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OSM location of Ancient Inner Harbor of Lechaion

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Mar 26, 2024 01:42 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 22.8852078, 37.9302635 ], [ 22.8832032, 37.9313703 ], [ 22.8832542, 37.9315712 ], [ 22.8832900, 37.9317508 ], [ 22.8832659, 37.9318439 ], [ 22.8830620, 37.9320639 ], [ 22.8828045, 37.9322924 ], [ 22.8827938, 37.9323939 ], [ 22.8829011, 37.9324955 ], [ 22.8832444, 37.9326732 ], [ 22.8836387, 37.9328974 ], [ 22.8841162, 37.9331704 ], [ 22.8849610, 37.9336040 ], [ 22.8851411, 37.9335593 ], [ 22.8853476, 37.9336672 ], [ 22.8854791, 37.9337370 ], [ 22.8856799, 37.9337859 ], [ 22.8858113, 37.9337712 ], [ 22.8859189, 37.9337286 ], [ 22.8860173, 37.9336184 ], [ 22.8860745, 37.9334789 ], [ 22.8860897, 37.9333286 ], [ 22.8860182, 37.9331320 ], [ 22.8859830, 37.9329143 ], [ 22.8859672, 37.9327999 ], [ 22.8859910, 37.9326816 ], [ 22.8861197, 37.9325547 ], [ 22.8865381, 37.9325378 ], [ 22.8869244, 37.9326563 ], [ 22.8872355, 37.9328170 ], [ 22.8886517, 37.9326224 ], [ 22.8888448, 37.9326139 ], [ 22.8893169, 37.9326901 ], [ 22.8899392, 37.9329186 ], [ 22.8901109, 37.9329947 ], [ 22.8903254, 37.9330201 ], [ 22.8908619, 37.9330878 ], [ 22.8915271, 37.9331978 ], [ 22.8923854, 37.9333925 ], [ 22.8927676, 37.9334980 ], [ 22.8928145, 37.9335109 ], [ 22.8928795, 37.9335832 ], [ 22.8929783, 37.9335128 ], [ 22.8928625, 37.9334352 ], [ 22.8928328, 37.9334153 ], [ 22.8922856, 37.9332715 ], [ 22.8915775, 37.9330938 ], [ 22.8909659, 37.9330007 ], [ 22.8902825, 37.9329186 ], [ 22.8902611, 37.9326901 ], [ 22.8905722, 37.9325209 ], [ 22.8909370, 37.9322670 ], [ 22.8912052, 37.9321231 ], [ 22.8914949, 37.9321062 ], [ 22.8921493, 37.9321739 ], [ 22.8926289, 37.9321629 ], [ 22.8926504, 37.9318837 ], [ 22.8924176, 37.9317593 ], [ 22.8917738, 37.9317677 ], [ 22.8915807, 37.9317846 ], [ 22.8910979, 37.9320385 ], [ 22.8906580, 37.9323516 ], [ 22.8904220, 37.9324701 ], [ 22.8901645, 37.9324786 ], [ 22.8895744, 37.9323939 ], [ 22.8889307, 37.9323939 ], [ 22.8886410, 37.9324024 ], [ 22.8882333, 37.9325632 ], [ 22.8876185, 37.9326283 ], [ 22.8873825, 37.9326283 ], [ 22.8870285, 37.9324252 ], [ 22.8868032, 37.9320952 ], [ 22.8866454, 37.9315308 ], [ 22.8865778, 37.9314436 ], [ 22.8863847, 37.9314352 ], [ 22.8860768, 37.9315731 ], [ 22.8857442, 37.9317931 ], [ 22.8855833, 37.9320893 ], [ 22.8853258, 37.9327409 ], [ 22.8851112, 37.9328594 ], [ 22.8847218, 37.9329245 ], [ 22.8843173, 37.9327747 ], [ 22.8839064, 37.9324337 ], [ 22.8837057, 37.9321485 ], [ 22.8837165, 37.9318100 ], [ 22.8838238, 37.9315985 ], [ 22.8841778, 37.9313192 ], [ 22.8851649, 37.9307776 ], [ 22.8853902, 37.9306592 ], [ 22.8853758, 37.9304479 ], [ 22.8853440, 37.9303393 ], [ 22.8852936, 37.9302741 ], [ 22.8852078, 37.9302635 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 327916155, version 5, osm:changeset=131571312, 2023-01-22T15:51:40Z)