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OSM location of Abbazia di San Clemente a Casauria

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 01, 2024 02:57 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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abbey (monastery)

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 13.9297981, 42.2353706 ], [ 13.9299992, 42.2347143 ], [ 13.9302186, 42.2347512 ], [ 13.9301923, 42.2348370 ], [ 13.9301039, 42.2348222 ], [ 13.9300228, 42.2350870 ], [ 13.9302904, 42.2351319 ], [ 13.9303103, 42.2350669 ], [ 13.9304153, 42.2350845 ], [ 13.9304019, 42.2351282 ], [ 13.9304605, 42.2351381 ], [ 13.9304402, 42.2352043 ], [ 13.9304497, 42.2352270 ], [ 13.9304440, 42.2352504 ], [ 13.9304199, 42.2352707 ], [ 13.9303971, 42.2353450 ], [ 13.9302656, 42.2353229 ], [ 13.9302705, 42.2353070 ], [ 13.9299409, 42.2352517 ], [ 13.9298993, 42.2353876 ], [ 13.9297981, 42.2353706 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • ninth century of the common era (confident)
  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 42021343, version 9, osm:changeset=99183416, 2021-02-12T15:12:34Z)