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OSM location of Barbury Castle

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Feb 04, 2019 11:46 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.

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fort, tower (deprecated)

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -1.7856408, 51.4840832 ], [ -1.7858864, 51.4840832 ], [ -1.7861690, 51.4840659 ], [ -1.7865814, 51.4840558 ], [ -1.7868154, 51.4840716 ], [ -1.7873622, 51.4841380 ], [ -1.7878626, 51.4842274 ], [ -1.7882426, 51.4843212 ], [ -1.7886109, 51.4844265 ], [ -1.7888171, 51.4845347 ], [ -1.7888820, 51.4846386 ], [ -1.7889330, 51.4847079 ], [ -1.7890002, 51.4847815 ], [ -1.7890419, 51.4848897 ], [ -1.7890581, 51.4849820 ], [ -1.7891493, 51.4853740 ], [ -1.7890849, 51.4855844 ], [ -1.7889075, 51.4857504 ], [ -1.7888612, 51.4857986 ], [ -1.7887754, 51.4858822 ], [ -1.7886017, 51.4859905 ], [ -1.7883630, 51.4860886 ], [ -1.7880989, 51.4861679 ], [ -1.7878927, 51.4862343 ], [ -1.7876634, 51.4863295 ], [ -1.7874873, 51.4864261 ], [ -1.7873390, 51.4864968 ], [ -1.7870911, 51.4865632 ], [ -1.7868009, 51.4865930 ], [ -1.7864766, 51.4866236 ], [ -1.7861945, 51.4866310 ], [ -1.7858099, 51.4866397 ], [ -1.7853280, 51.4865747 ], [ -1.7849782, 51.4864882 ], [ -1.7846445, 51.4863771 ], [ -1.7844824, 51.4863208 ], [ -1.7843943, 51.4862718 ], [ -1.7841209, 51.4860568 ], [ -1.7840213, 51.4859241 ], [ -1.7839495, 51.4857510 ], [ -1.7839032, 51.4855634 ], [ -1.7839032, 51.4854437 ], [ -1.7839495, 51.4851479 ], [ -1.7840815, 51.4849373 ], [ -1.7842182, 51.4847338 ], [ -1.7844569, 51.4845117 ], [ -1.7846515, 51.4843501 ], [ -1.7848183, 51.4842837 ], [ -1.7849550, 51.4842202 ], [ -1.7850963, 51.4841928 ], [ -1.7852168, 51.4841712 ], [ -1.7854160, 51.4841163 ], [ -1.7856408, 51.4840832 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Iron Age Britain (ca. 800 BC/BCE - ca. 100 AD/CE) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 506814615, version 2, osm:changeset=55975881, 2018-02-01T19:44:52Z)