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BAtlas Map Label Location

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: A.M. Small, I.E.M. Edlund Berry
Contributors: Ryan Horne, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott, Michael Heubel
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 11, 2022 09:16 AM History
Centerline/arc of label location used on the Barrington Atlas map for this feature

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map label location

{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 16.743725587624226, 40.9739274834198 ], [ 16.784414370824038, 40.9739274834198 ], [ 16.81725093270444, 40.9739274834198 ], [ 16.845804464774403, 40.9739274834198 ], [ 16.875785673447808, 40.97321364511811 ], [ 16.899342337405585, 40.97321364511811 ], [ 16.931465060984294, 40.97321364511811 ], [ 16.956449401545513, 40.97321364511811 ], [ 17.003562729460953, 40.97321364511811 ] ] ] }

Not applicable


AWMC BAtlas Data (1:500,000 scale)


  • Classical (Greco-Roman; 550 BC-330 BC) (less confident)
  • Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republic (330 BC-30 BC) (confident)
