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OSM location of Lago Lucrino

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Nov 28, 2024 11:53 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 14.0771561, 40.8283310 ], [ 14.0770338, 40.8287888 ], [ 14.0770097, 40.8289731 ], [ 14.0770146, 40.8290503 ], [ 14.0770626, 40.8291109 ], [ 14.0774575, 40.8292993 ], [ 14.0778523, 40.8291109 ], [ 14.0782643, 40.8290980 ], [ 14.0787621, 40.8292408 ], [ 14.0791312, 40.8294746 ], [ 14.0794230, 40.8298318 ], [ 14.0796805, 40.8299357 ], [ 14.0800324, 40.8299877 ], [ 14.0802298, 40.8299033 ], [ 14.0808821, 40.8302085 ], [ 14.0815083, 40.8302923 ], [ 14.0819453, 40.8302192 ], [ 14.0819453, 40.8301954 ], [ 14.0820325, 40.8301659 ], [ 14.0819874, 40.8300885 ], [ 14.0820902, 40.8300515 ], [ 14.0820553, 40.8300018 ], [ 14.0822018, 40.8299440 ], [ 14.0822370, 40.8299960 ], [ 14.0823289, 40.8299587 ], [ 14.0824037, 40.8300943 ], [ 14.0824870, 40.8300716 ], [ 14.0832689, 40.8298586 ], [ 14.0832656, 40.8298456 ], [ 14.0833842, 40.8298117 ], [ 14.0834113, 40.8296183 ], [ 14.0821267, 40.8290005 ], [ 14.0816203, 40.8287862 ], [ 14.0802009, 40.8285394 ], [ 14.0782214, 40.8280653 ], [ 14.0776662, 40.8281699 ], [ 14.0771561, 40.8283310 ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 22909374, version 16, osm:changeset=146668139, 2024-01-25T10:57:08Z)