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OSM Location of southern modern causeway

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Mar 12, 2023 12:11 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 10.9459450, 33.6281370 ], [ 10.9458576, 33.6281220 ], [ 10.9457959, 33.6281622 ], [ 10.9457275, 33.6282113 ], [ 10.9448035, 33.6289204 ], [ 10.9440941, 33.6294564 ], [ 10.9435630, 33.6299120 ], [ 10.9427744, 33.6305898 ], [ 10.9422594, 33.6310555 ], [ 10.9418209, 33.6314731 ], [ 10.9413850, 33.6319231 ], [ 10.9407185, 33.6326880 ], [ 10.9403014, 33.6331793 ], [ 10.9398092, 33.6337733 ], [ 10.9396537, 33.6339687 ], [ 10.9395276, 33.6341540 ], [ 10.9393693, 33.6344120 ], [ 10.9387779, 33.6353533 ], [ 10.9381288, 33.6363917 ], [ 10.9371310, 33.6378745 ], [ 10.9367810, 33.6383747 ], [ 10.9363344, 33.6389876 ], [ 10.9359924, 33.6394376 ], [ 10.9355874, 33.6399456 ], [ 10.9354211, 33.6401633 ], [ 10.9353018, 33.6403610 ], [ 10.9352092, 33.6405474 ], [ 10.9351147, 33.6408122 ], [ 10.9344153, 33.6428128 ], [ 10.9342825, 33.6431801 ], [ 10.9341511, 33.6435552 ], [ 10.9338319, 33.6444250 ], [ 10.9336884, 33.6447800 ], [ 10.9335610, 33.6450692 ], [ 10.9334953, 33.6452232 ], [ 10.9334095, 33.6453896 ], [ 10.9331574, 33.6457803 ], [ 10.9329723, 33.6460974 ], [ 10.9321555, 33.6473768 ], [ 10.9317532, 33.6480299 ], [ 10.9303826, 33.6502248 ], [ 10.9300688, 33.6507818 ], [ 10.9299159, 33.6509940 ], [ 10.9296718, 33.6513043 ], [ 10.9294961, 33.6515387 ], [ 10.9292239, 33.6519205 ], [ 10.9290160, 33.6522298 ], [ 10.9286687, 33.6527757 ], [ 10.9280444, 33.6538518 ], [ 10.9278452, 33.6541744 ], [ 10.9277058, 33.6543732 ], [ 10.9275958, 33.6545406 ], [ 10.9274094, 33.6548576 ], [ 10.9273671, 33.6548939 ], [ 10.9273296, 33.6549023 ], [ 10.9272726, 33.6548895 ], [ 10.9271224, 33.6548186 ], [ 10.9271076, 33.6547985 ], [ 10.9271184, 33.6547694 ], [ 10.9271794, 33.6546952 ], [ 10.9271881, 33.6546634 ], [ 10.9271821, 33.6546411 ], [ 10.9270345, 33.6544893 ], [ 10.9269849, 33.6544513 ], [ 10.9269688, 33.6544245 ], [ 10.9269708, 33.6544005 ], [ 10.9269829, 33.6543787 ], [ 10.9270272, 33.6543402 ], [ 10.9270949, 33.6542805 ], [ 10.9271532, 33.6542079 ], [ 10.9275050, 33.6537649 ], [ 10.9288405, 33.6520846 ], [ 10.9296396, 33.6510699 ], [ 10.9297442, 33.6509337 ], [ 10.9298435, 33.6507807 ], [ 10.9301305, 33.6502817 ], [ 10.9305248, 33.6496498 ], [ 10.9313562, 33.6483258 ], [ 10.9319678, 33.6473478 ], [ 10.9330031, 33.6457212 ], [ 10.9331493, 33.6454789 ], [ 10.9332915, 33.6452221 ], [ 10.9334376, 33.6449028 ], [ 10.9335932, 33.6445165 ], [ 10.9339312, 33.6435709 ], [ 10.9343080, 33.6425225 ], [ 10.9345548, 33.6418258 ], [ 10.9346741, 33.6414853 ], [ 10.9349853, 33.6405988 ], [ 10.9351261, 33.6403085 ], [ 10.9352589, 33.6400963 ], [ 10.9354211, 33.6398663 ], [ 10.9356572, 33.6395738 ], [ 10.9364109, 33.6386002 ], [ 10.9367287, 33.6381480 ], [ 10.9372471, 33.6373720 ], [ 10.9381409, 33.6360400 ], [ 10.9389174, 33.6347950 ], [ 10.9390073, 33.6346342 ], [ 10.9390810, 33.6344991 ], [ 10.9392165, 33.6343070 ], [ 10.9394364, 33.6339877 ], [ 10.9395866, 33.6337711 ], [ 10.9397449, 33.6335690 ], [ 10.9402022, 33.6330441 ], [ 10.9403698, 33.6328454 ], [ 10.9405656, 33.6326087 ], [ 10.9414293, 33.6316227 ], [ 10.9417270, 33.6313268 ], [ 10.9421897, 33.6308924 ], [ 10.9428267, 33.6303252 ], [ 10.9431794, 33.6300147 ], [ 10.9439623, 33.6293281 ], [ 10.9449933, 33.6285307 ], [ 10.9456799, 33.6280198 ], [ 10.9458455, 33.6278869 ], [ 10.9458717, 33.6278462 ] ] }

Not applicable

Less certain

Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 194712769, version 6, osm:changeset=78540741, 2019-12-17T18:20:22Z)