Creators: Tom Elliott
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37.7061685895, 28.7230441372
- Representative Locations:
- OSM location of Church (AD 100 - AD 599) accuracy: +/- 20 meters.
- None
- Martyrion located at Aphrodisias (unspecified date range)
church, sanctuary (religious center)
- See Further:
- Related:
Boyer 1995 summarizes three possible scenarios for dating the monument (pages 31-39): "Imperial-Late Second Early Third Century AD," "Tetrarchic-Late Third Early Fourth Century AD," or "Late Antique-Fifth or Sixth Century AD." He expresses a hesitant preference for the early date. Most of the inscriptions from the structure were not published until 2004 or later (see now IAph 2007 "Locations: 7. Martyrion"), and these can be read to argue for one of the latter options. Most of these inscriptions are fragmentary, were found in clear conditions of reuse (some for construction of the building), and date (letter forms) to between the first and second or first-to-fourth centuries. According to C. Roueché (IAph 2007 7.16 and ALA 2004 VII.17), four recut column capitals inscribed with crosses are thought to have been re-used from one or more unidentified, earlier churches. Their installation in the martyrion probably does not predate the fifth or sixth century, given they were also inscribed with roughly datable monograms. They therefore provide a terminus post quem for at least a refurbishment or embellishment, if not the entire program, of the building.
Tom Elliott, and Jeffrey Becker, 'Martyrion: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2023 <> [accessed: 27 March 2025]
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