OSM Location of Tejen
a Pleiades
Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified
Jul 15, 2022 08:46 PM
Location based on OpenStreetMap
Show place in Google Earth.
Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.
river, drainage
{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 60.8198684, 37.0025738 ], [ 60.8182751, 37.0029079 ], [ 60.8167462, 37.0032935 ], [ 60.8151529, 37.0041289 ], [ 60.8138010, 37.0049772 ], [ 60.8126583, 37.0058126 ], [ 60.8115157, 37.0063909 ], [ 60.8107753, 37.0068279 ], [ 60.8099063, 37.0072135 ], [ 60.8092786, 37.0078689 ], [ 60.8084095, 37.0089356 ], [ 60.8077819, 37.0099123 ], [ 60.8072508, 37.0108505 ], [ 60.8068806, 37.0117115 ], [ 60.8064622, 37.0125982 ], [ 60.8063334, 37.0135235 ], [ 60.8067519, 37.0143845 ], [ 60.8074278, 37.0150270 ], [ 60.8082647, 37.0153997 ], [ 60.8085705, 37.0162350 ], [ 60.8091016, 37.0167876 ], [ 60.8092303, 37.0172245 ], [ 60.8094235, 37.0177770 ], [ 60.8093913, 37.0185609 ], [ 60.8093752, 37.0191905 ], [ 60.8087314, 37.0197431 ], [ 60.8083130, 37.0205012 ], [ 60.8070416, 37.0208096 ], [ 60.8059150, 37.0208995 ], [ 60.8058023, 37.0205012 ], [ 60.8061564, 37.0200258 ], [ 60.8057379, 37.0197688 ], [ 60.8051586, 37.0198973 ], [ 60.8044826, 37.0201543 ], [ 60.8039354, 37.0201157 ], [ 60.8036296, 37.0197816 ], [ 60.8031468, 37.0197559 ], [ 60.8025835, 37.0198973 ], [ 60.8021812, 37.0197045 ], [ 60.8017949, 37.0198202 ], [ 60.8012960, 37.0202828 ], [ 60.8010546, 37.0208610 ], [ 60.8006040, 37.0213107 ], [ 60.7999280, 37.0218504 ], [ 60.7990107, 37.0226728 ], [ 60.7980196, 37.0234357 ], [ 60.7960656, 37.0244057 ], [ 60.7942882, 37.0247512 ], [ 60.7930683, 37.0252468 ], [ 60.7917347, 37.0264600 ], [ 60.7910545, 37.0268546 ], [ 60.7901306, 37.0269353 ], [ 60.7892428, 37.0275000 ], [ 60.7885715, 37.0278861 ], [ 60.7880879, 37.0277651 ], [ 60.7870918, 37.0280590 ], [ 60.7861648, 37.0287214 ], [ 60.7856193, 37.0293670 ], [ 60.7859513, 37.0298684 ], [ 60.7859658, 37.0310727 ], [ 60.7862545, 37.0319716 ], [ 60.7864470, 37.0326720 ], [ 60.7869619, 37.0334006 ], [ 60.7869186, 37.0339826 ], [ 60.7863989, 37.0344550 ], [ 60.7856356, 37.0347859 ], [ 60.7851468, 37.0349003 ], [ 60.7846580, 37.0352439 ], [ 60.7843142, 37.0362654 ], [ 60.7842972, 37.0366439 ], [ 60.7843910, 37.0369045 ], [ 60.7845645, 37.0378654 ], [ 60.7849145, 37.0386450 ], [ 60.7848656, 37.0388007 ], [ 60.7847558, 37.0388498 ] ] }
Not applicable
associated modern
- twenty-first century of the common era (confident)
- Data Source:
OpenStreetMap (Way 236557802, version 4, osm:changeset=122416662, 2022-06-15T12:29:38Z)