OSM location of Area archeologica del Teatro di Marcello
a Pleiades
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Tom Elliott
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified
Jul 25, 2022 01:37 PM
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
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archaeological site
{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.4786758, 41.8924801 ], [ 12.4787278, 41.8924617 ], [ 12.4789270, 41.8923916 ], [ 12.4789628, 41.8923775 ], [ 12.4790420, 41.8924815 ], [ 12.4791291, 41.8925154 ], [ 12.4792579, 41.8923862 ], [ 12.4793183, 41.8923517 ], [ 12.4793484, 41.8923835 ], [ 12.4793473, 41.8924086 ], [ 12.4794000, 41.8924046 ], [ 12.4795420, 41.8923939 ], [ 12.4795401, 41.8924559 ], [ 12.4795141, 41.8925615 ], [ 12.4795113, 41.8925884 ], [ 12.4795062, 41.8926416 ], [ 12.4795470, 41.8927113 ], [ 12.4795852, 41.8927174 ], [ 12.4796128, 41.8926973 ], [ 12.4797782, 41.8925676 ], [ 12.4798262, 41.8925982 ], [ 12.4798455, 41.8925818 ], [ 12.4799557, 41.8924919 ], [ 12.4800052, 41.8925254 ], [ 12.4801511, 41.8926246 ], [ 12.4803368, 41.8924688 ], [ 12.4803659, 41.8924516 ], [ 12.4803454, 41.8924242 ], [ 12.4803368, 41.8924122 ], [ 12.4802841, 41.8923112 ], [ 12.4802094, 41.8921570 ], [ 12.4801358, 41.8919370 ], [ 12.4801041, 41.8918223 ], [ 12.4800703, 41.8916513 ], [ 12.4800986, 41.8915181 ], [ 12.4801283, 41.8913902 ], [ 12.4800909, 41.8913818 ], [ 12.4801013, 41.8913605 ], [ 12.4801132, 41.8913400 ], [ 12.4796593, 41.8912591 ], [ 12.4796436, 41.8912695 ], [ 12.4796364, 41.8912824 ], [ 12.4796318, 41.8912931 ], [ 12.4796321, 41.8913060 ], [ 12.4796375, 41.8913132 ], [ 12.4796311, 41.8913249 ], [ 12.4796237, 41.8913349 ], [ 12.4795991, 41.8913986 ], [ 12.4797044, 41.8913739 ], [ 12.4798279, 41.8914197 ], [ 12.4798319, 41.8914528 ], [ 12.4798545, 41.8915127 ], [ 12.4798251, 41.8915194 ], [ 12.4798409, 41.8915919 ], [ 12.4797741, 41.8915919 ], [ 12.4798227, 41.8917083 ], [ 12.4799597, 41.8917249 ], [ 12.4799823, 41.8916860 ], [ 12.4800050, 41.8916898 ], [ 12.4799945, 41.8917725 ], [ 12.4799719, 41.8918458 ], [ 12.4799393, 41.8919132 ], [ 12.4798937, 41.8919768 ], [ 12.4798247, 41.8920418 ], [ 12.4797375, 41.8921036 ], [ 12.4796648, 41.8921419 ], [ 12.4795803, 41.8921781 ], [ 12.4794864, 41.8922030 ], [ 12.4793827, 41.8922170 ], [ 12.4793745, 41.8921701 ], [ 12.4792626, 41.8921828 ], [ 12.4790830, 41.8922030 ], [ 12.4790766, 41.8921794 ], [ 12.4790071, 41.8921903 ], [ 12.4789999, 41.8921539 ], [ 12.4788912, 41.8921236 ], [ 12.4788703, 41.8921398 ], [ 12.4788431, 41.8921263 ], [ 12.4788241, 41.8921418 ], [ 12.4787372, 41.8920966 ], [ 12.4787277, 41.8921128 ], [ 12.4787000, 41.8921607 ], [ 12.4787544, 41.8921944 ], [ 12.4787933, 41.8922166 ], [ 12.4788413, 41.8922274 ], [ 12.4788549, 41.8922187 ], [ 12.4789319, 41.8922180 ], [ 12.4789573, 41.8922746 ], [ 12.4788730, 41.8923045 ], [ 12.4787340, 41.8923537 ], [ 12.4786540, 41.8923821 ], [ 12.4786205, 41.8923939 ], [ 12.4786031, 41.8923677 ], [ 12.4784675, 41.8924176 ], [ 12.4784592, 41.8924207 ], [ 12.4784419, 41.8924270 ], [ 12.4784298, 41.8924296 ], [ 12.4784047, 41.8924351 ], [ 12.4784156, 41.8924655 ], [ 12.4783929, 41.8924715 ], [ 12.4784047, 41.8924870 ], [ 12.4783920, 41.8924918 ], [ 12.4784038, 41.8925052 ], [ 12.4783866, 41.8925120 ], [ 12.4783957, 41.8925275 ], [ 12.4783830, 41.8925315 ], [ 12.4783875, 41.8925383 ], [ 12.4783739, 41.8925423 ], [ 12.4783794, 41.8925524 ], [ 12.4783341, 41.8925707 ], [ 12.4783413, 41.8925848 ], [ 12.4783033, 41.8925990 ], [ 12.4783114, 41.8926165 ], [ 12.4783326, 41.8926091 ], [ 12.4784395, 41.8925714 ], [ 12.4784688, 41.8925606 ], [ 12.4785009, 41.8925998 ], [ 12.4785118, 41.8926130 ], [ 12.4785411, 41.8926014 ], [ 12.4786439, 41.8925564 ], [ 12.4787109, 41.8925271 ], [ 12.4786946, 41.8925072 ], [ 12.4786758, 41.8924801 ] ] }
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- Data Source:
OpenStreetMap (Way 123530465, version 8, osm:changeset=113348223, 2021-11-03T20:21:04Z)