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OSM location of Baths of Caracalla

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 11, 2024 01:20 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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bath, spa

{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.4915050, 41.8803964 ], [ 12.4914089, 41.8803357 ], [ 12.4912941, 41.8802970 ], [ 12.4911695, 41.8802831 ], [ 12.4908614, 41.8803045 ], [ 12.4907693, 41.8803422 ], [ 12.4906151, 41.8802720 ], [ 12.4903199, 41.8799537 ], [ 12.4902384, 41.8796550 ], [ 12.4902043, 41.8796319 ], [ 12.4899042, 41.8791442 ], [ 12.4899015, 41.8790635 ], [ 12.4899362, 41.8790050 ], [ 12.4927328, 41.8769576 ], [ 12.4927703, 41.8769443 ], [ 12.4928123, 41.8769568 ], [ 12.4928972, 41.8770126 ], [ 12.4932795, 41.8772637 ], [ 12.4933312, 41.8772275 ], [ 12.4939095, 41.8773586 ], [ 12.4941310, 41.8774803 ], [ 12.4942926, 41.8777474 ], [ 12.4946178, 41.8783729 ], [ 12.4945712, 41.8784200 ], [ 12.4948861, 41.8786600 ], [ 12.4948338, 41.8787001 ], [ 12.4947803, 41.8787412 ], [ 12.4947596, 41.8789157 ], [ 12.4927061, 41.8803929 ], [ 12.4923655, 41.8806379 ], [ 12.4922846, 41.8807026 ], [ 12.4923295, 41.8807904 ], [ 12.4922342, 41.8808386 ], [ 12.4921726, 41.8808698 ], [ 12.4919635, 41.8807253 ], [ 12.4919609, 41.8806952 ], [ 12.4917564, 41.8805317 ], [ 12.4917323, 41.8805535 ], [ 12.4915050, 41.8803964 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • third century of the common era (confident)
  • Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 13476232, version 7, osm:changeset=143488748, 2023-11-01T17:56:22Z)