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You are here: Home Ancient Places Nēmed-Marduk

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a Pleiades place resource

Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jan 25, 2018 09:44 PM History
The outer city wall of Nippur according to the so-called "Kuyunjik Ziqqurrat List" (7th century B.C.). Its Akkadian ceremonial name means "Bulwark of the God Marduk".

32.1267626333, 45.2305635333

wall (of a city), city wall

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The earliest textual evidence for the name of the outer wall of Nippur comes from the reign of the Babylonian king Adad-apla-iddina (1068-1047 B.C.). Excavations at Nippur clearly show that a city wall existed as early as the Early Dynastic Period. Although parts of the Nippur's outer wall have been excavated, no visible traces of it can be seen in satellite imagery (Corona or modern) and, therefore, no coordinates for it can be provided with any degree of certainty. The (shorter) outer, stone wall Nēmed-Marduk abuts the great, inner wall Imgur-Marduk.

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Jamie Novotny, and Jeffrey Becker, 'Nēmed-Marduk: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2018 <> [accessed: 27 July 2024]

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