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Plan location of Block I12

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Anne Chen Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Feb 02, 2022 01:50 PM History

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city block

{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 40.73095476028967, 34.74466600026119 ], [ 40.730090850636394, 34.74431425342272 ], [ 40.72975811611281, 34.74417634706062 ], [ 40.729796660661364, 34.744106078364545 ], [ 40.73019490548596, 34.744060669545995 ], [ 40.73047258736508, 34.74400878486149 ], [ 40.73065795869331, 34.74394522286946 ], [ 40.73084438519672, 34.74393156426304 ], [ 40.73108867055726, 34.74390258965287 ], [ 40.73114881585562, 34.743883433189424 ], [ 40.73133593861843, 34.743860359504836 ], [ 40.73145176024654, 34.74385308133685 ], [ 40.73148615371891, 34.74386667018353 ], [ 40.731510286508055, 34.743887235745916 ], [ 40.73158310625985, 34.74391072152327 ], [ 40.73160194675166, 34.74409202247113 ], [ 40.73155901797831, 34.74409417526776 ], [ 40.73156320425147, 34.744115707644724 ], [ 40.731512900532465, 34.74412259214613 ], [ 40.73150178986289, 34.74412737698967 ], [ 40.731247016417456, 34.74414131180412 ], [ 40.73095476028967, 34.74466600026119 ] ] ] }



Dura-Europos Walls and Towers (Baird/Chen)


  • first century before the common era (confident)
  • First century of the common era (confident)
  • second century of the common era (confident)
