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OSM location of Villa dei Quintili

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 17, 2023 09:54 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.5505748, 41.8305756 ], [ 12.5507412, 41.8306806 ], [ 12.5508818, 41.8305669 ], [ 12.5509050, 41.8306254 ], [ 12.5509623, 41.8306912 ], [ 12.5510620, 41.8307352 ], [ 12.5510804, 41.8307929 ], [ 12.5511114, 41.8308091 ], [ 12.5512007, 41.8308054 ], [ 12.5512659, 41.8307903 ], [ 12.5513399, 41.8307477 ], [ 12.5513857, 41.8308249 ], [ 12.5514301, 41.8308429 ], [ 12.5514938, 41.8308417 ], [ 12.5519678, 41.8304097 ], [ 12.5520080, 41.8304232 ], [ 12.5522659, 41.8302576 ], [ 12.5519135, 41.8300729 ], [ 12.5519449, 41.8300379 ], [ 12.5515925, 41.8298453 ], [ 12.5516108, 41.8297967 ], [ 12.5515690, 41.8297812 ], [ 12.5516260, 41.8296941 ], [ 12.5515701, 41.8296742 ], [ 12.5515973, 41.8296312 ], [ 12.5516178, 41.8296394 ], [ 12.5516435, 41.8296000 ], [ 12.5516276, 41.8295944 ], [ 12.5516496, 41.8295574 ], [ 12.5516707, 41.8295647 ], [ 12.5516945, 41.8295180 ], [ 12.5517396, 41.8295305 ], [ 12.5517668, 41.8294501 ], [ 12.5516377, 41.8294217 ], [ 12.5516094, 41.8294776 ], [ 12.5514707, 41.8294301 ], [ 12.5513465, 41.8296193 ], [ 12.5512136, 41.8295660 ], [ 12.5510525, 41.8297059 ], [ 12.5507533, 41.8295380 ], [ 12.5504449, 41.8298113 ], [ 12.5505768, 41.8299025 ], [ 12.5504697, 41.8300565 ], [ 12.5504365, 41.8301418 ], [ 12.5504411, 41.8302336 ], [ 12.5504919, 41.8304058 ], [ 12.5505768, 41.8304635 ], [ 12.5506395, 41.8305103 ], [ 12.5505748, 41.8305756 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)
  • Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 331242889, version 6, osm:changeset=134628863, 2023-04-07T18:45:01Z)