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OSM location of modern Corchiano

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 05, 2022 05:41 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

Show place in Google Earth.

Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.


{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.3245851, 42.3515089 ], [ 12.3306671, 42.3546998 ], [ 12.3314855, 42.3559727 ], [ 12.3328515, 42.3581570 ], [ 12.3330617, 42.3586867 ], [ 12.3330405, 42.3594346 ], [ 12.3329169, 42.3598524 ], [ 12.3327691, 42.3602845 ], [ 12.3325922, 42.3606273 ], [ 12.3312656, 42.3631061 ], [ 12.3306653, 42.3641680 ], [ 12.3242590, 42.3740294 ], [ 12.3178381, 42.3824996 ], [ 12.3167720, 42.3834580 ], [ 12.3163100, 42.3841692 ], [ 12.3161244, 42.3845663 ], [ 12.3159262, 42.3851843 ], [ 12.3154945, 42.3906355 ], [ 12.3157972, 42.3913380 ], [ 12.3171152, 42.3937581 ], [ 12.3174769, 42.3941528 ], [ 12.3179512, 42.3946523 ], [ 12.3183515, 42.3950729 ], [ 12.3188502, 42.3955897 ] ], [ [ 12.3854661, 42.3236307 ], [ 12.3844707, 42.3232366 ], [ 12.3840896, 42.3230857 ], [ 12.3838048, 42.3229729 ], [ 12.3828324, 42.3226975 ], [ 12.3817958, 42.3224040 ], [ 12.3807966, 42.3221211 ], [ 12.3796150, 42.3217865 ], [ 12.3782886, 42.3215015 ], [ 12.3771250, 42.3212972 ], [ 12.3758602, 42.3214830 ], [ 12.3746203, 42.3216817 ], [ 12.3609426, 42.3246816 ], [ 12.3549727, 42.3261082 ], [ 12.3515961, 42.3276748 ], [ 12.3465297, 42.3319193 ], [ 12.3437057, 42.3342851 ], [ 12.3434518, 42.3344978 ], [ 12.3395739, 42.3377463 ], [ 12.3392351, 42.3381929 ], [ 12.3391704, 42.3385920 ], [ 12.3391874, 42.3391053 ], [ 12.3391908, 42.3392072 ], [ 12.3398924, 42.3437700 ], [ 12.3291891, 42.3485117 ], [ 12.3245851, 42.3515089 ] ], [ [ 12.3854661, 42.3236307 ], [ 12.3869920, 42.3237747 ], [ 12.3905834, 42.3248840 ], [ 12.3909059, 42.3250140 ], [ 12.3993744, 42.3292427 ], [ 12.4062046, 42.3330152 ], [ 12.4161618, 42.3404894 ], [ 12.4203313, 42.3468706 ], [ 12.4257226, 42.3533952 ] ], [ [ 12.3188502, 42.3955897 ], [ 12.3215860, 42.3956094 ], [ 12.3267790, 42.3947428 ], [ 12.3473015, 42.3912724 ], [ 12.3504655, 42.3902119 ], [ 12.3516163, 42.3896965 ], [ 12.3564416, 42.3874481 ], [ 12.3575674, 42.3868794 ], [ 12.3643227, 42.3827417 ], [ 12.3656758, 42.3819055 ], [ 12.3669922, 42.3810920 ], [ 12.3695301, 42.3778523 ], [ 12.3698674, 42.3773472 ], [ 12.3696442, 42.3770206 ], [ 12.3688528, 42.3767827 ], [ 12.3673327, 42.3764898 ], [ 12.3608452, 42.3758159 ], [ 12.3587201, 42.3756036 ], [ 12.3578147, 42.3757202 ], [ 12.3570716, 42.3761607 ], [ 12.3559502, 42.3736695 ], [ 12.3550494, 42.3716683 ], [ 12.3587809, 42.3613614 ], [ 12.3590034, 42.3611160 ], [ 12.3592632, 42.3608295 ], [ 12.3671358, 42.3590676 ], [ 12.3684895, 42.3591809 ], [ 12.3720118, 42.3601658 ], [ 12.3745929, 42.3608876 ], [ 12.3805653, 42.3608420 ], [ 12.3832486, 42.3573681 ], [ 12.3839365, 42.3564023 ], [ 12.3844087, 42.3556996 ], [ 12.3907607, 42.3522412 ], [ 12.3913954, 42.3518956 ], [ 12.3929058, 42.3522021 ], [ 12.4038048, 42.3538911 ], [ 12.4205449, 42.3555714 ], [ 12.4226913, 42.3557099 ], [ 12.4255723, 42.3539939 ], [ 12.4257226, 42.3533952 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 41979, version 6, osm:changeset=44129599, 2016-12-03T04:51:49Z)