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OSM Location of سد بني عمران

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 20, 2022 03:54 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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reservoir, hafir

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 3.6097474, 36.6707999 ], [ 3.6093997, 36.6707926 ], [ 3.6092184, 36.6708326 ], [ 3.6090042, 36.6707060 ], [ 3.6088674, 36.6707800 ], [ 3.6084839, 36.6708540 ], [ 3.6082331, 36.6709495 ], [ 3.6080950, 36.6707782 ], [ 3.6077953, 36.6703501 ], [ 3.6075127, 36.6698839 ], [ 3.6076122, 36.6698621 ], [ 3.6076499, 36.6698479 ], [ 3.6076473, 36.6697908 ], [ 3.6076497, 36.6696972 ], [ 3.6076217, 36.6694020 ], [ 3.6080372, 36.6691767 ], [ 3.6082913, 36.6690539 ], [ 3.6086742, 36.6689398 ], [ 3.6093061, 36.6691450 ], [ 3.6095889, 36.6693283 ], [ 3.6100096, 36.6693276 ], [ 3.6102133, 36.6692712 ], [ 3.6105507, 36.6691640 ], [ 3.6110044, 36.6688836 ], [ 3.6111584, 36.6685030 ], [ 3.6108111, 36.6668436 ], [ 3.6107048, 36.6645511 ], [ 3.6106917, 36.6644850 ], [ 3.6102968, 36.6624866 ], [ 3.6099971, 36.6603229 ], [ 3.6097640, 36.6588805 ], [ 3.6095574, 36.6576764 ], [ 3.6094477, 36.6570373 ], [ 3.6086319, 36.6562894 ], [ 3.6081657, 36.6552208 ], [ 3.6087094, 36.6545004 ], [ 3.6098207, 36.6538367 ], [ 3.6098454, 36.6536315 ], [ 3.6105341, 36.6532867 ], [ 3.6092310, 36.6533573 ], [ 3.6091391, 36.6533623 ], [ 3.6081899, 36.6538367 ], [ 3.6078037, 36.6540433 ], [ 3.6077382, 36.6540832 ], [ 3.6065490, 36.6548073 ], [ 3.6046536, 36.6555393 ], [ 3.6032527, 36.6558179 ], [ 3.6031338, 36.6558373 ], [ 3.6018635, 36.6560446 ], [ 3.6005214, 36.6562996 ], [ 3.5994442, 36.6563846 ], [ 3.5993689, 36.6563814 ], [ 3.5987790, 36.6563563 ], [ 3.5980432, 36.6561863 ], [ 3.5976370, 36.6557424 ], [ 3.5970602, 36.6555299 ], [ 3.5968659, 36.6550010 ], [ 3.5968365, 36.6543776 ], [ 3.5969601, 36.6538770 ], [ 3.5973780, 36.6532678 ], [ 3.5981477, 36.6528382 ], [ 3.5991348, 36.6523562 ], [ 3.6004651, 36.6520464 ], [ 3.6012805, 36.6517709 ], [ 3.6014093, 36.6512545 ], [ 3.6008628, 36.6507319 ], [ 3.6002918, 36.6504863 ], [ 3.5995678, 36.6504957 ], [ 3.5987731, 36.6505241 ], [ 3.5977665, 36.6500990 ], [ 3.5968173, 36.6493264 ], [ 3.5958732, 36.6482245 ], [ 3.5944466, 36.6468403 ], [ 3.5934339, 36.6453592 ], [ 3.5931405, 36.6448006 ], [ 3.5929252, 36.6440717 ], [ 3.5928394, 36.6437332 ], [ 3.5927871, 36.6432602 ], [ 3.5927455, 36.6421949 ], [ 3.5927540, 36.6418820 ], [ 3.5929414, 36.6418022 ], [ 3.5931197, 36.6418469 ], [ 3.5930998, 36.6421489 ], [ 3.5931187, 36.6426694 ], [ 3.5931623, 36.6429754 ], [ 3.5931758, 36.6436028 ], [ 3.5933757, 36.6443396 ], [ 3.5936073, 36.6451704 ], [ 3.5936195, 36.6451946 ], [ 3.5943422, 36.6462829 ], [ 3.5966512, 36.6486364 ], [ 3.5980197, 36.6497921 ], [ 3.5988682, 36.6501768 ], [ 3.6001289, 36.6500930 ], [ 3.6012146, 36.6503112 ], [ 3.6018694, 36.6513600 ], [ 3.6018384, 36.6520464 ], [ 3.6013484, 36.6523546 ], [ 3.5997679, 36.6527814 ], [ 3.5987914, 36.6532170 ], [ 3.5980197, 36.6537826 ], [ 3.5976547, 36.6542312 ], [ 3.5976900, 36.6548310 ], [ 3.5984494, 36.6556857 ], [ 3.5996090, 36.6557707 ], [ 3.6007656, 36.6555581 ], [ 3.6026109, 36.6551450 ], [ 3.6040271, 36.6545941 ], [ 3.6041198, 36.6545538 ], [ 3.6050571, 36.6541466 ], [ 3.6059583, 36.6533203 ], [ 3.6068166, 36.6525972 ], [ 3.6075033, 36.6522185 ], [ 3.6088983, 36.6516011 ], [ 3.6100304, 36.6516011 ], [ 3.6116287, 36.6517213 ], [ 3.6125278, 36.6520819 ], [ 3.6129940, 36.6534577 ], [ 3.6121453, 36.6543428 ], [ 3.6119950, 36.6544996 ], [ 3.6138431, 36.6547133 ], [ 3.6161407, 36.6546331 ], [ 3.6174893, 36.6551941 ], [ 3.6157744, 36.6548736 ], [ 3.6144425, 36.6552342 ], [ 3.6123946, 36.6552609 ], [ 3.6117453, 36.6557685 ], [ 3.6109794, 36.6558753 ], [ 3.6108806, 36.6564300 ], [ 3.6113457, 36.6575582 ], [ 3.6119784, 36.6586802 ], [ 3.6117952, 36.6615917 ], [ 3.6123292, 36.6646155 ], [ 3.6123447, 36.6647035 ], [ 3.6122998, 36.6662878 ], [ 3.6128710, 36.6671355 ], [ 3.6125673, 36.6691217 ], [ 3.6120523, 36.6699478 ], [ 3.6114789, 36.6706730 ], [ 3.6106631, 36.6710469 ], [ 3.6097474, 36.6707999 ] ] }

Not applicable

Less certain

Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 26482741, version 14, osm:changeset=85466314, 2020-05-19T22:47:04Z)