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OSM location of Tre'r Ceiri hillfort

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Dec 16, 2024 09:23 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -4.4243880, 52.9748701 ], [ -4.4240004, 52.9751872 ], [ -4.4238424, 52.9752171 ], [ -4.4237651, 52.9752492 ], [ -4.4234931, 52.9752950 ], [ -4.4231906, 52.9753955 ], [ -4.4230477, 52.9754214 ], [ -4.4229142, 52.9754169 ], [ -4.4227426, 52.9754072 ], [ -4.4226487, 52.9754331 ], [ -4.4224461, 52.9754526 ], [ -4.4224159, 52.9754452 ], [ -4.4223322, 52.9754379 ], [ -4.4222585, 52.9754069 ], [ -4.4221954, 52.9753701 ], [ -4.4221820, 52.9753071 ], [ -4.4222517, 52.9751747 ], [ -4.4223544, 52.9750844 ], [ -4.4224997, 52.9748551 ], [ -4.4225164, 52.9747471 ], [ -4.4225548, 52.9746917 ], [ -4.4226916, 52.9746223 ], [ -4.4228119, 52.9745797 ], [ -4.4228874, 52.9745157 ], [ -4.4229706, 52.9743687 ], [ -4.4230552, 52.9743839 ], [ -4.4233917, 52.9743865 ], [ -4.4235310, 52.9743547 ], [ -4.4236404, 52.9743183 ], [ -4.4237957, 52.9742323 ], [ -4.4239385, 52.9741799 ], [ -4.4240752, 52.9740004 ], [ -4.4243298, 52.9738694 ], [ -4.4245162, 52.9737236 ], [ -4.4246901, 52.9737124 ], [ -4.4251808, 52.9736413 ], [ -4.4255987, 52.9736753 ], [ -4.4256653, 52.9737124 ], [ -4.4256561, 52.9738169 ], [ -4.4256466, 52.9739255 ], [ -4.4253795, 52.9741126 ], [ -4.4251452, 52.9741915 ], [ -4.4250058, 52.9742714 ], [ -4.4248702, 52.9744380 ], [ -4.4246898, 52.9745867 ], [ -4.4246342, 52.9746325 ], [ -4.4244700, 52.9747910 ], [ -4.4243880, 52.9748701 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Iron Age Britain (ca. 800 BC/BCE - ca. 100 AD/CE) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 29007038, version 7, osm:changeset=123028668, 2022-06-30T06:11:59Z)