], [ 12.4895069, 41.8913339 ] ], [ [ 12.4894987, 41.8912266 ], [ 12.4897069, 41.8911500 ] ], [ [ 12.4897069, 41.8911500 ], [ 12.4896794, 41.8910986 ], [ 12.4896539, 41.8911058 ], [ 12.4896271, 41.8910560 ] ], [ [ 12.4896271, 41.8910560 ], [ 12.4896126, 41.8910338 ] ], [ [ 12.4896126, 41.8910338 ], [ 12.4896021, 41.8910155 ], [ 12.4895287, 41.8910407 ], [ 12.4895151, 41.8910151 ], [ 12.4894471, 41.8910356 ], [ 12.4893572, 41.8908888 ], [ 12.4893922, 41.8908785 ], [ 12.4893819, 41.8908509 ] ], [ [ 12.4893819, 41.8908509 ], [ 12.4893712, 41.8908337 ] ], [ [ 12.4893712, 41.8908337 ], [ 12.4893611, 41.8908140 ], [ 12.4890183, 41.8909112 ] ], [ [ 12.4890183, 41.8909112 ], [ 12.4889814, 41.8909222 ] ], [ [ 12.4889814, 41.8909222 ], [ 12.4889868, 41.8909303 ] ], [ [ 12.4889868, 41.8909303 ], [ 12.4889618, 41.8909385 ] ], [ [ 12.4889618, 41.8909385 ], [ 12.4889050, 41.8909574 ] ], [ [ 12.4889050, 41.8909574 ], [ 12.4889314, 41.8910086 ] ], [ [ 12.4889314, 41.8910086 ], [ 12.4887459, 41.8910721 ] ], [ [ 12.4887459, 41.8910721 ], [ 12.4886408, 41.8908562 ], [ 12.4886295, 41.8908317 ] ], [ [ 12.4886295, 41.8908317 ], [ 12.4886689, 41.8908196 ], [ 12.4886609, 41.8907996 ], [ 12.4886817, 41.8907936 ], [ 12.4886703, 41.8907712 ], [ 12.4886877, 41.8907647 ], [ 12.4886740, 41.8907413 ] ], [ [ 12.4886740, 41.8907413 ], [ 12.4886893, 41.8907383 ], [ 12.4887178, 41.8907301 ] ], [ [ 12.4887178, 41.8907301 ], [ 12.4890590, 41.8906352 ] ], [ [ 12.4890590, 41.8906352 ], [ 12.4890500, 41.8906131 ], [ 12.4890369, 41.8905810 ] ], [ [ 12.4890369, 41.8905810 ], [ 12.4894224, 41.8904733 ], [ 12.4902737, 41.8902353 ] ], [ [ 12.4902737, 41.8902353 ], [ 12.4903077, 41.8902258 ], [ 12.4903222, 41.8902529 ] ], [ [ 12.4903222, 41.8902529 ], [ 12.4903304, 41.8903016 ] ], [ [ 12.4903304, 41.8903016 ], [ 12.4903956, 41.8904437 ], [ 12.4904050, 41.8904415 ], [ 12.4904167, 41.8904624 ] ], [ [ 12.4906559, 41.8908982 ], [ 12.4906340, 41.8908513 ], [ 12.4906167, 41.8908567 ], [ 12.4905246, 41.8906768 ], [ 12.4905381, 41.8906730 ], [ 12.4905181, 41.8906341 ], [ 12.4905068, 41.8906373 ], [ 12.4904167, 41.8904624 ] ], [ [ 12.4906559, 41.8908982 ], [ 12.4905985, 41.8909128 ] ], [ [ 12.4905985, 41.8909128 ], [ 12.4906401, 41.8909938 ] ], [ [ 12.4903764, 41.8911064 ], [ 12.4906036, 41.8910445 ], [ 12.4905868, 41.8910081 ], [ 12.4906401, 41.8909938 ] ], [ [ 12.4904092, 41.8911717 ], [ 12.4903764, 41.8911064 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 1841091, version 6, osm:changeset=114238248, 2021-11-25T21:03:03Z)