OSM location of Fiume Brenta
a Pleiades
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Ryan Horne
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified
Jan 20, 2024 08:42 PM
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.
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river, drainage
{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 11.7312737, 45.7731276 ], [ 11.7308697, 45.7692943 ], [ 11.7311447, 45.7679491 ], [ 11.7309437, 45.7661230 ], [ 11.7303910, 45.7647875 ], [ 11.7297499, 45.7639611 ], [ 11.7288482, 45.7632784 ], [ 11.7266140, 45.7618609 ], [ 11.7242645, 45.7603749 ], [ 11.7216499, 45.7591089 ], [ 11.7191839, 45.7581551 ], [ 11.7157001, 45.7571231 ], [ 11.7125684, 45.7561454 ], [ 11.7093176, 45.7548891 ], [ 11.7074055, 45.7538758 ], [ 11.7056074, 45.7525838 ], [ 11.7047474, 45.7518519 ], [ 11.7041400, 45.7510185 ], [ 11.7032041, 45.7491671 ], [ 11.7025229, 45.7475510 ], [ 11.7014509, 45.7467799 ], [ 11.7013750, 45.7459575 ], [ 11.7012714, 45.7456586 ], [ 11.7008063, 45.7443166 ], [ 11.7004274, 45.7432686 ], [ 11.6995336, 45.7422482 ], [ 11.6990897, 45.7412018 ], [ 11.6984568, 45.7402908 ], [ 11.6983607, 45.7399259 ], [ 11.6983695, 45.7394797 ], [ 11.6984327, 45.7389407 ], [ 11.6979080, 45.7381210 ], [ 11.6977164, 45.7376076 ], [ 11.6975011, 45.7373896 ], [ 11.6973156, 45.7363790 ], [ 11.6972832, 45.7361413 ], [ 11.6974940, 45.7355867 ], [ 11.6979319, 45.7351905 ], [ 11.6988206, 45.7334899 ], [ 11.6983211, 45.7318626 ], [ 11.6972832, 45.7301986 ], [ 11.6969576, 45.7281896 ], [ 11.6967350, 45.7279424 ], [ 11.6958281, 45.7252658 ], [ 11.6956919, 45.7250621 ], [ 11.6952922, 45.7244641 ], [ 11.6943787, 45.7219039 ], [ 11.6934074, 45.7216174 ], [ 11.6932532, 45.7192736 ], [ 11.6922739, 45.7177628 ], [ 11.6911933, 45.7155582 ], [ 11.6892649, 45.7142501 ], [ 11.6878664, 45.7130591 ], [ 11.6866612, 45.7124687 ], [ 11.6870828, 45.7121290 ], [ 11.6869855, 45.7115289 ], [ 11.6874558, 45.7105437 ], [ 11.6877797, 45.7084473 ], [ 11.6869855, 45.7075428 ], [ 11.6863002, 45.7073800 ], [ 11.6861747, 45.7070558 ], [ 11.6870017, 45.7057987 ], [ 11.6873423, 45.7039754 ], [ 11.6867250, 45.7022062 ], [ 11.6857044, 45.7013932 ], [ 11.6855584, 45.7004984 ], [ 11.6868558, 45.6986749 ], [ 11.6869846, 45.6978781 ], [ 11.6860434, 45.6964976 ], [ 11.6857062, 45.6961274 ], [ 11.6863368, 45.6953109 ], [ 11.6862882, 45.6940989 ], [ 11.6848418, 45.6927806 ], [ 11.6858718, 45.6915815 ], [ 11.6858179, 45.6900889 ], [ 11.6877477, 45.6883896 ], [ 11.6902536, 45.6868315 ], [ 11.6902618, 45.6852136 ], [ 11.6888991, 45.6831556 ], [ 11.6875884, 45.6822278 ], [ 11.6863016, 45.6813754 ], [ 11.6858718, 45.6807887 ], [ 11.6860434, 45.6795893 ], [ 11.6872451, 45.6782700 ], [ 11.6879317, 45.6769507 ], [ 11.6885290, 45.6768618 ], [ 11.6885900, 45.6768527 ], [ 11.6881034, 45.6757513 ], [ 11.6878951, 45.6750238 ], [ 11.6883801, 45.6746805 ], [ 11.6889640, 45.6742953 ], [ 11.6910559, 45.6725389 ], [ 11.6912181, 45.6712471 ], [ 11.6905104, 45.6692969 ] ] }
- Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)
- Data Source:
OpenStreetMap (Way 43872976, version 62, osm:changeset=142489728, 2023-10-12T17:12:07Z)