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You are here: Home Ancient Places Temple of "Artemis Epikrateia"

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Temple of "Artemis Epikrateia"

a Pleiades place resource

Creators: Brady Kiesling, Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 17, 2022 05:31 PM History
A classical/hellenistic temple located in the likely territory of Acarnanian Alyzeia. The temple site lies over 6km southeast from the ancient walled city (about a kilometer south of modern Paliovarka, Greece) at a site known in modern times as Drymonas Archontochoriou. It is perched on rising ground with a view westward to the channel and the island of Karnos (modern Kalamos). Inscriptions have been recovered from the site, and an unlooted portion of a votive deposit was scientifically excavated in the 1990s.

38.6623893884, 20.9968767532



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Brady Kiesling, and Tom Elliott, 'Temple of "Artemis Epikrateia": a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2022 <> [accessed: 26 July 2024]

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