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OSM location of Conjunto arqueológico de la ciudad ibero-romana de Cástulo

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Dec 03, 2024 10:33 AM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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archaeological site, settlement

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -3.6244965, 38.0404819 ], [ -3.6232760, 38.0412197 ], [ -3.6221441, 38.0409662 ], [ -3.6220475, 38.0409409 ], [ -3.6211946, 38.0404508 ], [ -3.6205991, 38.0402269 ], [ -3.6198696, 38.0399523 ], [ -3.6193546, 38.0393734 ], [ -3.6191829, 38.0391199 ], [ -3.6190435, 38.0387524 ], [ -3.6188021, 38.0382707 ], [ -3.6186089, 38.0379834 ], [ -3.6185661, 38.0377683 ], [ -3.6185875, 38.0375525 ], [ -3.6185285, 38.0370032 ], [ -3.6183853, 38.0363268 ], [ -3.6182549, 38.0357737 ], [ -3.6181967, 38.0357320 ], [ -3.6212590, 38.0323132 ], [ -3.6224069, 38.0313245 ], [ -3.6248746, 38.0297611 ], [ -3.6260810, 38.0289313 ], [ -3.6263176, 38.0291991 ], [ -3.6264088, 38.0294822 ], [ -3.6262640, 38.0298244 ], [ -3.6255559, 38.0302977 ], [ -3.6254772, 38.0308592 ], [ -3.6255880, 38.0310921 ], [ -3.6264249, 38.0316245 ], [ -3.6267307, 38.0322287 ], [ -3.6270472, 38.0326132 ], [ -3.6271514, 38.0327023 ], [ -3.6272993, 38.0328287 ], [ -3.6273100, 38.0340540 ], [ -3.6275568, 38.0342822 ], [ -3.6275461, 38.0349287 ], [ -3.6274871, 38.0353343 ], [ -3.6273851, 38.0354906 ], [ -3.6274280, 38.0356892 ], [ -3.6276963, 38.0358709 ], [ -3.6279411, 38.0362733 ], [ -3.6280986, 38.0372187 ], [ -3.6283239, 38.0376074 ], [ -3.6286887, 38.0379031 ], [ -3.6287477, 38.0381566 ], [ -3.6288818, 38.0383848 ], [ -3.6286565, 38.0385580 ], [ -3.6282971, 38.0386256 ], [ -3.6281201, 38.0388622 ], [ -3.6279645, 38.0390566 ], [ -3.6276104, 38.0391706 ], [ -3.6268862, 38.0389045 ], [ -3.6258402, 38.0388242 ], [ -3.6252179, 38.0391453 ], [ -3.6253681, 38.0400706 ], [ -3.6256792, 38.0406874 ], [ -3.6244965, 38.0404819 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 256103575, version 16, osm:changeset=147289736, 2024-02-10T11:57:16Z)